MIS-Unit 5

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Securing Information System

System Vulnerability and Abuse
• When large amounts of data are stored in electronic
form, they are vulnerable to many more kinds of
threats than when they existed in manual form.
• Through communications networks, information
systems in different locations are interconnected.
The potential for unauthorized access, abuse, or
fraud is not limited to a single location but can
occur at any access point in the network.
• In the multi-tier client/server computing
environment, vulnerabilities exist at each layer and
in the communications between the layers.
Internet Vulnerabilities
• Large public networks, such as the Internet, are more
vulnerable than internal networks because they are virtually
open to anyone.
• Computers that are constantly connected to the Internet by
cable modems or digital subscriber line (DSL) lines are more
open to penetration by outsiders because they use fixed
Internet addresses where they
Click to add can be easily identified.
• Most Voice over IP (VoIP) traffic over the public Internet is not
encrypted, so anyone with a network can listen in on
• Vulnerability has also increased from widespread use of e-mail,
instant messaging (IM), and peer-to-peer file-sharing
• Employees may use e-mail messages to transmit valuable trade
secrets, financial data, or confidential customer information.
• Malicious software programs are referred to as
malware and include a variety of threats, such
as computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.
• A computer virus is a rogue software program
that attaches itself to other software programs
or data files in order to be executed, usually
without user knowledge or permission. It may
be highly destructive—destroying programs or
data, clogging computer memory, reformatting
a computer’s hard drive, or causing programs to
run improperly.
• Worms, are independent computer programs
that copy themselves from one computer to
other computers over a network. Unlike
viruses, worms can operate on their own
without attaching to other computer program
files and rely less on human behavior in order
to spread from computer to computer. This
explains why computer worms spread much
more rapidly than computer viruses. Worms
destroy data and programs as well as disrupt or
even halt the operation of computer networks.
• A Trojan horse or Trojan is a type of malware
that is often disguised as legitimate software.
• Trojans can be employed by cyber-thieves and
hackers trying to gain access to users' systems.
Users are typically tricked by some form of
social engineering into loading and executing
Trojans on their systems. Once activated,
Trojans can enable cyber-criminals to spy on
you, steal your sensitive data, and gain
backdoor access to your system.

