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College of Architecture and Planning

Department of Building Engineering

Research Proposal

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course

Senior Project Report – BSTC 531



Mohammed S. Almadani
ID: 2200003437

Dr. Altayeb Qasem

Problem Statement

Lean construction has been demonstrated to be very advantageous to enhancing the performance of construction

projects and organization in the construction industry in many countries. Lean construction assists in delivering

projects on time and within the budget, while it also helps to make informed at all levels of the project delivery.

However, despite the benefits of lean construction, the existing frameworks for implementing the concept for

residential projects are not applicable in the KSA construction industry. They are developed for use in other

countries, they are inapplicable in the KSA construction due to differences in socio-cultural and operational contexts.

Meanwhile, cognizance of cultural and geographical differences is very important in the implementation of lean

strategies. Owing to the lack of an applicable framework in residential projects, lean construction is in its infancy in

the KSA construction industry, and many industry operators lack the knowledge and awareness, as well as the

required commitment to implement lean construction. Furthermore, there is a wide research gap in the development

of a framework for accelerating lean construction for residential projects in the KSA construction industry owing to

the dearth of research .


The main goal of this study is to Develop Substantiable framework for lean construction in residential projects in

Saudi Arabia.


1. To explore the stages of waste and barriers of construction residential projects in Saudi Arabia.

2. To investigate the status of lean management application in the KSA construction industry.

3. To identify the critical success factors (CSFs) of lean construction implementation in the KSA construction industry.

4. To develop a framework for implementing lean construction in the KSA .

Scope and Limitation

This research will explore developing a framework for implementing lean construction only (Residential buildings) in eastern
province in Saudi Arabia In addition, it will focuses on waste generated before, during construction and the lean methods were
used and its success factors to study this comprehensive inputs to determine the used construction operators in the KSA
residential construction industry.
A Framework for Effective Implementation of Lean
Production in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Author: Thakur 2016

Objective(what they did)

The proposed framework presents many significant contributions: First, it provides an
overcoming for the limitations of the existing frameworks by proposing for
consultants,researchers and organizations an effective framework for lean implementation in

Methodology (how they did)

researchers have adopted this methodology to design lean implementation models for different context Depending on the
research perspectives and the availability of data with conducting a survey.

Results (what they found)

the research findings many advanced enhancement approaches including lean implementation and then enjoy
advantages resulted by implementation of these approaches and Customers satisfaction are increasing dramatically
at about 10% per year, actual delivery times are three times more than times expected,
A framework for organizational change management in lean Construction implementation
Author:Johansen Walt 2012

Objective(what they did)

Johansen Walt research categorized waste into two categories: material-related waste (over-
ordering, over-production, mishandling, bad storage, manufacturing faults, and theft and
vandalism), and (non-material-related waste). Second, time waste, such as waiting, stoppages,
clarifications, information variations, rework, errors, and contact between multiple specialists.

Methodology (how they did)

After inspections he did a postal survey surveys and in-depth

interviews. As part of the survey, 237 public construction sites
across 27 provinces received a standardized questionnaire.

Results (what they found)

Descriptive statistics were used to present more than 100 variables related to the current
project state, such as residential building characteristics, trash generation per day, waste
stages, and compliance with pertinent legislation. generation of construction waste
production ranges from 0.01 to 1.60 ton per day on average.
Creation of an UK Construction Industry's Lean Construction Framework
Author: tomas neet2004

Objective(what they did)

to improve financial performance, provide a better product and service to customers, and
address a skills shortage. CLIP is active across the building supply chain, from raw material
processors to clients.

Methodology (how they did)

develop a framework for implementing lean construction in

construction industry by using interpretive structural modelling
(ISM)And compared the results.

Results (what they found)

CLIP has developed a series of programs, specific to the demands of the construction
industry but based on a successful Common Approach used throughout the UK industry, that
enable companies to make significant and demonstrable improvements to Quality, Cost, and
Delivery performance, as well as to strengthen customer partnerships 17% in the first year.
A Socio-Technical Framework for Lean Project Management
Implementation towards Sustainable Value projects
Author, Renan Silva Santos2013

Objective(what they did)

researchers must look at Lean project management (LPM) soft skills as a new mindset to have a
holistic view of customer needs and to improve value to the organization. In the digital
transformation era, it is essential that Lean practitioners develop socio-technical thinking while
also prioritizing interpersonal soft skills

Methodology (how they did)

The survey instrument was divided into two main sections: information about the respondent, and the value of CSSs in
implementing the LPM. The profile of each respondent and their experience is detailed in the first section; considered a
valid sample of respondents who have already been involved with projects in their organizations. The second section
focuses on evaluating whether the implementation of each variable, based on the literature, can really bring benefits
Results (what they found)
The purpose of this paper was to present critical soft skills for LPM implementation and highlight the sustainable
value they can generate for organizations in the age of digital transformation. The two latent factors were identified
and structured in a socio-technical framework that to transform traditional project management into a Lean approach
by eliminating waste, managing change initiatives, developing communication, knowledge, quality and generation
of construction waste production ranges from 0.5 to 1.57 ton per day on average
Implementation of framework for change management in lean Construction in china
Author: Patrick C. Flood 2014

Objective(what they did)

This study aims to evaluate the approaches and techniques used in lean construction, disposal
procedures, site collection and division, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
at sites in China for the treatment and recycling processes in china.

