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AGI Denim -01

ETP & Recycling Plant

ETP Plant & Recycle Water %
1. Recycle water %
A. To increase Recycle Water % from 45%-50% to 55%-60%

2. ETP Plant AUDIT NC’s

A. Higher TSS , COD Values against Design Parameters

B. Higher SV Values / Sludge/Fluff In Aeration Tank

ETP Plant & Recycle Water %
1. Recycle water %
A. To increase Recycle Water % from 45%-50% to 55%-60%
Note:- New RO, UF & new Pumps Proposal Tentative Cost Rs.85 million

2. ETP Plant AUDIT NC’s

A. Higher TSS , COD Values against Design Parameters

B. Higher SV Values / Sludge/Fluff In Aeration Tank

Note: MBBR System, Rotary Screens & SST Pumps Tentative Cost Rs.160 million plus
additional Operational Cost.

TOTAL Proposal Cost Rs.245million

Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons %
18-Jul-23 679,258 566,445 540,025 527,872 371,201 55%

19-Jul-23 669,483 550,328 514,661 485,335 345,309 52%

20-Jul-23 667,105 527,343 517,039 507,264 366,181 55%

21-Jul-23 666,312 550,329 532,363 490,884 349,272 52%

22-Jul-23 661,293 523,379 504,621 509,641 365,388 55%

23-Jul-23 350,858 115,454 112,548 95,376 67,800 19%

24-Jul-23 634,080 480,579 513,340 505,999 360,897 57%

3rd Week 618,341 473,408 462,085 446,053 318,007 51%

25-Jul-23 677,409 438,043 495,638 492,733 340,818 50%

26-Jul-23 703,036 513,868 511,754 487,713 343,988 49%

27-Jul-23 727,078 469,483 510,434 503,301 361,426 50%

28-Jul-23 708,056 304,094 325,759 336,062 239,365 34%

29-Jul-23 82,430 0 0 0 0 0%

30-Jul-23 640,157 434,081 399,999 362,218 260,501 41%

31-Jul-23 701,451 429,325 379,127 391,170 277,410 40%

4th Week 605,660 369,842 374,673 367,600 260,501 43%

DATE Recycle %
Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons
1-Aug-23 688,241 253,102 248,347 226,683 160,633 23%
2-Aug-23 723,908 402,111 365,916 343,195 236,987 33%
3-Aug-23 749,271 377,541 386,001 359,312 257,595 34%
4-Aug-23 740,553 496,696 480,051 456,802 336,327 45%
5-Aug-23 764,066 500,130 503,564 485,335 341,346 45%
6-Aug-23 467,370 309,906 327,871 242,535 167,238 36%
1st Week 688,902 389,914 385,292 352,310 250,021 36%
ETP Plant & Recycle Water %
1. Recycle water %
A. To increase Recycle Water % from 45%-50% to 55%-60%
Note:- New RO, UF & new Pumps Proposal Tentative Cost Rs.85 million

2. ETP Plant AUDIT NC’s

A. Higher TSS , COD Values against Design Parameters

B. Higher SV Values / Sludge/Fluff In Aeration Tank

Note: MBBR System, Rotary Screens & SST Pumps Tentative Cost Rs.160 million plus
additional Operational Cost.

TOTAL Proposal Cost Rs.245million

ETP Plant & Recycle Water %
1. Recycle water %
A. Recycling Plant Operational issues

B. UF Efficiency can be increased 20% by changing old (overage) Membranes of one SKID

C. UF Efficiency loss can be saved after changing COT Feed Pumps

D. 130,000 gallons/day Capacity RO can be used from production RO.

2. ETP Plant AUDIT NC’s

E. SST Tank Pumps

F. Rotary Screen Filters

G. Sulphur Recovery Plant

Note: Tentative Cost 40millions plus new Sulphur Recovery Plant

Water Conservation Concept
Water Supply

Production & Utility


ETP Plant

Recover/Reuse Water

Recycling Plant

Recycle Water

Fresh Water Drain Water

Year 2018 Year 2021-22 Year 2022-23
Period Jan-18 to -Dec-18 Sep-21 to Feb-22 Mar-22 to Feb-23
Fabric Production 22,241,063 16,215,408 20,302,569

