Beliefs of Islam
Beliefs of Islam
Beliefs of Islam
Beliefs of Islam
a. Prophethood (Risaalat)
b. The Day of Judgment
Belief in Prophethood
Attributes of Prophets of Allaah
Obligations of Belief in Prophethood
Attributes of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Belief in the Day of Judgment
Influences of Belief in the Life Hereafter
Concept of Prophethood
Muslims believe in a chain of Prophets sent by
Allaah starting with the first one Hazrat Adam
(AS) and finishing on the last Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad (SAWS).
Every known nation had a warner or messenger
from Allaah duly chosen by Him to teach
mankind and deliver His Devine message.
Allaah Almighty says:
“And varily, We have sent among every Ummah
(community, nation) a Messenger”. (Al Nahl: 26)
Prophets of Allaah did not merely convey
the Message but they were sent to reform
human life in accordance with it.
They had to apply the principles of the
Message to the circumstances of human
beings and had themselves to demonstrate
practically those principles.
They also had to organize and train the
believers to create a society based on the
teachings of that message.
Attributes of Prophets of Allaah
1. They were Human beings
All the Prophets were human beings and they lived in the same habitations
to which they were sent. Allaah Almighty says:
“(O Muhammad!) all the Messengers, whom We sent before you, were
human beings, to them We sent Our Relations”. (Yusuf: 109)
Prophets had to struggle against those who rejected and opposed their
message in order to subdue those powers that were bent upon corruption,
and bring about that reformation for which Allaah had sent them.