1 Numerical Methods Introduction

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School of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
(0951301): Numerical Methods
Dr. Ramia Al-Ajarmeh

Course Introduction

Course description:

Algorithms to solve linear and non-linear equations. Solution of

simultaneous linear equations using various methods: Gaussian elimination,
Gauss-Jordan and Iterative Gauss-Seidel method. Solution using
optimization techniques: unconstrained and constrained optimization. Curve
fitting: Least square regression, Newton divided difference interpolation,
Lagrange interpolation, Spline interpolation and Fourier Approximation.
Numerical differentiation and integration. Numerical solution of ordinary
differential equations: Runge-Kutta methods. Introduction to partial
differential equations methods: Finite element method and finite difference
Course Introduction
Course aims and outcomes:
A- Aims:
The course aims to develop the basic understanding and knowledge of numerical algorithms and
skills in order to apply them in solving mathematical and engineering problems. The course aim
can be achieved by the following main objectives:
• Introducing numerical methods and their applications
• Learning approximations and round-off errors
• Solving for roots of equations or system of equations
• Performing curve fitting, regression analysis and interpolation
• Conducting optimization
• Integrating and differentiating numerically
• Solving ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations

B- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
• demonstrate understanding of common numerical methods and how they are used to obtain
approximate solutions to mathematical problems.
• apply numerical methods to obtain approximate solutions to mathematical problems.
• solve various problems using numerical techniques and procedures involving nonlinear
equations, curve fitting and regression, interpolation and optimization, numerical integration
and differentiation, ordinary differential equations, and partial differential equations, with
emphasis on civil engineering applications.
• analyze and evaluate the accuracy of common numerical methods.
• acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Text book:

“Numerical Methods for Engineers”, Steven Chapra and

Raymond Canale, 7th Edition, 2015
Course Introduction
Brief list of topics to be covered:

Topics Weeks (27Feb2022 – 9Jun2022)

Introduction 1
Approximations and Round-Off Errors 2
Roots of Equations (Bracketing methods) 2
Roots of Equations (Open methods) 3 & 4 + [Quiz]
Roots of System of Linear Equations (Part1) 5
Roots of System of Linear Equations (Part2) 6
Roots of System of Non-linear Equations 7
Curve fitting – Least Squares Regression 8 & 9 + [Midterm Exam]
Official vacation 10 (1-5, May2022)
Curve fitting – Interpolation 11
Curve fitting – Fourier Approximation 12
Optimization 13 + [ABET assignment/report]
Numerical Integration 13 & 14
Numerical Differentiation 14
Ordinary differential equations & partial differential equations 15
Final Exams Duration (11-23, June 2022)
Course Introduction

Evaluation Methods:

Quiz (10%)

Assignment (10%)

Midterm exam (30%)

Final exam (50%)

Course Overview
Course Overview
Engineering modelers should distinguish these type of errors:

 Error 1: Missing or Incorrect Physics:

 Model does not include an important process
(e.g. forces due to surface tension.)
 Constitutive relationships are not a good approximation
(e.g. friction law for pipes & charnels not as applicable to the open

 Error 2: Numerical solutions entail errors related to :

 Algorithm
 Discretization
 Boundary condition specification & domain selection
 Computer type

 Error 3: Observational errors occur in :

 Measurements  e.g. instruments of limited accuracy.
 Data analysis techniques  e.g. techniques many not be appropriate or based
on invalid assumptions.
 Interpolation / Interpretation.
Course Overview
Solution to Governing Equations:

 It may be very difficult to solve a set of governing equations analytically (i.e. in

closed form) for problems in engineering.

 Governing Equations may include:

• Non Linearity.
• Complex Geometries.
• Varying Boundary Conditions.
• Varying Material Properties.
• Large Number of Coupled Equations.

 These problems cannot be solved analytically unless massive simplifications

are made in the above aspects:
• Lose physical inherent to the problem.
• Possibly a poor answer.

 In general, we must use numerical methods to solve the governing equations

for real world problems.
Course Overview
Numerical Methods:
• used in hand calculations.
• used in computers.

How Numerical Methods Work??

• Computers can only perform operations on number of discrete
points in special time.
• Continuum representation of a function must be changed to a
discrete representation.

There are many numerical methods for many tasks:

• To solve linear simultaneous algebraic equations.
• To solve nonlinear algebraic equations.
• To interpolate functions.
• To integrate or differentiate functions.
• To solve O.D.E's & P.D.E's.
Course Overview

Keep in Your Mind:

 No Numerical Methods is completely trouble free in all situations.
 No Numerical Methods is error free.
 No Numerical Methods is optimal for all types of an equation.
 In order to solve a physical problem numerically, you must
understand the behavior of the numerical methods used as well as
the physics of the problem.

 MATLAB (Matrix) - laboratory: used for numerical calculations,

simulation and analysis.
Applied Numerical methods with MATLAB for Engineers & Scientists /
by S.C.Chapra

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