Unit 5 - Marketing Communication

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Unit 5:

Designing the advertising message

By – Akriti Bhattarai
Concept of message design
What is message?
Message is the information or meaning that a source wants to convey to a receiver
What is message design?
Message design is the process of planning, creating and delivering messages that achieve your
communication goals. It involves choosing the right content, format, tone, and style for your
audience and purpose.

 Essentials of an effective message

1. Personal : Executed through salesperson who are able to address the message according to the
need of the target customer
2. Powerful : Message should be clear, concise, powerful and striking.
3. Permanent : Innovative and unique
4. Performance: Awareness, interest, desire ,conviction and action
3 Use of Unique Selling Propositions(USP) in
message design

What is unique selling proposition?

It is the essence or selling point that makes your product or service better than competitors.
 Coca-Cola: Refresh the world, Make a difference
 FedEx: When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight
 Starbucks: Expect more than a coffee

 Use of USP in message design

 Promise
 Unique
 Mass appeal
Models of message design

A. Head and heart model

 Hard selling approach - use logic and rational thought
 Soft selling approach - use emotions and images

Four categories based on consumer thoughts and moods:

i. The thinkers (learn-feel-do)
 Learn about product through advertisement, talking to the users and trying that
product (test) and finally buying
 use their head in high involvement goods like automobiles, mobile
ii. The doers (Do-learn-feel)
 low involvement goods, who had used the product maybe good or bad experience.
 Offer incentives to lure customers E.g. Shampoo, soap, detergents
iii. The feelers (Feel- learn-do):
 High involvement goods like branded goods E.g. Perfumes, Bags, Dress
iv. The reactors (Do-Feel- Learn)
 Low involvement products E.g. fast food, soft beverages, readymade snacks,
magazines and so on
 Reminder message is effective
B. Advertising effects models(AIDA model) – developed by Lewis in 1898
It is a model that identifies the stages that an individual goes through during the process of purchasing
a product.
i. Attention
 It makes the customer see the advertisement. Catchy and relevant
ii. Interest
 It makes the customer read or hear the adv. Tell them facts or uses.
iii. Desire
 Buying motives create desire for the product
iv. Action
 Translate desire into action. Get the customer to purchase the product
 Hierarchy of effects model (grey & seiner, 1961)
• Awareness
• Knowledge Cognitive
• Liking
• Preference Affection
• Conviction
• purchase Action
C. MECCA model
Theory suggests that an advertisement should contain a message(means) to lead a consumer to a desired end
state(personal values)
Or in simple words This theory states that consumer have abstract ideals that guide their purchasing
Means-end theory(MEC) is the basis for the ad model means end conceptualization of components for
advertising strategy(MECCA)
This model states that advertisers require five elements to create and advertisement.
1. The product attributes : Characteristics, purpose expressed visually or graphically
2. Consumer benefits : Main benefits. Why should they buy your product?
3. Leverage points : A leverage point moves the consumer from
understanding the products benefits to linking those benefits with personal values
4. Personal values : The way in which your product makes a connection
with the viewer. (E.g. Sentimental song)
5. The executional values : How advertisement will be carried out. Animations, informative
(B2B), Authoritative (use of dentist, doctors, engineers), Demonstration, fantasy and so on.
Factors to be considered in designing advertising message

1. Target audience : Who are the receiver?

2. Product positioning : What are your competitive advantage?
3. Unique selling points : How is your selling point different than competitors?
4. Advertising presentation : Informative, Animated, Use of model and so on
5. Ad. Objectives : What is your communication goal?
6. Nature of products : consumer or industrial product?
7. Media vehicles : Which media?
Message strategies
A. Cognitive strategies - Message is focused on the product’s attributes and consumer
 Generic messages - Direct promotions of product’s attributes and benefits without any claim of
 Preemptive messages - Claims of superiority based on a specific attribute or benefit of the product.
 Unique selling proposition
 Hyperbole – Untestable claim based on some product attribute or benefit
 Comparative advertisement
B. Affective message strategies - Targeted at invoking feelings and emotions of consumers
A. Resonance advertising: Give them more information than they are being given
B. Emotional advertising : Stimulates emotions among consumers. Joy, fear, humor and hope
C. Conative strategies
Designed to lead the consumer to some type of purchase behavior
1. Action inducing advertisement: Create situations in which action comes first and later comes
cognitive and affective liking
2. Promotional support advertisement: Used to support other promotional efforts
D. Brand strategies
Targeted at building favorable attitudes and brand images in the mind of the consumer. Regardless of
industry, you need a rock solid brand to stand out among competitors and capture customer’s
1. Brand user strategies : Targeting your user. E.g Netflix
2. Brand image strategy : To make brand image stronger
3. Brand usage advertising: Events, Time. E.g. Livon
4. Corporate advertising :To build positive image of organization

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