12-Lead EKG (EMT Presentation)
12-Lead EKG (EMT Presentation)
12-Lead EKG (EMT Presentation)
Lead I
Auxillary (Heterotopic or ‘Piggyback’) Heart
Negative P’s
deep Q-waves
Junctional Tachycardia
Idioventricular Rhythm
Wandering Pacemaker
Normal Sinus Rhythm
Sinus Arrhythmia
Sinus Tachycardia
Atrial Flutter
Ventricular Tachycardia
Accelerated Junctional Rhythm
Supraventricular Tachycardia
Atrial Fibrillation (again)
Torsade de Pointes
Sinus Rhythm with Artifact
1. Inferior leads
Assessing the EKG
Atrial Rhythm?
Lead II
Assessing the EKG Rate
If you use the rhythm
strip portion of the
12-lead ECG the total
length of it is always
10 seconds long. So
you can count the
number of R waves in
the rhythm strip and
multiply by 6 to
determine the beats
per minute.
14 (R waves) x 6 = 84 bpm
Assessing the Axis
Axis refers to the mean QRS axis (or vector) during ventricular
depolarization. As you recall when the ventricles depolarize (in a normal
heart) the direction of current flows leftward and downward because most
of the ventricular mass is in the left ventricle. We like to know the QRS axis
because an abnormal axis can suggest disease such as pulmonary
hypertension from a pulmonary embolism.
Assessing the Axis
The QRS axis is determined by overlying a circle, in the frontal plane.
By convention, the degrees of the circle are as shown.
180o 0o
Assessing the Axis
Normal, Right or Left Axis?
Normal, Right or Left Axis?
Normal, Right or Left Axis?
Extreme Right
Normal, Right or Left Axis?
Assessing the Axis
The QRS is
positive in I and
negative in aVF.
Take a Break
Why Q-waves Form
• Region of myocardium dies becomes….
– Electrically silent.
• As a result of this, the rest of the electrical
forces are directed away from this area of
• Electrode overlying this area will record a
deep negative deflection – Q-wave.
Q wave = Necrosis (significant Q’s only)
• Significant Q wave is one millimeter (one small square)
wide, which is .04 sec. in duration…
• … or is a Q wave 1/3 the amplitude (or more) of the QRS
• Note those leads (omit AVR) where significant Q’s are
* A Q wave in lead III alone is not diagnostic of
infarction, even if it is otherwise “significant” in size and
width. Qs in III are ignored unless other abnormalities are
seen b/c they usually represent…..
• Old infarcts: significant Q waves (like infarct damage)
remain for a lifetime.
Normal vs. Abnormal Q-waves
EKG showing normal Qs in I,
AVL, V5 and V6
Q waves of old infarction in II, III,
and AVF
Q Wave Summary
• Infarction
Vasospastic angina
Early repolarization
Is this ST Elevation?
ST Depression Significance
• ST segment depression is considered
significant if the ST segment is at least two
boxes below baseline.
• With infarction, the location of the ischemia
is reflected in the leads in which the ST
depression occurs.
Common Causes of ST Segment Depression
• Ischemia
• "Strain" in LVH
• Digitalis effect
• Bundle branch block
• Hypokalemia/Hypomagnesemia
• Reciprocal ST elevation
• Any combination of the above
• The specific cause of ST segment depression in a given tracing
may be suggested by the appearance of the ST segment and T
wave itself. For example, “strain" (for LVH) is suggested by
asymmetric ST depression in lateral leads, especially if
voltage criteria are met.
• "RV strain" is suggested if the tracing depicted in the figure is
seen in right-sided leads in a patient with RVH.
• Ischemia is suggested by symmetric T wave inversion,
especially when seen in two or more leads of a group (i.e., in
II, III, and aVF).
Digoxin Toxicity
• Digoxin ("Dig effect") may produce either ST
"scooping" or a "strain"-like pattern or no change
at all.
• Can be seen in levels greater than 2.5mg/ml
Dig Toxicity
ST Segment
A = Normal ST segment
B = Junctional ST segment depression (frequently a normal variant -
C = Upward-sloping ST segment depression
D = ST segment elevation suggestive of coronary vasospasm or AMI
injury pattern
E = Flattening of the ST segment with a sharp-angled ST-T wave junction
suggesting ischemia
F = Depression of the ST segment with U wave inversion
G = Sagging ST segment depression
H = Downward-sloping ST segment depression
What is your Dx?
