Genetic Disorders
Genetic Disorders
Genetic Disorders
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Nursing Scholar
By end of this presentation, the learners will be able to
Define Down’s syndrome
Understand pathophysiology of Down’s syndrome
List sign and symptoms of Down’s syndrome
Define Turner’s Syndrome
Describe the pathophysiology of Turner’s Syndrome
Identify the clinical features
Define Klinefelter’s Syndrome
Describe the pathophysiology of Klinefelter’s Syndrome
Identify the clinical features of Klinefelter’s Syndrome
Down’s syndrome
Down syndrome also called Trisomy 21.
Condition in which extra genetic material causes delays
in the way a child develops, both mentally and
Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder due to extra
copy of 21st chromosome.
A child gets an extra chromosome 21- for a total of 47
chromosomes instead of 46.
It's this extra genetic material that causes the physical
features and developmental delays.
First described by John Langdon Down in 1866.
It is most common cause of mental retardation.
Approximately 95% of cases of Dow’s Syndrome are
caused by nondisjunction or error in cell division
during meiosis, resulting in trisomy of 21.
It is caused in mother age 20, or more than 45 years
Sign and Symptoms
Chorionic villus sampling
• Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS).
• Abnormal levels of PAPP-A and HCG may indicate
a problem with the baby (First trimester)
Turner’s Syndrome
Monosomy X
Phenotypic female
45, X/0
The disorder affects approximately 1 of every 2500 live
It has been estimated that more than 99% of fetuses are
spontaneously aborted in the first trimester.
Most consistent being short stature and ovarian
There also may be abnormalities in kidney
development (i.e., abnormal location, abnormal
vascular supply, or double collecting system),
Changes in nail growth
High-arched palate
Short fourth metacarpal
Strabismus (both eyes do not line up in the same
Clinical features
Short in stature, but her body proportions are normal
She does not menstruate and shows no signs of
secondary sex characteristics
Variations in the syndrome range from essentially
none to webbing of the neck with redundant skin folds
and low hairline.
Nonpitting lymphedema of the hands and feet,
Congenital heart defects particularly coarctation of
the aorta (narrowing of the aorta)
Women with Turner’s disease have increased
morbidity due to cardiovascular disease and
gastrointestinal, renal, and other endocrine disorders.
Adults with Turner’s syndrome continue to have
reduced bone mass, and this has been associated with
increased risk for fractures.
Growth hormone therapy
Estrogen therapy
Klinefelter’s Syndrome
Klinefelter’s syndrome is a condition of testicular
dysgenesis accompanied by the presence of one or
more extra X chromosomes in excess of the normal
male XY complement.
Most males with Klinefelter’s syndrome have one
extra X chromosome (47,XXY).
In rare cases, there may be more than one extra X
chromosome (48,XXXY).
The presence of the extra X chromosome in the
47,XXY male results from nondisjunction during
meiotic division in one of the parents.
The cause of the nondisjunction is unknown.
Advanced maternal age increases the risk, but only