Methodology (how they did)

When it comes to Thakur, He conducted a survey to find out what

topics were popular in the journals published on China's lean
management literature.

Results (what they found)

the research findings have filled a knowledge gap and served as a standard for further investigation into this
important area. Through an analysis of the xia lee residential project and several national and international journals,
The results These findings served as the basis for the framework's proposal lean thinking concepts to boost their
annual turnover by 20% in 18 months with the same number of employees
A management framework for understanding change in a lean environment

Author: L. Marella 2010


Objective(what they did)

The purpose of this research is to assess the methods and strategies employed in lean
construction, disposal protocols, site collection and division, and adherence to legal
and regulatory requirements at Chinese sites for the recycling and treatment

Methodology (how they did)

For the investigation, the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) application
was used. replies. Additionally, the study employed the chi-square non-parametric
test to determine the variables' normal distributional effect.

Results (what they found)

the research findings have filled a knowledge gap and served as a standard for further investigation
into this important area. Insufficient training on lean thinking, lack of management involvement, lack
of vision and long term strategy, and Simultaneous implementation of lean tools on too many
Development of a Conceptual Framework of Lean
Construction Principles: An Input-Output Model
Author:Anas shafi 2019

Objective(what they did)

to solve a skills deficit, enhance customer service and product quality, and boost financial
performance. is involved in the entire building supply chain, from clients to raw material

Methodology (how they did)

create a framework employing interpretive structural modeling (ISM)

to apply lean construction in the construction industry, then compare
the outcomes.

Results (what they found)

Building on a successful Common Approach that is implemented across the brazil
construction industry, has created a number of programs like QMS that are tailored to the
needs of the construction industry and help businesses improve Quality, Cost, and Delivery
performance while fortifying their relationships with customers.
Lean techniques impact evaluation methodology based on
simulation framework for construction projects.
Author: JalalPossik 2014

Objective(what they did)

This research study contributes to the comparison of different LT impacts in various contexts
based on simulation. Many manufacturing companies use Lean tools inefficiently, considering
that Lean brings benefits despite the nature of implemented tools

Methodology (how they did)

Depending on the goals of the research and the data that can be
obtained through surveying people.

Results (what they found)

As for 5S, by reducing the defect rate and improving the processing time of machines, 5S contributed to decreasing
the WIP value. When the market demand decreases by 15%, all tools’ results are similar, and no interesting
outcomes can be determined
lean Construction implementation and framework in France companies
Author:Arkansas tom2008

Objective(what they did)

The purpose of this study is to assess the procedures and methods employed in the treatment and
recycling processes with lean construction, disposal practices, site collection and segregation,
and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements at sites in France.

Methodology (how they did)

The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) program was utilized for the
investigation. responses. In addition, for the normal distributional effect of the
variables, the study used the chi-square non-parametric test

Results (what they found)

findings revealed that, contrary to expectations, most facilities' management methods do not
fully comply with mandated norms. To adopt a safe and reliable waste management plan, it
is advised that the essential players (government and waste managers) form a long-term
A new Lean Six Sigma framework for improving competitiveness
Author: Moacir Godinho 2017

Objective(what they did)

Construction companies strive for ever-increasing competitiveness through productivity and
quality. is goal can be achieved through the implementation of lean Construction and six sigma
methodologies. Lean manufacturing adds value by reducing waste, while six sigma eliminates
variability. In this context

Methodology (how they did)

Depending on the goals of the research they did a questionnaire for

the companies.

Results (what they found)

This study proposed and implemented a Lean Six Sigma framework. the main findings of the case highlight the
gains in productivity and quality, the reduction of direct workforce in unhealthy area, the automation of the load-
unloading providing a better quality of life and safety to the employees of the work cell.

Due to differences in socio-cultural and operational circumstances, existing frameworks designed for

speeding lean construction in other countries are less suitable to the KSA building industry. As a result, lean

construction is not commonly used in the building industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The following

knowledge gaps were discovered throughout the literature review.

1. There is limited research on lean construction in the KSA construction residential projects industry .

2. There is no framework for implementing lean construction that reflects the socio-cultural and operational

context in the KSA construction industry.

3. The specific barriers and CSFs for implementing lean construction in the KSA construction industry are

yet to be determined.

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