AAA Characteristics
AAA Characteristics
AAA Characteristics
Lecture 4: قسم الحاسب اآللي وتقنية المعلومات/ كلية التقنية بحائل
1 AAA Characteristics
2 Configure Local AAA Authentication
Server-Based AAA Characteristics & Protocols 3
Configure Server-Based Authentication 4
Configure Server-Based Authorization & 5
AAA Characteristics 1 قسم الحاسب اآللي وتقنية المعلومات/ الكلية التقنية بحائل
SSH is a more secure form of remote access. It requires both a username and a
password, both of which are encrypted during transmissions. The local database method
has some limitations. The user accounts must be configured locally on each device.
إن أبس ط طريق ة لمص ادقة الوص ول عن بع د هي تك وين تركيب ة تس جيل ال دخول وكلم ة الم رور على وح دة التحكم
. كما هو موضح في الشكل، aux ومنافذvty وخطوط
AAA Characteristics 1 قسم الحاسب اآللي وتقنية المعلومات/ الكلية التقنية بحائل
Network and administrative AAA security in the Cisco environment has three
functional components:
Authentication - Users and administrators must prove their identity before
accessing the network and network resources.
Authorization - After the user is authenticated, authorization services
determine which resources the user can access and which operations the
user is allowed to perform.
Accounting - Accounting records what the user does, including what is
accessed, the amount of time the resource is accessed, and any changes that
were made. Accounting keeps track of how network resources are used.
AAA Characteristics 1 قسم الحاسب اآللي وتقنية المعلومات/ الكلية التقنية بحائل
Cisco provides two common methods of implementing AAA services:
Local AAA Authentication -Local AAA uses a local database for
authentication. This method is sometimes known as self-
contained authentication. In this course, it will be referred to as
local AAA authentication.