The Material and Economic Self FINAL
The Material and Economic Self FINAL
The Material and Economic Self FINAL
-William James
• If they grew, their owner felt triumphant. If they faded, people felt a
part of themselves was dying (Trentman, 2016)
• All the physical elements that reflect who a person is, maybe
possessions, cars, home, body, clothes, are part of the material self.
• Think of your material self as that what you are clothed of, what
interests you or are passionate about, what you spend for.
• The material self craves for clothes not only to cover the essential
parts of the body, but able to decorate the self.
• Psychologists who study the impact of wealth and inequality on
human behavior have found that money can powerfully influence our
thoughts and actions in ways that we’re often not aware of, no matter
what circumstances are (Gregoire, 2014)
• Curtis (2017) manifested that cash can have serious bearing on one’s
belief regarding the way a person views himself/herself.
social and business value
Heyman and Ariely (2004) surmised that there are two motivations for completing a given task. The first is
social. By recognizing a task’s social value, a person sees it as a worthy investment of time and part of his/her
social duty, and he/she is usually happy to help out. When money is offers as the motivation, however, people
then start thinking less of the social aspect and more about the business value.
self-sufficiency and service
Those who are conscious of money typically strive to be more self-sufficient than those for
whom money isn’t a priority.
When given a very difficult and even impossible task, with instructions that help was
available, it was the money-related group that seemed the most intent on getting the job
done alone, even it was not possible to finish the task solo.
Class Essentialism - the idea that differences between classes are based upon idenity and genetics,
rather than circumstance
People tend to believe that social class was not related to genes, that essentially, anyone can be rich
and anyone can be poor.
• Those who perceive themselves to be in higher class where
the most likely to engage in unethical behavior, particularly
when a symbol of health was introduced, such as cutting off
a pedestrian when a luxury car, for example.
• Piff in his study labeled the behavior, “self-interest
maximization,” an idea that suggest those who have the
most money or occupy higher classes are more likley to
take a “what’s in it for me?” attitude. They actively work
toward the most benefit for themselves (Piff, 2012)
The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Many addictions begins
because a person gets a positive response from a certain type of behavior.
• Mason (1981) - collecting has become a significant activity in our consumer society as it has become
more widely affordable through the discretionary time and money available to the general population
rather than just to the wealthy elite.
• Belk (1982) - humans and animals once primarily assembled collections of necessities for future
security, but today humans more often assemble collections of non-necessities for distinction and self
• Goldberg and Lewis (1978) -” many collectors who are inhibited and uncomfortable in social
interaction, surround themselves with favored objects upon which they project human like qualities.
They practically talk to these objects; they find comfort in being with them regard them as friends”
• In this sense, collections may be seen as transition objects or security blankets for adults.
• To some extent, a compulsive tendency urges them the increasing desire to collect as much as they
could which gives the, a greater feeling of security, and therefore becoming a basis of the sense of self
and identity-”I shop, therefore I am; I have, therefore, I am”
pets as extended self
• Pets are regarded commonly as representative of self and studies show that
we attempt to infer characteristics of people from their pets (Foote 1956;
Heiman 1967)
• Others have observed that, like people, pets are regarded as family members
(e.g., Cain 1985; Friedmann and Thomas 1985; Hickord and Schmitt 1982;
Rochberg-Halton 1985; Wallendorfand Belk 1987).
• In this regard, it is significant that we name our pets, feed and care for them,
photograph them, spend money on them, and mourn their death (Hickrod and
Schmitt 1982; Meer 1984)
• Levinson (1972) and Robin Bensel (1985) found that pets are so instrumental
to self-identity that they are often useful as transition objects (surrogate
parents) for children and as surrogate children for adults.
body parts
• Body parts are among the most central parts of the extended self.
• In psychoanalytic terms, such self-extension is called cathexis. Cathexis involves the charging of
an object, activity, or idea with emotional energy to the individual.
• The most commonly has been applied to body parts and it is known, for instance, the women
generally tend to cathect body parts to a greater than men and that such cathexis reflects self-
• When a body part is more highly cathected, there is greater use grooming products to care for
this part of the body.
• The material self refers to all of the physical elements that reflect who a person is which included his/her body,
possessions and home. The body is the innermost part of the material.
• The family, home, and clothes also form a person’s material self.
• Furthermore, practical interest of a person is part of his/her material self which include the instinctive impulse of
collecting property.
• Materialism refers to the theory belief that nothing exist except better matter, its movements and modifications; the
theory or belief that consciousness and will are wholly due to material agency; a tendency to consider material
possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values.
• Understanding shopping is important in determining race and culture, gender, class, family, and community. (Belk,