Public Hearing Presentation 2011-10-24 FINAL
Public Hearing Presentation 2011-10-24 FINAL
Public Hearing Presentation 2011-10-24 FINAL
Home Rule
Under the Connecticut Home Rule Act, municipalities have the power to adopt a charter to serve as the organic law of that municipality. Connecticut General Statutes 7-188(a). "It is well established that a [town's] charter is the fountainhead of municipal powers. The charter serves as an enabling act, both creating power and prescribing the form in which it must be exercised.
Supreme Court of Connecticut per Justice Katz n Windham Taxpayers Association et al v. Board of Selectment of Town of Windham, 234 Conn. 513, 529, 662 A.2d 1281, 1290 (1995). (Citations and internal quotation marks omitted.)
Bradwell v. Illinois, 83 U.S. (16 Wall) 130, 141 (1873 Bradley, J. concurring) (upheld a state rule of court forbidding women to practice law).
Connecticut Statutes
7-191 (a) Commission holds at least two Public Hearings one prior to any substantive work, and one after the draft report has been completed, but not submitted.
Connecticut Statutes
7-191 (b) Draft Report including proposed Charter submitted to Town Clerk for Board of Selectmen Board of Selectmen holds 1 or more Public Hearings within 45 days 15 days after last Public Hearing, Board of Selectmen will recommend changes desired
Connecticut Statutes
7-191 (c) If no recommendations within 15 days, then report is final - If recommendations are made, then Commission confers with Board of Selectmen and has 30 days to make final report after receiving recommendations.
Connecticut Statutes
7-191(d) No later than 15 days after receiving final report, Board of Selectmen votes to accept or reject - If rejected, proposed Charter can only move forward by a petition signed by at least 10% of the registered voters in town. - If accepted, proposed Charter is published and made available to public.
Connecticut Statutes
7-191(e) If the Charter proceeds, then majority vote of Board of Selectmen determines whether to send the proposed Charter to a vote at a Regular Election or a Special Election to be held no later than 15 months after acceptance of the proposed Charter by Board of Selectmen or certification of the petition for the proposed Charter.
Connecticut Statutes
7-191(f) Proposed Charter then passes by a vote of the electors of the town: (1) at a Regular election, by simple majority; (2) at a Special election, by a majority which also comprises at least 15% of registered voters. Charter becomes effective 30 days after passage unless a different effective date or dates are specified in the Charter.
Connecticut Statutes
7-191(g) Approved Charter is filed with the Secretary of State within 30 days of approval.
Commissions Work
Over almost 16 months of study, the Commission has conducted substantial research, taken a survey, sought public input, and elicited testimony from numerous sources to investigate the advantages of implementing various potential forms of government as well as the range of possibilities regarding these forms of government.
Draft Report
of the
The Westbrook Charter Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) appointed on June 28, 2010 respectfully submits this Draft Report including a proposed Charter to the Town Clerk of Westbrook with instructions to transmit it, along with all of its Exhibits, including but not limited to a proposed Charter, to the Board of Selectmen pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 7-191(b) for its consideration and action pursuant to said Section 7-191.
Proposed Charter
Exhibit D is the operative document that we will be discussing tonight. -Commissions current proposal for a Charter for our Town. -Board of Selectmen accepts or rejects -They can vote to the send Charter on to the people of our town to vote, or they can decide not to send it for such a vote.
of the
Town of Westbrook
EXHIBIT D - 10-12-2011
Section 1-1: INCORPORATION. All of the inhabitants residing within the territorial limits of the Town of Westbrook, as previously constituted, shall continue to be a body politic and corporate under the name of 'The Town of Westbrook," herein after called "the Town," and as such shall have perpetual succession and may hold and exercise all powers and privileges heretofore exercised by the Town and not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter, the additional powers and privileges herein conferred and all powers and privileges conferred upon towns under the general laws of the State of Connecticut.
Charter Provisions
1. A professional Town Manager CEO with the education, qualifications and experience to implement policies established by the Board of Selectmen, and to administer and oversee the daily operations of the town government.
2. A Board of Selectmen of 5 members to represent the voters and establish policy with a 1st Selectman to act as Chairman and official head of the town for ceremonial purposes.
3. Election of the 1st Selectman and members of Board of Selectmen as we do now, who shall all serve without compensation except for the reimbursement of expenses incurred.
Charter Provisions
4. A separate Board of Finance as it currently exists under state statutes. 5. A budget process which commences with the Town Managers proposed budget, but all subsequent action on the budget shall be as currently provided under statute. 6. Election of the Treasurer, Town Clerk & Tax Collector as now done under statute.
Charter Provisions
7. No term limits as originally suggested. 8. A newly created Ethics Commission with guidelines to address complaints. 9. All other boards & commissions shall continue as they now exist and operate.
No Rights Lost
Still have Public Hearings like this one Still have Town Meetings like we do now Still have right to attend and voice opinions at Public Hearings and Town Meetings Still have right to vote on Budgets like we do now Still have right to vote at an appropriately scheduled Referendum like we do now
Executive Branch
Town Manager as CEO of the Town to establish clear lines of authority Five member Board of Selectmen Four year overlapping terms First Selectman and Board of Selectmen continue to be elected in same manner that they are elected now Selectmen serve without compensation
Chief Executive Officer of the Town Supervise, Direct and Administer all departments, offices and employees of the town, except those designated by charter Prepare and submit annual budget Keep departmental rules, personnel policies and financial controls updated Exercise such powers and duties required by ordinance, resolution of the BOS or the charter
The Charter cannot legally include a provision to remove an elected official. A Town Manager can be removed from duty if deemed necessary or appropriate.
Average Salaries
Towns with under 10,000 population 5,117 Bolton 5,315 Columbia 9,228 Hebron 9,307 Putnam
Dangerous Combination
There are 4,076 registered voters in the Town of Westbrook. Grand List is $1,332,533,344.00 Entire Budget is over $25,000,000.00 Town Side Budget is over $11,000,000.00 1st Selectmans Salary is $60,617.00 ** Size and Complexity of Town Govt with Small Pool of Candidates for Small Salary
Selectmen-Town Manager government enables local officials to involve and serve the entire community, and to actively plan for the future. In turn, an appointed professional Manager applies professional skills and training to assist the Board of Selectmen and to administer the daily operations of the community. All is done while preserving the Town Meeting at the central core of our town government so that ultimately our towns people remain in control.