• A hacker is an individual who intends to gain

unauthorized access to a computer system. Within
the hacking community, the term cracker is typically
used to denote a hacker with criminal intent,
although in the public press, the terms hacker and
cracker are used interchangeably. Hackers and
crackers gain unauthorized access by finding
weaknesses in the security protections employed
by Web sites and computer systems, often taking
advantage of various features of the Internet that
make it an open system and easy to use.
• Hackers attempting to hide their true identities
often spoof, or misrepresent, themselves by using
fake e-mail addresses or pretending as someone
else. Spoofing also may involve redirecting a Web
link to an address different from the intended one,
with the site pretending to be as the intended
destination. For example, if hackers redirect
customers to a fake Web site that looks almost
exactly like the true site, they can then collect and
process orders, effectively stealing business as well
as sensitive customer information from the true site.
• A sniffer is a type of eavesdropping program that
monitors information traveling over a network.
When used legitimately, sniffers help identify
potential network trouble spots or criminal activity
on networks, but when used for criminal purposes,
they can be damaging and very difficult to detect.
Sniffers enable hackers to steal proprietary
information from anywhere on a network,
including e-mail messages, company files, and
confidential reports.
Denial-of-Service Attacks
• In a denial-of-service (DoS) attack, hackers
flood a network server or Web server with
many thousands of false communications or
requests for services to crash the network.
The network receives so many queries that it
cannot keep up with them and is thus
unavailable to service legitimate requests.
• A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack
uses numerous computers to overwhelm the
network from numerous launch points.
Identity Theft
• Identity theft is a crime in which an imposter obtains key
pieces of personal information, such as social security
identification numbers, driver’s license numbers, or credit
card numbers.
• Phishing involves setting up fake Web sites or sending e-
mail or text messages that look like those of legitimate
businesses to ask users for confidential personal data.
• Phishing techniques called evil twins and pharming are
harder to detect. Evil twins are wireless networks that
pretend to offer trustworthy Wi-Fi connections to the
Internet, such as those in airport lounges, hotels, or coffee
shops. Pharming redirects users to a bogus Web page, even
when the individual types the correct Web page address
into his or her browser.
• We tend to think the security threats to a business
originate outside the organization. In fact, company
insiders pose serious security problems. Employees have
access to privileged information, and in the presence of
sloppy internal security procedures, they are often able to
roam throughout an organization’s systems without leaving
a trace.
• User lack of knowledge is the single greatest cause of
network security breaches. Many employees forget their
passwords to access computer systems or allow co-workers
to use them, which compromises the system. Malicious
intruders seeking system access sometimes trick
employees into revealing their passwords by pretending to
be legitimate members of the company in need of
information. This practice is called social engineering.
Establishing a framework for security and control
• Information System Controls:
– Information systems controls are both manual and
automated and consist of both general controls
and application controls.
– General controls govern the security, and use of
computer hardware, computer programs and the
security of data files in general throughout the
organization’s information technology
• It include software controls, physical hardware controls,
data security controls, operations controls,
implementation controls, administrative controls.
– Application controls are specific controls, unique to
each computerized application, such as payroll or
order processing. They include both automated and
manual procedures that ensure that only authorized
data are completely and accurately processed by that
application. Application controls can be classified as
(1) input controls, (2) processing controls, and (3)
output controls..
• Input controls check data for accuracy and
completeness when they enter the system.
There are specific input controls for input
authorization, data conversion, data editing,
and error handling.
• Processing controls establish that data are
complete and accurate during updating.
• Output controls ensure that the results of
computer processing are accurate, complete,
and properly distributed.
– Before your company commits resources to security and
information systems controls, it must know which assets
require protection and the extent to which these assets are
– A risk assessment determines the level of risk to the firm if a
specific activity or process is not properly controlled.
– Business managers working with information systems
specialists should try to determine the value of information
assets, points of vulnerability, the likely frequency of a
problem, and the potential for damage.
– For example, if an event is likely to occur no more than once
a year, with a maximum of a $1,000 loss to the organization,
it is not be wise to spend $20,000 on the design and
maintenance of a control to protect against that event.
However, if that same event could occur at least once a day,
with a potential loss of more than $300,000 a year, $100,000
spent on a control might be entirely appropriate.
– A security policy consists of statements ranking
information risks, identifying acceptable security goals,
and identifying the mechanisms for achieving these goals.
– An acceptable use policy (AUP) defines acceptable uses of
the firm’s information resources and computing
equipment, including desktop and laptop computers,
wireless devices, telephones, and the Internet. The policy
should clarify company policy regarding privacy, user
responsibility, and personal use of company equipment
and networks.
– Security policy also includes provisions for identity
management. Identity management consists of business
processes and software tools for identifying the valid users
of a system and controlling their access to system
– If you run a business, you need to plan for events, such as
power outages, floods, earthquakes, or terrorist attacks that
will prevent your information systems and your business
from operating.
– Disaster recovery planning devises plans for the restoration
of computing and communications services after they have
been disrupted. Disaster recovery plans focus primarily on
the technical issues involved in keeping systems up and
running, such as which files to back up and the maintenance
of backup computer systems.
– Business continuity planning focuses on how the company
can restore business operations after a disaster strikes. The
business continuity plan identifies critical business
processes and determines action plans for handling mission-
critical functions if systems go down.
• The Role of Auditing:
– How does management know that information
systems security and controls are effective? To answer
this question, organizations must conduct
comprehensive and systematic audits.
– An MIS audit examines the firm’s overall security
– The auditor should trace the flow of sample
transactions through the system and perform tests,
using, if appropriate, automated audit software.
– The audit lists and ranks all control weaknesses and
estimates the probability of their occurrence. It then
assesses the financial and organizational impact of
each threat.
Technologies and Tools for protecting
Information Resources
1. Identity Management and Authentication:
– Identity management automates the process of
keeping track of all the users and their system
privileges, assigning each user a unique digital
identity for accessing each system.
– To gain access to a system, a user must be
authorized and authenticated. Authentication is
often established by using passwords known only
to authorize users. An end user uses a password to
log on to a computer system and may also use
passwords for accessing specific systems and files.
– New authentication technologies, such as tokens, smart
cards, and biometric authentication are used for identity
– Tokens are small gadgets that typically fit on key rings
and display pass codes that change frequently.
– A smart card is a device about the size of a credit card
that contains a chip formatted with access permission
and other data. A reader device interprets the data on
the smart card and allows or denies access.
– Biometric authentication uses systems that read and
interpret individual human traits, such as fingerprints,
irises, and voices, in order to grant or deny access.
2. Firewalls:
– Firewalls prevent unauthorized users from accessing private
networks. A firewall is a system that controls the flow of
incoming and outgoing network traffic.
– It is generally placed between the organization’s private
internal networks and distrusted external networks, such as
the Internet, although firewalls can also be used to protect
one part of a company’s network from the rest of the network.
– The firewall acts like a gatekeeper who examines each user’s
credentials before access is granted to a network. The firewall
identifies names, IP addresses, applications, and other
characteristics of incoming traffic. It checks this information
against the access rules that have been programmed into the
system by the network administrator. The firewall prevents
unauthorized communication into and out of the network.
There are number of firewall screening technique
• Static packet filtering: A packet-filtering firewall examines
each packet against a set of rules. If the rules allow this type
of packet through, then it is passed through, otherwise it is
dropped or rejected depending on the specifications of the
rule. When you choose to drop a connection, the firewall
simply ignores the request to communicate.
• Stateful inspection: Stateful inspection, also known as
dynamic packet filtering, is a firewall technology that
monitors the state of active connections and uses this
information to determine which network packets to allow
through the firewall. By recording session information such
as IP addresses, a dynamic packet filter can implement a
much tighter security posture than a static packet filter can.
• Network Address Translation (NAT): NAT hides the IP address
of the organization’s internal host computer(s) to prevent
sniffer programs outside the firewall from ascertaining them
and using that information to penetrate internal systems.