Fresh Water
Ground Water (After RO) 799,676 281,368 362,190
KWSB 20,225 125 555
External Spi nni gn Uni t-H Pl ant 0 0 21,589
Sub-Total-1 819,901 281,493 384,334
Recycle Water
ETP Recycl e Water 0 154,745 336,387
Proces s Recover Water 47,079 10,798 74,925
Others 0 0 0
Sub-Total-2 47,079 165,543 411,312

Total Available Water 866,980 447,036 795,646

Domes tic Us e 37,771 39,006 25,322
Fi ber Dyei ng 0 0 70,352
Other Spi nni ng 0 0 4,038
Power Pl ant (Generation) 0 0 41,063
37,771 39,006 140,775

Total Industrial Water 829,209 408,030 654,871

Industrial Water Use Distribution

Manufacturi ng Proces s es 572,680 335,633 482,479
Humi dfi cation Pl ant 124,165 3,226 21,825
Spi nni ng H Pl ant 0 0 21,589
Cool i ng Tower/Chi l l er 41,066 9,486 25,772
Boi l er (For Proces s Steam) Fres h Water 40,004 25,451 48,723
Boi l er (For Proces s Steam) Condens ate 0 0 44,200
Power Pl ant & WHRB 51,294 34,234 0
ETP Water 0 0 10,284
Total Water use 829,209 408,030 654,872
From Al l Indus tri al & Non Ind Us es 643,747 392,507 691,679
RO Rej ect of Ground Water 286789 111679 170,908
Toal INPUT 930,536 504,186 862,587
Output Recycl e Water 0 154,745 336,387
ETP treated/rej ect water for di s pos al 930,536 349,441 526,200

Calculated Figures From Above Data

Avg Production/Month Mn, Mtr. 1.85 1.35 1.69
Fresh Water Use% 94.3% 64.9% 37.2%
Recycle Water Use % 5.7% 35.1% 62.8%
ETP Recycl ed Water output % 0.0% 30.7% 39.0%
ETP treated/Rej ects % 100.0% 69.3% 61.0%
Avg Ltr./Mtr. Of Fabric 37.3 25.2 32.3
Fresh Water Liter per meter 35.2 16.3 12.0
Water Saving Performance 56.2% 67.8%
Calculated Figures From Above Data
Avg Production/Month Mn, Mtr. 1.85 1.35 1.69
Fresh Water Use% 94.3% 64.9% 37.2%
Recycle Water Use % 5.7% 35.1% 62.8%
ETP Recycled Water output % 0.0% 30.7% 39.0%
ETP treated/Rejects % 100.0% 69.3% 61.0%
Avg Ltr./Mtr. Of Fabric 37.3 25.2 32.3
Fresh Water Liter per meter 35.2 16.3 12.0
Water Saving Performance 56.2% 67.8%
Sustainability Concept of Water Conservation

715,000 Mill 622,050 Drain 628,948 533,872 RO Plant 373,710
(US Gallons/day) Consumption ETP Plant Recycling Plant (350K US (US Gallons/day)
Channal Gallons/day)
(US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day)


Description US Gallons/day % Sr. Description US Gallons/day Drain Drain

Fresh 275,034 38% 1 Drain Channal 622,050 130,076 160,161
Recover/Reuse 92,950 13% 2 Turbitex & UF Backwash 0 (US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day)
Recycle 347,016 49% 4 Production RO Reject 40,000

Total 715,000 - Total ETP INLET 662,050

ETP Plant & Recycle Water % (Current Status)
US Gallons/Day %

1-Sep 639,100 616,379 484,543 343,724 56%

2-Sep 663,670 641,213 505,150 360,105 56%

3-Sep 524,965 500,131 364,332 262,879 53%

4-Sep 645,441 588,638 438,572 315,191 54%

6-Sep 591,280 573,314 442,799 314,662 55%

7-Sep 618,228 612,680 486,392 346,102 56%

3,682,684 3,532,354 2,721,788 1,942,663 55%

Sustainability Concept of Water Conservation

715,000 Mill 622,050 Drain 628,948 533,872 RO Plant 373,710
(US Gallons/day) Consumption ETP Plant Recycling Plant (350K US (US Gallons/day)
Channal Gallons/day)
(US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day)


Description US Gallons/day % Sr. Description US Gallons/day Drain Drain

Fresh 275,034 38% 1 Drain Channal 622,050 130,076 160,161
Recover/Reuse 92,950 13% 2 Turbitex & UF Backwash 0 (US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day)
Recycle 347,016 49% 4 Production RO Reject 40,000

