Educational System of The Uk

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The English education has strict quality standards. It is

compulsory for everyone from the age of 5 to 16.
The British Educational system
has 5 stages

Higher education
Further education
Secondary education
Primary education
Preschool education includes
nursery schools or kindergartens

Education starts with nursery

school. Children go there at the
age of 2-5. These schools develop
children's elementary skills.

There are private and state

nursery schools. In each
classroom there are about 20-25
children. Here they play, have
lunch and sleep. Children often
go for a walk and learn to read,
simple counting and drawing.
All children start primary school by the age of 5. Primary
education lasts for six years.
They attend the infant school from 5 to 7 and then junior
school until they are 11.
In infants schools the methods At the age of 7 children are ready for
are close to methods of the juniors schools. Here they study
nursery schools. The classroom arithmetic, reading and
is free and sometimes noisy. composition. Also kids learn history,
Children work in groups, they geography and nature study. And at
learn to read, write and count. the age of 11 they are ready for the
next level.
Types of Schools

private or

More than 90% of The other 7%

students in the UK attend private or
attend state schools. public schools.
All state schools in Public schools are
Britain are free. very expensive.
Secondary education

At the age of 11-15 students in

Britain go to secondary school.
They study English, Maths, Science,
Design and technology, Information
and Communication Technology
(ICT), History, Geography, Art,
Music, Physical education and
foreign languages.
They can attend comprehensive
schools, public schools or
students can study at home.
The National Exam

At secondary school students

study for 5 years. At the age of 16
students take national exams
called GCSE. GCSE means General
Certificate of Secondary Education.
All the students are required to
take it. The results often help the
students and their parents to
made a choice whether they will
go to college or not.
Further education


They prepare students
Some 16 years for a
students go national exam called
to colleges of further “A” level (advanced
education to study for level)
more practical at 18. Students need
diplomas. “A” level to enter a
Higher education begins at 18 and
usually lasts three or four years.
Students go to universities, polytechnics
or colleges of higher education.
There are now about 80 universities in
Great Britain.
British universities usually keep to the
customs of the past. Upon graduation all
the students have to wear long black
gowns and “students caps”.
Degrees Awarded
 Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of
Science (BSc) – after three years of full-
time study.
 Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Science
(MSc) after a further one year full-time or
two year part-time study.
 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – after at
least three years of original research.
The British educational system is different from
the Ukrainian educational system in some

• They study less subjects

• The attitude of teachers to students more loyal

• More individual work and less homework

• More common public schools and home schooling

• Early specialization
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