• Application proxy filtering: An application proxy sits between

the protected network and the network you want to be
protected from. Every time an application makes a request, the
application proxy intercepts the request to the destination
system. The application proxy initiates its own request, as
opposed to actually passing the client's initial request. When
the destination server responds back to the application proxy,
the proxy responds back to the client as if it was the destination
server. This way the client and the destination server never
actually interact directly. This is the most secure type of firewall
because the entire packet, including its application portion, can
be completely inspected.
3. Intrusion detection systems:
– Intrusion detection systems feature full-time
monitoring tools placed at the most vulnerable points
or “hot spots” of corporate networks to detect and
deter intruders continually.
– The system generates an alarm if it finds a suspicious or
anomalous event. Scanning software looks for patterns
indicative of known methods of computer attacks, such
as bad passwords, checks to see if important files have
been removed or modified, and sends warnings of
vandalism or system administration errors.
– The intrusion detection tool can also be customized to
shut down a particularly sensitive part of a network if it
receives unauthorized traffic.
4. Antivirus and antispyware software:
– Defensive technology plans for both individuals
and businesses must include anti-malware
protection for every computer.
– Antivirus software prevents, detects, and removes
malware, including computer viruses, computer
worms, Trojan horses and spyware.
– However, most antivirus software is effective only
against malware already known when the
software was written. To remain effective, the
antivirus software must be continually updated
5. Unified threat management systems:
– To help businesses reduce costs and improve
manageability, security vendors have combined
various security tools, including firewalls, intrusion
detection systems, and Web content filtering and
antivirus software into a single appliance. These
comprehensive security management products are
called unified threat management (UTM) systems.
Leading UTM vendors include Crossbeam, Fortinent,
and Check Point, and networking vendors such as
Cisco Systems and Juniper Networks provide some
UTM capabilities in their equipment.
6. Controlling network traffic: Deep packet inspection:
– Bandwidth-consuming applications such as file-sharing
programs, Internet phone service, and online video are
able to clog and slow down corporate networks,
degrading performance.
– A technology called deep packet inspection (DPI) helps
solve this problem. DPI examines data files and sorts out
low-priority online material while assigning higher
priority to business-critical files. Based on the priorities
established by a network’s operators, it decides whether
a specific data packet can continue to its destination or
should be blocked or delayed while more important
traffic proceeds.
7. Encryption :
– Many businesses use encryption to protect digital
information that they store, transfer, or send over
the Internet.
– Encryption is the process of transforming plain
text or data into cipher text that cannot be read by
anyone other than the sender and the intended
receiver. Data are encrypted by using a secret
numerical code, called an encryption key that
transforms plain data into cipher text. The receiver
must decrypt the message.
• There are two alternative methods of encryption: 1.
symmetric (private) key encryption and
2. public (assymmetric) key encryption.
• In symmetric key encryption, the sender and receiver
establish a secure Internet session by creating a single
encryption key and sending it to the receiver so both
the sender and receiver share the same key.
• The problem with all symmetric encryption schemes
is that the key itself must be shared somehow among
the senders and receivers, which exposes the key to
outsiders who might just be able to intercept and
decrypt the key.
Here both sender and receiver use same key to encrypt and
decrypt message
• A more secure form of encryption called
public key encryption uses two keys: one
shared (or public) and one totally private. The
keys are mathematically related so that data
encrypted with one key can be decrypted
using only the other key.
• Anyone can use the encryption key (public
key) to encrypt a message. However,
decryption keys (private keys) are secret. This
way only the intended receiver can decrypt
the message.
Anyone can use the encryption key (public key) to encrypt a message. However,
decryption keys (private keys) are secret and it is kept by receiver to decrypt the
8. Digital Certificate: Digital certificate is a
digital form of identification, much like a
passport or driver's license, which allows a
person or an organization to exchange
information securely over the internet using the
public key infrastructure. A digital certificate is
issued by an authority, referred to as a
certification authority (CA) like Symantec,
GoDaddy, Digicert, Comodo etc.
Digital Certificate

