Homeroom Guidance

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1. identify your skills, talents and interests helpful to
attain your
academic goal;
2. list down different ways in accomplishing assigned
tasks, and;
3. demonstrate how skills, talents and interests help in
Describe what you see in the pictures
below. Then, answer the processing questions .
1. What roles or practices you like doing the most?

2. Are there roles that you do at home, school and

community that
are the same? What are those?
1. Something that you want to do
4. Something that you do with
voice and sound
5. Something that you do with
sound and movements
2. Your natural gift
3. You will develop if you learn
something new
5. Something that you do with
pencil or crayon
The advantages of recognizing your own skills, talents
and interests are as follow:

1. It helps you maintain your self-confidence.

2. It keeps you motivated to work on your school tasks
that you do
at home because of quarantine.
3. It helps you get to know yourself better.
4. It makes you healthy physically and mentally.
5. It helps you achieve academic success.
A bookmark is used to mark one
page of a book. Using any kind
of paper, create three (3) bookmarks:
For bookmark #1 - write your talent;
For bookmark #2 - write your skill;
For bookmark #3 - write your
These will serve as your reminder
that you can attain academic success
as a learner even at the middle of a
1. What will you do to improve your skills, talents and

2. How do these help you learn at home and in school?

Share Your Thoughts and Feelings
Copy this train in a clean
sheet of paper, write down
your thoughts and feelings
about improving your skills,
talents and interests for each
compartment. Color the train
and make the best

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