Demographic Concepts

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Department of Health


Measures and Indicators of

Population Outcomes

Presented by
Presented by
Marilyn F. Ogaya
Planning Officer
Planning Officer IV

Commission on Population
Sources of Population Data

Population Data is mainly obtained thru

the following sources:

1. Census
2. Vital Registration System
3. Sample Surveys
4. Administrative Records

Commission on Population
• This is a complete enumeration of
population residing in a particular
• It is conducted by the National
Statistics Office for a particular
appointed time in desired intervals
(usually 5 or 10 years)
• The latest census was conducted in
May 10, 2010
Commission on Population
Vital Registration System
The National Statistics Office thru the
local civil registrars collects information
On vital events such as
• Births
• Deaths
• Marriages
• Including instances when marital
dissolution occurs

Commission on Population
Sample Surveys
Uses a sample of the target population
To produce estimates
• May be conducted for the national or
sub-national scale

Some examples includes:

•National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS)
•Family Income and Expenditures Survey (FIES)
•Labor Force Survey (LFS), among others

Commission on Population
Administrative Records
Information is based on the operations
of the particular collecting agency

Some examples includes:

•Education Performance (DepEd)
•Immunization (DOH)
•Voter Profile (Comelec)

Commission on Population
Population Size
• Refers to the total population of a particular
size, locality or territory at a specific time

• Determining the population size of a certain

area involves the actual count of the
persons in that area through a census

• Can be disaggregated by sex, age,

geographical location, and other
Commission on Population
Population Size
• Land-based Overseas Filipino
Workers (OFWs) are included in the
total count as long as they fall within
the a cut-off reference period (usually
5 years)

• Seafarers are included in the total

population count

Commission on Population
Population Size

• The official count of the population as

of the May 1, 2010 Census of
Population and Housing was:

92,337,582 persons

Commission on Population
Population Size
• rate at which the population is increasing or
decreasing in a given year due to the surplus or
deficit of births over deaths expressed as a
percentage of the base population

RNI = Births - Deaths X 100

Total Population (mid year)

Commission on Population
Population Size
• rate at which the population is increasing or
decreasing in a given year due to the surplus or
deficit of births over deaths expressed as a
percentage of the base population

RNI = Births - Deaths X 100

Total Population (mid year)

Commission on Population
Population Size
Population Growth Rate (PGR) - rate at
which the population is increasing or
decreasing due to natural increase and net
migration, expressed as percentage of the
base population:

PGR = Births- Deaths + Net Migration X 100

Total Population (mid year)

Commission on Population
Population Size




Commission on Population
Population Size

• There are linear increases or decreases in a


• that is there is a constant amount of

increase per unit of time.

• This approach is straightforward. One

divides the total change by the number of
years, months etc.

Commission on Population
Population Size
Pt = pop in later period
Population estimate:
Po = pop in the earlier
Pt = Po (1 + rt) period
T = time interval
between the earlier and
later periods or no of
Population growth rate:
r= (Pt/Po)- 1
r= rate of growth
t (Po)

Commission on Population
Population Size
GEOMETRIC CHANGE assumes that:
• The population changes at a rate where the
increments or decreases are compounded over a
specified period e.g. e.g. quarterly , like the interest
of money deposited in a bank
• A geometric change occurs when the population
increases or decreases at the same rate over each
unit of time for example for each year
• Geometric change is a compound interest type of
change in which the compounding takes place at
certain constant intervals such as a year.
• Demographers usually adopt this equation because
population grows in a geometric fashion.

Commission on Population
Population Size
Pt = pop in later period

Population estimate: Po = pop in the earlier

Pt = Po (1 + r )t period
T = time interval
between the earlier and
later periods or no of
Population growth rate: years
r = antilog log (Pt / Po ) - 1 X 100
r= rate of growth

Commission on Population
Population Size

• The exponential change takes into account semi-

annual or monthly compounding. Compounding
takes place continuously (i.e. a constant rate of
change is applied at every infinitesimal of time. For a
fixed period.

