or Concepts
or Concepts
or Concepts
Proper aseptic techniques is one of the most
fundamental and essential principles of infection
control in the clinical and surgical settings
Aseptic Techniques are those which:
Remove/reduce or kill microorganisms from hands
and objects
Employ sterile instruments and other items
Reduce patients risk of exposure to
microorganisms that cannot be removed
Aseptic technique also encompasses practices
performed immediately before and during a
surgical procedure to reduce postoperative
Hand washing
Surgical Attire
Surgical scrub, sterile gowning & gloving
Patients surgical skin prep
Using surgical barriers, including sterile surgical
Maintaining a Sterile Field
Using safe operative technique
Maintaining a safe environment in the OR
Peri – Operative Nursing
Includes all nursing activities carried out by the nurse during the pre, intra
and post operative phase.
Pre – Operative phase
- before the surgical procedure
- begins when the decision is made to undergo surgical intervention
and ends up when the patient is transferred to the operating table.
- nursing assessment is done during this phase
Intra – Operative phase
- during the surgical procedure
- begins from the transfer of the patient to the operating table and
extends to the time the patient is admitted to the recovery room.
- The implementation process takes place
Post – Operative phase
- after the surgical procedure
- begins with the admission of the patient to the
recovery room
- evaluation takes place during this phase
- lessening of or insensibility to pain/absence of pain
Resident organisms
Transient organisms
Resident organisms
To remove soil, debris, natural skin oil, hand
lotions, and transient microorganisms from the
To reduce number of resident microorganism on
To suppress the growth of the resident
To reduce the hazard of microbial contamination of
the operative wound by skin flora.
To reduce the risk of infection among other health
care workers.
To reduce the risk of transmission of infectious
organisms to yourself
Skin & nails should be kept clean & in good
conditions & cuticles cut.
Fingernails should not reach beyond the
Inspect hands for cuts & abrasions.
Remove all finger jewelry.
Be sure all hair is covered by headgear.
Pierced-ear stud must be contained by the
head cover.
1. Pick up one glove by the cuff using your
thumb & index finger.
2. Touching only the cuff, pull the glove onto
one hand & anchor the cuff over your thumb.
3. Slip your gloved fingers under the cuff of the
other glove. Pull the glove over your fingers &
hand, using a stretching side-to-side motion.
4. Anchor the cuff on your thumb. With your
fingers still under the cuff, pull the cuff up &
away from your hand & over the knitted cuff
of the gown.
5. Repeat the preceding step to glove your
other hand.
Transports patient to procedure room.
Assists with the positioning of the patient.
Assists anesthesia during induction.
Performs skin prep.
Assists with drapes, connects suction & cautery.
During the procedure
Maintains orderly procedure room.
Anticipates needs of surgical team.
Maintains record of supplies added.
Receives specimen & labels it correctly.
Maintains charges & O.R records.
Continually monitors aseptic technique & patient’s needs.
Closing Phase
Counts with scrub at proper intervals.
Finalizes records & charges.
Begins clean-up of procedure room.
Applies tape.
Assists anesthesia in preparing patient for transfer.
Disposes of specimen & records.
Reports to charge nurse for next assignment.
To provide care until the patient is fully
awake, conscious, with stable vitals
monitored every 15 minutes for the first two
hours with no signs of hemorrhage, 30
minutes for the next hour and every hour
until the patient is transported to ward
Peri – Operatively
◦ Check if the inform and surgical consent has been signed.
◦ The patient has been placed in NPO for 8hrs.
◦ Remove all jewelries, clothing, dentures and any nail polish
◦ Assess if the patient has any pacemaker
◦ Check vital signs before transporting the patient to the
Operating Room ( done in the ward).
◦ Assess patient for any signs of anxiety
◦ Advise patient to take a bath before surgery (if possible)
◦ Prepare patient physically, emotionally, psychologically,
spiritually and culture preferences.
Intra – Operatively
Transports patient to the operating room theater.
Assists with the positioning of the patient.
Scrubs, gowns, & gloves & sets up sterile field. Checks for
proper functioning of instruments/equipment.
Performs counts with circulator.
Completes the final preparation of the sterile field.
Assists surgeon with gowning/gloving.
Assists surgeon with draping & passes off
suction/cautery lines.
Maintains orderly of the sterile field.
Anticipates the surgeon’s needs (supplies/equipment)
Maintains internal count of sponges, needles &
Verifies tissue specimen with the surgeon.
Counts with circulator at proper intervals and inform surgeon
once the instruments used are complete.
Organizes closing suture & dressings.
Assist in applying sterile dressings.
Prepares for terminal cleaning of instruments & non disposable
Reports to charge nurse for next assignment.
Post – Operatively ( PACU)
Position the patient according to what type of anesthesia
General ( Semi/ High Fowlers); SAB ( Flat on bed for 6hrs.)
Apply adequate oxygenation for GA patient and Thermal
Blankets for SAB patient.
Assess for any signs of bleeding and check patient’s incision
site and for any attachments ( ex. Foley bag, jackson pratt)
Monitor patient vital signs ( every 15 mins [2hrs]; 30 mins for
next hour and every hour once stable.
Keep patient safety all the time
Report to the surgeon and anesthesiologist for any
for active