Total 715,000 - Total ETP INLET 662,050

Step-01 towards “INDIGOOD GOLD TAG”

715,000 Mill 622,050 Drain 752,520 657,444 RO Plant 373,781
(US Gallons/day) Consumption ETP Plant Recycling Plant (350K US
Channal Gallons/day)
(US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day)


Description US Gallons/day % Sr. Description US Gallons/day Drain Drain

Fresh 274,968 38% 1 Drain Channal 622,050 0 197,233
Recover/Reuse 92,950 13% 2 Turbitex & UF Backwash 130,076 (US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day)
Recycle 347,082 49% 4 Production RO Reject 40,000

Total 715,000 - Total ETP INLET 792,126

Step-02 towards “INDIGOOD GOLD TAG”

715,000 Mill 572,000 Drain 704,972 609,896 RO Plant 373,710
(US Gallons/day) Consumption ETP Plant Recycling Plant (350K US
Channal Gallons/day)
(US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day)


Description US Gallons/day % Sr. Description US Gallons/day Drain Drain

Fresh 224,983 31% 1 Drain Channal 572,000 0 182,969
Recover/Reuse 143,000 20% 2 Turbitex & UF Backwash 130,076 (US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day)
Recycle 347,017 49% 4 Production RO Reject 40,000

Total 715,000 - Total ETP INLET 742,076

Step-03 towards “INDIGOOD GOLD TAG”
RO Plant 57%
(350K US
715,000 Mill 572,000 Drain 784,267 689,191 Gallons/day) 482,433
(US Gallons/day) Consumption ETP Plant Recycling Plant
Channal RO Plant
(US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day) 70%
(130K US


Description US Gallons/day % Sr. Description US Gallons/day Drain RO Reject Re-use in ETP Drain

Fresh 124,026 17% 1 Drain Channal 572,000 0 206,757 65,929 140,828

Recover/Reuse 143,000 20% 2 Turbitex & UF Backwash 130,076 (US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day)
Recycle 447,974 63% 4 Production RO Reject 54,071

Total 715,000 - 5 Recycling RO Reject 65,927 RO Reject Detail Production RO 54,071 US Gallons/Day

Total ETP INLET 822,074 65,929

Recycling Plant RO Reject US Gallons/Day
Final Step-04 towards “INDIGOOD GOLD TAG”
RO Plant 57%
(350K US
715,000 Mill 514,800 Drain 784,821 689,745 Gallons/day)
(US Gallons/day) Consumption ETP Plant Recycling Plant 482,822
Channal RO Plant
(US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day)
(130K US


Description US Gallons/day % Sr. Description US Gallons/day Drain Total Reject Re-use in ETP Drain

Fresh 66,466 9% 1 Drain Channal 514,800 0 206,924 118,780 88,144

Recover/Reuse 200,200 28% 2 Turbitex & UF Backwash 130,076 (US Gallons/day) (US Gallons/day)
Recycle 448,334 63% 4 Production RO Reject 56,220

Total 715,000 - 5 Recycling RO Reject 118,780 RO Reject Detail Production RO 56,220 US Gallons/Day

Total ETP INLET 819,876 118,780

Recycling Plant RO Reject US Gallons/Day
US Gallons/day % US Gallons/day % US Gallons/day % US Gallons/day %

Fresh 274,968 38% 224,983 31% 124,026 17% 66,466 9%

Recover/Reuse 92,950 13% 143,000 20% 143,000 20% 200,200 28%

Recycle 347,082 49% 347,017 49% 447,974 63% 448,334 63%

Total 715,000 - 715,000 - 715,000 - 715,000 -

Fresh Reduction 62% 69% 83% 91%

Steps towards “INDIGOOD GOLD TAG”
Same ETP & Recycling Line but TURBITEX , UF & RO reject included in ETP Inlet
Expected Completion date:- 15th October 2023
Estimated Cost:- Nill
Water Recovering 50k more from Singeing, Sanforize, LUWA, Chiller and Power Plant
Expected Completion date:-1st November 2023
Estimated Cost:- 2.0 million Approx
Addition of RO 130K after changing UF and Production RO Membranes
Expected Completion date:- December-2023
Estimated Cost:- 3.0 millions Approx
Indigo/Sulphur Recovery Plant Addition (Optional UF Plant with capacity 65cubic/hour RO with 100K Capacity)
Expected Completion date:- December 2024
Estimated Cost:- 40 million Approx (Optional Plant tentative Cost 40million)

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