(Infinitesimal is something extremely small/short)

Commission on Population
Population Size
Pt = pop in later period

Population estimate: Po = pop in the earlier period

Pt = Po ert T = time interval between
the earlier and later periods
r = rate of growth from Po to
Population growth rate:
r = ln (Pt / Po)

Commission on Population
Population Size
• The length of time a particular population
would take to double its size under a given
growth rate.
• It has been found out that a population growing
at least at the rate of one (1) percent annually
double its size in 69. 3 years.
• A quick way to estimate doubling time is to
divide 69.3 by the growth rate expressed in

DOUBLING TIME = 69.3 = 69.3 36.5 years

PGR = 1.90
Commission on Population
Population Composition
Age Sex Composition
Number Percent
Age Males Females Both Sexes Males Females Sexes AGE-SEX
0-4 32,555 45,772 78,327 2.65 3.73 6.39 COMPOSITION
5-9 54,199 49,415 103,614 4.42 4.03 8.45
10-14 62,817 57,146 119,963 5.12 4.66 9.78
15-19 51,386 47,673 99,059 4.19 3.89 8.08
•refers to the
20-24 49,357 46,532 95,889 4.02 3.79 7.82 composition of the
25-29 61,095 57,719 118,814 4.98 4.71 9.69 population with
30-34 64,435 60,704 125,139 5.25 4.95 10.20 respect to age and
35-39 52,752 60,054 112,806 4.30 4.90 9.20 sex.
40-44 42,780 39,492 82,272 3.49 3.22 6.71
•age sex distribution
45-49 43,199 40,832 84,031 3.52 3.33 6.85
50-54 31,731 29,323 61,054 2.59 2.39 4.98
is often used to show
55-59 23,651 21,373 45,024 1.93 1.74 3.67 the population’s
60-64 21,071 19,656 40,727 1.72 1.60 3.32 composition
65-69 17,488 17,146 34,634 1.43 1.40 2.82
70+ 12,131 12,954 25,085 0.99 1.06 2.05
Total 620647 605,791 1,226,438 50.61 49.39 100.00
Commission on Population
Population Composition
SEX RATIO = the number of males per 100 females in a


(masculinity ratio)
Number of males of age x x 100
Number of females in age x

In 2010, there were 102 males per 100 females

Commission on Population
Population Composition
AGE-DEPENDENCY RATIO =ratio of persons in the
dependent ages (generally under age 15 and over age
64) to those economically productive ages in a
population (15-64 years old)
CHILD DEPENDENCY RATIO = 54 young dependents (2010)
Population 0-14
Population 15-64 * k
OLD AGE DEPENDENCY RATIO = 7 old dependents (2010)
Population 65 and over
Population 15-64 * k
TOTAL DEPENDENCY RATIO = 61 dependents (2010)
Population (0-14 years old) + Population 65+)
Population (15-64 years old) * k
Commission on Population
Population Pyramid
• Graphical presentation of the age-sex composition of
the population.
• It consists of bars: the height represents the age
groups while the length represents the absolute
population, or percent of the population in each age
• The sum of bars is equal to the total population or
100% of the population
• The graph usually depicts the male and female
population separately; bars for males are given on the
left of the x-axis and the bars for females are on the
right x-axis.
Commission on Population
Uses of Population Pyramid

• The pyramid is useful tool in designing

programs for health care.

• A young or old population will indicate

the need to provide more pediatric or
geriatric services whichever is needed.

Commission on Population
Types of Population Pyramid
1. EXPANSIVE PYRAMID which has a broad base that
indicates high fertility
2. CONSTRICTIVE PYRAMID which has a base that is
narrower than the middle of the pyramid showing the
result of recent declines in fertility that affect the
younger age groups. It indicates moderate population
3. STATIONARY PYRAMID has a base which is
approximately equal to each subsequent age group,
tapering off at the older ages. It indicates a moderate
proportion of the children, a relatively large
proportion of persons in the old ages and a low PGR

Commission on Population
Population Pyramid
Philippines 2000
male 70-74 female Old dependents
Working age group
5-9 Young dependents

5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5

Commission on Population
Commission on Population
Philippine Population Pyramid
• In 2000, children under 15 years old
accounted for 37.1 percent of the household
population in the country as compared to 33.4
percent or 30.7 million in 2010

• Children below 5 years of aged comprised 12.7

percent of the total household population in 2000
while 11.1 percent of the household population in
the entire country are children below 5 years old
in 2010.

Commission on Population

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