If you think this is Ischemia or Dig
Pulmonary disease (i.e., COPD, chronic asthma)
Anterior or anteroseptal infarction
Conduction defects (i.e., LBBB, LAHB)
Chest wall deformity
Normal variant
Lead misplacement
Good R-Wave Progression
Poor R-wave Progression
Just felt like throwing this in here
Not depressed
Way depressed
Anterior MI
Anterior Wall MI
Lateral MI
Lateral Wall MI
Inferior Infarct
Inferior Wall MI
Posterior Infarct
Posterior Wall MI
• When the criteria for BBB are partially met (e.g. < 0.12
sec), this is termed “incomplete bundle branch block”
Bundle Branch Block
• Widened QRS
• RR’ configuration
in chest leads
Risk factors and causes of BBB
• Degenerative effects of aging
• Hypertension
• Past heart attack that damaged the heart muscle
• Past viral infection
• Valvular heart disease, particularly calcific aortic stenosis
• One of several heart or lung conditions that could have
affected the ventricles (e.g., heart failure or chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease)
• Congenital condition
• Past injury to the chest
Right bundle branch block
• When the right bundle branch is blocked, activation of the
right ventricle begins when electrical activity “spills over”
from the left ventricle. Depolarization of the right ventricle is
• The QRS is prolonged (over 0.10 sec) in right bundle branch
block (RBBB). This extra length of the QRS is caused by late
activation of the right ventricle, which is then seen after the
left ventricle activity. Normally, right ventricle activity is not
seen, as it is overshadowed by the larger left ventricle.
• In RBBB, a typical RsR’ wave occurs in lead V1. Also, a wide
S wave is seen in leads I, V5, and V6, along with a broad R in
lead R. When RBBB occurs in a patient with old or new septal
infarction, the initial septal R wave may not be seen in lead
V1. Instead, a wide QR complex is seen.
Right Bundle Branch Block
Look for RR’ in leads V1 or V2
Left Bundle Branch Block
• LBBB usually indicates widespread cardiac disease. When
the left bundle is blocked, activation of the left ventricle
proceeds through the muscle tissue, resulting in a wide
(>.12 msec) QRS complex.
• In left bundle branch blockage (LBBB), the QRS usually
has the same general shape as the normal QRS, but is
much wider and may be notched or deformed. Voltage
(height of the QRS complex) may be higher.
• In LBBB, look for wide (possibly notched) R waves in I,
L, or V5-V6, or deep broad S waves in V1-V3. There is
left axis deviation. “Septal Q waves” sometimes seen in I,
L, and V5-V6 disappear in LBBB.
• T waves in LBBB are usually oriented opposite the largest
QRS deflection. That is, where large R waves are seen, T
waves will be inverted. ST segment depression may occur.
Left Bundle Branch Block
Q1, S3, So…..
LAHB + RBBB = Bifascicular Block
Right Atrial Enlargement
• Right atrial enlargement (RAE) is
diagnosed by the presence of a P wave
2.5 millimeters or greater in height. The P
wave often has a sharp, peaked
appearance. This increased voltage is
caused by hypertrophy or acute strain of
right atrial tissue.
• The lead most likely to show the right
atrial enlargement is lead II.
• Causes of right atrial enlargement include
COPD, mitral stenosis, mitral
regurgitation, or pulmonary emboli.
Because RAE is so frequently seen in
chronic pulmonary disease, the peaked P
wave is often called “P pulmonale.”
P-Pulmonale Pattern
• Diagnosed by finding an m-shaped (notched) and widened P wave ( > 0.12 second) in a "mitral"
leads (I, II, aVL) and/or a deep negative component to the P in lead V1.
• Caused by conditions that increase either pressure or volume loading on the atria leading to
enlargement and/or hypertrophy.
– Longstanding hypertension
– Obstructive cardiomyopathy
– Aortic stenosis
– Aortic regurgitation
pacemakers send electrical
impulses to one or more
chambers of the heart. These
signals make the heart
contract in a more regular
rhythm than the chamber
would otherwise. Pacemakers
are designed to treat cardiac
conditions that involve
What does a Pacemaker look like?
chambers chambers modes of programmable
paced sensed response functions
1 2 3 4
P = Simple
O = None O = None O = None D = Dual (P & S)
Ischemia across the entire anterior and lateral wall (T wave inversions in V2-V6, I
and aVL). Also note, the injury pattern in V2-3 of ST elevation, the prominent Q
waves in V2 and V3 show that some of the myocardium has also reached the
infarct stage.
Practice EKG 3
If you forget
what I taught