Eapp Week 8

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What is a Concept Paper?
A concept paper aims to clarify a concept
which can be about any topic from any
fields. It can also be a short summary that
tells the reader what the project is, why it is
important, and how it will be carried out.
What is a Concept Paper?
Always remember that the purpose of a concept
paper is to explain, clarify or theorize a particular
concept so that it can be discussed in the world of the
academe. A concept essay is the combination of
research and analytical writing skills. Since you will
be presenting a topic, you need to back it up with
factual data as well your own personal judgment of it
that will provide better understanding for the readers.
What is a Concept Paper?
In building up a concept paper, it is important to
connect theory and experience. Theory comes from
the numerous academic text written about your
desired topic. While experience comes from the day
to day observations made by the writer. The
important thing in writing a concept paper is to be
able to connect the two- theory and experience.
 Choose a topic. An effective essay is one that presents a
more relevant topic. You need to choose the right topic first
before you start writing.
 Do your research. You have to back up your claims with
factual information from reliable sources. Present at least
three to four points for reference.
 Create your outline. The essay outline of your concept
essay because readers will consider how your ideas are
There are many ways a writer can
expound a concept.
You can use definition, explication,
and clarification.
Definition identifies a term and sets it apart
from all other terms that may be related to it.
Often, definitions begin by mentioning the
general class to which a term belongs. Then
they provide specifics to distinguish the
term from other members of that class.
You can use these techniques in definition:
1. Formal – follows a patter or equation;
term+genus+differentia (differentiating
Example: Technology is the branch of knowledge dealing
with engineering or applied sciences.

2. By synonym – using a word or phrase that

shares a meaning with the term being defined.
Example: Technology – Knowledge, Computers
You can use these techniques in definition:
3. By origin or semantic history
Example: Technology comes from the Greek work
4. By illustration
Example: Technology involves the use of machineries in
every aspect of work.
5. By function
Example: Technology uses hi-tech machines to get the work
You can use these techniques in definition:

6. By analysis – breaking down wholes into parts,

aspects to levels and a process into steps)
Example: Technology is defined as the application of
scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in
7. By likeness of similarity
Example: Technology is likened to modern living where
robots exist.
You can use these techniques in definition:
8. By analogy or metaphor
Example: Technology is like a robot that make life easier.
9. By contrast – use of opposites
Example: Unlike the manual work, technology makes
work efficient.
10. By negation – stating what the term is not
Example: Technology is not harmful if used properly.
Explication is the process by which concepts
are defined for scientific purposes. "To
explicate" something is, in the most general
sense of the term, to spell out its
Thus, it is the process of spelling out the
implications of something and derived from this,
in turn, is the sense of "explication" that refers to
the product of this process: some account of what
the implications of something are. Explication, in
other words, is a kind of explanation.
Clarification is an analysis of an
abstract concept through investigation
of examples and the identification of
critical and less critical attributes.
These are needed to make your
concept paper clear and
Sometimes, any concept is better understood
when it is presented in visuals. By visuals we
mean, the use of graphics and visually
appealing presentations. This is often done
when a repot is needed to be presented in the
class; a business proposal or a marketing plan
that is proposed in a business meeting; or
advisories, notices, and reminders to the
In this era of technology, most of the people,
particularly the learners, are classified as visual
learners. That means, they easily understand
things when they see it or and example of it. A
concept at that may be organized into a
graphical representation through the use of the
Graphic Aids or Graphic Organizers.
Examples of Concept Papers presented
through Graphic Organizers
1. IMPLICIT – Implicit is, “ implied
or understood though not plainly or
directly expressed.”
Ex: Technology caused horrors in some
1. EXPLICIT – “To fully and clearly
express something, leaving nothing
Something is explicit when it is clearly
stated and spelled out and there is no room
for confusion.
Ex: Technology is harmful to us.
The puzzle that is called today the Rubik’s cube is a
puzzle that invented by the Hungarian sculptor and a professor of
architecture, Ernő Rubik in 1974. It was made up of a 3x3
dimension composed of the colors white, yellow, green, blue,
red, and orange. Originally it was first called the Magic Cube by
Rubik. The reason of creating the cube was to find another way
to educate the children and making them learn in a different
perspective. Before the cube was solved it took several months
for him to crack the code of solving it. In the year 1975
mathematicians where fascinated by the cube and started to
discover the secret on how to solve the cube.
The Rubik’s Cube became so popular around the world
because of its incredibly simplistic design, combined with its
extreme difficulty. With over 43 quintillion different possible
positions on the puzzle, this also added to the challenge of solving
it. It also became popular because people wanted challenge and
when it was first released college professors from all over the
world beginning with Germany in which where it was invented and
spread around the world. The first solution of the cube was
published in 1980 in the magazine Der Spiegel which the people
could understand because many people get stuck in the first or
second slice of the cube. It became a topical interest that was
researched by Albrecht Kunkel.
In the late 90’s different algorithms and solutions in solving
the cube was revealed. Also the emerged of the cube from being
“just a cube” to a more fashionable, lighter, and a more beautiful
cube famous brands of the cube are Gan, The Valk, and many
more. Also because of this competitions emerge with the support of
the World Cube Association (WCA). In the world the title holder
for the faster 3x3 Rubik’s cube solved is Felix Zemdegs having the
time of 4.22 seconds.
Base on researchers solving and learning about the Rubik’s cube can
enhance and gain benefit from it and the following are improving your
reflexes thus preventing joint pain especially on persons that work with
computer or on-hands works. It can help also students to be mentally
active because it can replenish the mind and help to breakdown problems
thus prevent stress not only from students also from other professionals
specially the teachers. Benefit also from faster eye coordination that can
be useful in students when taking notes thus enabling them not to forget
data and also it prevents the risk of having Alzheimer's disease because
based from doctors the Rubik’s cube and other puzzle games stimulates
the mind that makes the brain more functional and improves in the long
term your memory. Also give you the urge to look for the bigger picture
in your personal lives.
The Rubik’s cube is not just a toy it was created with a
brilliant mind and upon this creation you are now benefiting.
Solving the cube is difficult but upon this difficulty in the
long term will give you benefits that you will enjoy passively
without noticing it. In the present day you suffer from stress
and other things that pressures you but the solution is just
around the four corners having six paces and colors. “There’s
always a way for a solution. There’s always a way to find
something else, something new, something different, or find
the result of your work. If today is not everything is good, it
doesn’t mean tomorrow cannot be better. Depends on you”. –
Ernő Rubik
Thank You!

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