You won't actually see the entire digital certificate as you connect to a
site. However, you'll easily know it's there. Websites protected by
certificate usually display a lock icon followed by "https" on the leftmost
part of that site's URL when viewed on your browser's URL bar. To view
the contents of the certificate, just click on the lock icon.
How to get Digital Certificate
• To get a certificate, you must
create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on your
server. This process creates a private key and public
key on your server.
• The CSR data file that you send to the Certificate
Authority or CA contains the public key. The CA
uses the CSR data file to create a data structure to
match your private key without compromising the
key itself. The CA never sees the private key.
• Once you receive the digital certificate, you install it
on your server.
What is CSR
• A CSR is an encoded file that provides you
with a standardized way to send your public
key as well as some information to CA that
identifies your company and domain name.
• When you generate a CSR, most server
software asks for the following information:
common name (e.g., www.example.com),
organization name and location (country,
state/province, city/town), key type (typically
RSA), and key size (2048-bit minimum).
• The most important part of an SSL
certificate is that it is digitally signed by a
trusted CA, like DigiCert.
• Since the browser trusts the CA, the
browser now trusts that organization’s
identity too. The browser lets the user know
that the website is secure, and the user can
feel safe browsing the site and even
entering their confidential information.
Digital certificate request process
9. Kerberos
• Kerberos is a system for authenticating users and services
on a network. It is built upon the assumption that the
network is “unsafe”. For example, data sent over the
network can be eavesdropped and altered, and addresses
can also be faked. Therefore, Kerberos is a trusted third-
party service which works on the basis of tickets which
allow nodes to communicate over a non-secure network
to prove their identity to one another in a secure way.
This means that there is a third party (the kerberos
server) that is trusted by all the entities on the network
where users and services can authenticate each other.
• It is a client-server model and uses symmetric key
model for encryption and decryption processes.
Kerberos requires trusted third part i.e. key
distribution center (kdc). KDC has two different
processes, one is Authentication server (AS) and
another is Ticket Granting server (TGS). KDC
contains a database of secret keys. For e.g. Let us
suppose one user is there i.e. A and he want to
communicate with B. Now in-order to communicate
with B securely, A will contact with KDC. After the
authentication is completed the KDC will grant
session key to A. Now A will use this session key to
encrypt the transmission and send it to B securely.
• In third-party authentication systems, the password or encryption key itself
never travels over the network. Rather, an authentication server maintains a
database of keys about each registered user. As shown in the figure below,
User A wants to gain access to N/W Services. For this User want service
ticket or session key from key distribution center (KDC).The user requests
for service ticket from the authentication server (AS). The request is
encrypted by user password shared between user and Authentication
Server. After request is made by the user, Authentication Server transmits
Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT), encrypted with the key shared between
Authentication Server and Ticket Granting Server. After this, again TGT is
send by the user to the Ticket Granting Server by requesting service ticket.
Then, Ticket Granting Server (TGS) grant user with the service ticket,
encrypted with key shared between TGS and Network service (the service
user want to access). Now the user sends their service ticket or session key
to the N/W services and then client/server session is initiated.
How Kerberos Work?

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