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Beliefs of Islam

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Beliefs of Islam

a. Prophethood (Risaalat)
b. The Day of Judgment
Belief in Prophethood
Attributes of Prophets of Allaah
Obligations of Belief in Prophethood
Attributes of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Belief in the Day of Judgment
Influences of Belief in the Life Hereafter
Concept of Prophethood
Muslims believe in a chain of Prophets sent by
Allaah starting with the first one Hazrat Adam
(AS) and finishing on the last Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad (SAWS).
Every known nation had a warner or messenger
from Allaah duly chosen by Him to teach
mankind and deliver His Devine message.
Allaah Almighty says:
“And varily, We have sent among every Ummah
(community, nation) a Messenger”. (Al Nahl: 26)
Prophets of Allaah did not merely convey
the Message but they were sent to reform
human life in accordance with it.
They had to apply the principles of the
Message to the circumstances of human
beings and had themselves to demonstrate
practically those principles.
They also had to organize and train the
believers to create a society based on the
teachings of that message.
Attributes of Prophets of Allaah
1. They were Human beings

All the Prophets were human beings and they lived in the same habitations
to which they were sent. Allaah Almighty says:
“(O Muhammad!) all the Messengers, whom We sent before you, were
human beings, to them We sent Our Relations”. (Yusuf: 109)

Prophets had to struggle against those who rejected and opposed their
message in order to subdue those powers that were bent upon corruption,
and bring about that reformation for which Allaah had sent them.

This had to be done in a society of human beings, only a human Messenger

could perform the mission as an angel could not have lived among human
beings and shared their life problems in order to reform them.
2. Prophet-hood is a Bounty of Allaah, not a Right

Prophet-hood is a Divine duty and a mission from Allaah Almighty.

He appointed it to those whom He selected from among His good
servants. He doesn’t allow mankind to appoint, nominate or
select a person as a prophet.
Allaah Almighty says:
“Such is Allaah’s favour: He bestows it on whomsoever He
The Prophets were appointed to teach people wisdom and
knowledge and the ways of goodness and happiness until they
attain perfection for which they were created, to reach the
highest position in both the worlds.
3. Innocency of Prophets
Prophets were free from all kinds of bodily and mental defects.
They were protected Allaah against all kinds of sin, whether
major or minor, because they were created for a special
They were protected from falling, since their going astray even
an inch could result in almost complete deviation of mankind.
In this respect the Holy Qur’an says:
“Or they (pagans) say: “ He (Muhammad {SAWS} has fabricated
it [the Qur’an]”. Say: “If I have fabricated it, upon me be my
crimes, but I am innocent of all those crimes which you
commit”. (Hood: 35)
4. Revelation
Revelation is the act of revealing or disclosing or in the
theological perception, making something obvious and
clearly understood through active or passive
communication with the Divine.
Revelation in a religious sense can originate from Allaah, a
deity, or through His angel. It discloses a willed outcome,
principles, behaviours, laws and doctrines. Allaah
Almighty says:
“He (the Messenger) doesn’t speak of (his own) desire. It
is only an Inspiration that is inspired”. .
(Al Najm: 3 – 4)
5. Obedience
Every Prophet was sent to his own nation for
their guidance. Thus it is obligatory for them
to obey the Messenger of Allaah.
Each prophet was the exalted example for his
nation. He guided them and taught them the
true path of life. His obedience has been the
obedience of Allaah. The Holy Quran declares:
“We sent no Messenger, but to be obeyed by
the will of Allaah”. (Al Nisaa’: 64)
Obligations of Belief in Propethood
After the Tawheed belief in the prophet-hood is
obligatory, while disbelief one of them is ‘Kufr’.
The Holy Prophet (SAWS) is the last prophet of
Allaah and it is imperative to have a firm belief
on it. There are some obligations of belief in
the prophet-hood:
1. Love for the Holy Prophet
2. Obediency of the Messenger
3. Obeying the Prophet is Obedience to Allaah
4. Success in Obeying the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Attributes of the Holy Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad (SAWS)

The uniqueness of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) is

that he was not only a great person in his own time, but
he is great for all times, for all people of any race,
colour, nationality or geographical location.

He was kind, compassionate, caring, generous and

humble, but he was also strong, brave, eloquent, wise
and insightful. He was a great planner, organizer and
thinker, yet he was also a man of faith, trust and
devotion to Allaah.
Some of the salient characteristics of the Holy
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWS) are as
1. Universality
2. Finality of Prophet-hood
3. Comprehensiveness
4. Guardian of Qur’an is Allaah
5. Perfection of Religion
6. Abrogation of Previous Religions
7. Complete Code of Life
Concept of the Day of Judgment
According to the Islamic belief, there shall be a
Doomsday, on that day, this world will come to an end.
Allaah Almighty will then unveil all the veils and all the
things hidden and unseen from view, will appear as
clear as in the daylight.
No action done in this world will remain hidden, and
even a tiny good or bad deed will appear as plain as the
All moral and virtuous persons will be rewarded for
their good deeds and all immoral and sinful persons will
be doomed for their bad deeds, whatsoever they may
have been in this world!
Belief in the Doomsday is a fundamental tenet of faith
in Islam. Trials /tribulations associated with it, are
detailed in both, the Holy Qur’an and the Hadeeth.
Every human, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, is held
accountable for his or her deeds and are judged by
Allaah accordingly.
Muslims believe that the present life is only a trial
preparation for the next realm existence. This life is a
test for each individual for the life after death.
A day will come when the whole universe will be
destroyed and that will be the beginning of a life which
will never end.
Influences of Belief in the Life Hereafter
Belief in the life after death not only guarantees
success in the Hereafter but also makes this world
full of peace happiness by making individuals most
responsible and dutiful in their activities.

We saw the Arabs with different vices in their society

like gambling, drinking, plundering and murdering
etc while having no faith in the life Hereafter.
But as soon as they accepted the belief in One Allaah and
life after death, they became the most disciplined nation
of the world.

They gave up their vices, helped each other in hours of

need and settled all their disputes on the basis of justice
and equality.

A Muslim believes that our life on this Earth is temporary

and is meant to be a preparation for Aakhirah which is
never ending.

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