15.apeal, Revision Land Laws
15.apeal, Revision Land Laws
15.apeal, Revision Land Laws
• An appeal is requested to ask the higher court to change the decision of the
lower court.
• ... A review is applied for at the same court where the original decision
was made and is a request to consider the legality of the ruling.
• The Collector may call for and examine the record of any case or proceedings
decided by or pending before and revenue court subordinate to him for the
purpose of satisfying himself as to the legality or propriety of the order or decree
passed and as to the regularity of the proceedings, and, if he is of opinion that
the order or decree passed or the proceeding taken by such court should be
varied, cancelled or reversed, he shall refer the case with his opinion thereon for
the orders of the Board shall, thereupon, pass such order as it thinks fit:
• Provided that the power conferred by this section shall not be exercised in
respect of suits or proceedings falling within the purview of section 239.
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