Lesson 6. Welding Symbols

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Like other aspects of drafting, there’s a set of symbols
for welding to simplify the message between designer
and builder (i.e. the welder). This language may seem a
little strange at first, so it's best to learn it one symbol at
a time.
For example, check out the horizontal stick figures below:

These figures represent the core structure of every drafting

specification for a weld to be performed. The welding symbol has an
arrow, which points to the location on the drawing where a weld is
The arrow is attached to a leader line that intersects with a
horizontal reference line. Finally, there is a tail at the opposite
end of the reference line that forks off in two directions. The tail
is optional and needed only for special instructions. The totality
of each figure is called the bent-arrow welding symbol.
Dangling from the middle of the reference line, there is are
two parallel lines that identify the type of weld that should be
performed on the metal. This is called the weld symbol (not to
be confused with the overall welding symbol ). The three weld
symbols you see in the previous drawings represent a square,
fillet and v-groove weld, respectively.
The weld symbol may also be placed above the reference
line, rather than below it. When the weld symbol hangs
below the reference line, it indicates that the weld must be
performed on the "arrow side" of the joint which is directly
observed (near side).
Now, if the weld symbol appears on top of the reference line,
then the weld should be made on the opposite side or far side of
the joint where the arrow points. Here is how that will look
For example, In the drawing below a fillet weld is specified on the
arrow side (left). You can see the actual weld (right).
If the weld symbol appears on both sides of the reference line, as
shown below, it specifies that a weld must be performed on both
sides of the joint.
Numerous weld symbols have been devised to represent all the
different weld types used in the trade, as well as any joints that must
be cut or beveled during fit-up. Here are the most common ones to
Needless to say, numbers are also a big part of a welding
specification. The width, depth, root opening and length of a weld,
as well as the angle of any beveling required on the base metal
before welding can all be communicated concisely above or below
the reference line.
In most cases, the weld width (or diameter) is located to the left
of the weld symbol (expressed here in inches), while its length is
written to the right . The weld's width is the distance from one
leg of the weld to the other.)
Often, no length is indicated, which means the weld should be
laid down from the beginning to the end of the joint, or where
there's an abrupt change in the joint on the base metal.

Dimensions written below the reference line apply to the joint on

the arrow side, while dimensions written above apply to the joint
on the other side.
In this image, welds are indicated for both sides of the joint.
Notice that the weld symbols on either side of the reference line
above are offset, rather than mirroring each other. This means the
welds should be located at staggered spots on either side of the joint,
as shown in the drawing below.
Sometimes, a series of separate welds is specified, rather than a
single long weld. This is common when thin or heat-sensitive
metals are welded on, or where the joint is a really long one. In the
following symbol and drawing, 3-inch intermittent fillet welds are
A weld symbol may also specify an angle, root opening or root
face dimension. This is common when the base metal to be
welded on is thicker than 1/4 inch. The following example is a
symbol and drawing calling for a V-groove joint:
Here, the groove weld has dimensions written inside the symbol.
The first is 1/8 , which pertains to a root opening of 1/8 inch. The
larger number below it signifies 45 degrees, which represents the
included angle between the plates. "Included" means the sum of
the angles beveled on each side. So in this example the bevel
made on each plate is 22.5 degrees, which equals 45 degrees.
Other Symbols and Multiple Reference Lines Moving to another part
of the overall welding symbol, at the intersection of the reference
line and the leader line, two other symbols may be inserted, as
shown below:
A flagpole indicates a field weld, which simply tells the welder to
perform the work on site, rather than in the shop. The weld all-
around circle, located at the same juncture, means the same thing.
While this symbol is often used in pipe and tubing, a non-circular
structural component (as shown below) may likewise need welding on
all sides.
Optional Tail = Special Instructions The forked tail of the welding
symbol is used to convey details that are not part of the normal
parameters declared on the reference line. For instance, the
engineer or designer might want the welder to use stick welding (i.e.
SMAW – shielded metal arc welding), or another welding process, or
there may be other information to convey.
Of course, when no special instructions are needed, the tail is
omitted from the welding symbol, leaving just the reference line,
arrow and leader line.
Symbols for Welds In making detailed drawings of welded
connections of structural elements, standard symbols are used.
This set of markings is referred to as the bent-arrow weld
In addition to the type of weld, other information to be conveyed
includes size, location, finishes, etc. Take note however, that these
items must read in that order from left to right along the
horizontal reference line; neither line orientation nor location of
the pointing arrow alter this rule.
Other things that should be observed include the location of the
vertical line of the weld symbols to be always at left. For any basic
weld symbol indicated below the reference line, this means that
such weld is located on the near or visible side;
;if it is indicated above the line, the weld is found on the far or
opposite side; if the symbol is indicated above as well as below
the reference line, this means that the weld is applied on both
After the basics, many other particulars are also conveyed on
shop drawings and blueprints. Among the most common are:
• Finish and contour instructions
• Countersink and chamfer specs
• Grinding or other machining
• Spot or plug weld instructions
Shown here is the standard chart used to communicate
information with a welding symbol. You may need to refer to it
when there are lots of dimensions listed or uncommon
specifications to sort out.
Sample Illustrations In the drawings as shown a fillet weld is
specified with its position, size and length at the left. The actual
location of the weld are at the right. All the numbers in the bent
arrows are in inches. These are the following symbol worded
• ½-inch fillet field weld, 4 inches long, near side.
• ½-inch fillet field weld, 4 inches long, far side.
• ½-inch fillet field weld, 4 inches long, both sides.

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