System Tarcts
System Tarcts
System Tarcts
3. System Tracts
System Tracts
Lowstand system tract
Definition and stacking patterns
Economic potential
Transgressive system tract
Definition and Stacking Patterns
Economic Potential
Highstand system tract
Definition and stacking patterns
Economic potential
Shelf Margin system tract
Definition and stacking patterns
• The concept of systems tract was introduced to define a linkage of
contemporaneous depositional systems, forming the subdivision of a
sequence (Brown and Fisher, 1977).
• Systems tracts are ‘genetic stratigraphic units (Galloway 2004) (Fig. 3.1).
• The lowstand and the shelf-margin system tracts are similar concepts, as
being both related to the same portion of the reference sea-level curve (the
stage of fall-early rise), so they were used interchangeably as part of a
depositional sequence (Vail, 1987; Posamentier and Vail, 1988; Vail et al.,
• A sequence composed of lowstand, transgressive and highstand system
tracts was defined as a ‘type-1’ sequence,
• Whereas a combination of shelf-margin, transgressive and highstand
systems tracts was said to have formed a ‘type-2’ sequence (Posamentier
Figure 3.2 Regional
architecture of depositional
systems, systems tracts, and
stratigraphic surfaces (modified
from Catuneanu, 2002). The
systems tract nomenclature
follows the scheme of Hunt and
Tucker (1992). Systems tracts
are defined by stratal stacking
patterns and bounding surfaces,
with an inferred timing relative
to the base-level curve at the
shoreline. Note that on seismic
lines, downlapping clinoforms
are concave-up, whereas
transgressive ‘healing phase’
strata associated with coastal
and marine onlap tend to be
convex-u. Abbreviations: e-FR—
early forced regression; l-FR—
late forced regression; e-T—
early transgression; l-T—late
3.2 System Tracts
• Landward from the shoreline, the potential for petroleum exploration of the
transgressive systems tract is generally moderate to poor because of the
extensive development of fine-grained floodplain facies in response to the
rapid rates of base-level rise.
• Highstand deltas are generally far from the shelf edge, as they form subsequent to the
maximum transgression of the continental shelf, and develop diagnostic topset
packages of aggrading and prograding delta plain and alluvial plain strata.
• There are three main phases of the highstand system tract formation;
In the early phase of the highstand, there is an effect of the transgressive system tract and
reterogradation is still in process and build finning upward sequence.
The second phase of the highstand stage is defined by relatively high rates of base-level rise,
although lower than the sedimentation rates, which results in a stacking pattern with a strong
aggradational component. Consequently, the ratio between floodplain and channel fill
architectural elements also tends to be high.
In contrast, the late phase of the highstand stage is defined by much lower rates of base
level rise, which result in a stacking pattern with a stronger progradational component, and
hence it is prone to an increase in channel clustering and implicitly in the ratio between
channel fill and floodplain architectural elements.
• Progradation therefore accelerates with time during the highstand stage, in parallel with
the decrease in the rates of base-level rise and the corresponding decrease in the rates
of creation of fluvial and marine accommodation.
• The vertical profile of the fluvial highstand deposits may therefore be described as
fining-upward, if one plots the maximum grain size observed within channel fills, even
though the net amount of sand tends to increase up section.
• The fining-upward trend is even more evident in most preserved stratigraphic sections,
as the amalgamated channels at the top of the highstand systems tract are usually
• The shallow-marine portion of the highstand systems tract
displays a coarsening-upward profile related to the basinward
shift of facies, and includes low-rate prograding and aggrading
normal regressive strata.
• Both strand-plains (open shorelines) and deltas (river-mouth settings) prograde and
downlap the maximum flooding surface, which marks the lower boundary of the highstand
normal regressive package.
• At the top, the highstand reservoirs may be truncated by the subaerial unconformity.
• The sand/mud ratio and the reservoir connectivity within the fluvial systems tend to improve
upwards, as the decreasing rates of base-level rise during the highstand normal regression
lead to an increase in the degree of channel amalgamation.
• No significant reservoirs are expected to develop during this stage in the shelf and deeper-
marine settings.
• The down-side of the increased degree of fluvial to shallow-marine sand amalgamation and
connectivity toward the top of the highstand systems tract is the corresponding poorer
representation of source and seal rocks.
• It can be concluded that the petroleum play significance of the highstand systems tract
consists in the accumulation of reservoir facies mainly within proximal regions (fluvial to
coastal and shoreface environments) and of source and seal facies mainly within the distal
areas of the basin (shallow- to deep-water environments).
• Coal resources
• Coal exploration is restricted to the nonmarine portion of the basin, where
the thickest and most regionally extensive coal seams are generally related
to episodes of highest water table relative to the landscape profile.
• Providing that all favorable conditions required for peat accumulation are
met, which involve the interplay of subsidence, vegetation growth and
sediment supply, these most significant coal seams tend to be associated
with maximum flooding surfaces (Hamilton and Tadros, 1994), hence
marking the base of the highstand systems tract (Fig. 2.7).
• The upper portion of the highstand systems tract commonly lacks coal
deposits due to insufficient accommodation and the relatively high sediment
input that results in the amalgamation of meander belts.
Shelf margin system tract
• Definition and stacking patterns
• A system tract deposited during a time of less-pronounced relative sea
level fall (i.e. the rate of eustatic fall is slightly less than or equal to the
rate of basin subsidence).
• Such that the shelf becomes partially exposed, but the shoreline does not
extend seaward all the way to the offlap break (Fig. 2.10).
• The shelf margin system tract is recognized most readily on seismic lines
and is very difficult if not impossible, to detect from outcrops, cores and
Figure 2.10 Showing the base level fall but not below the shelf edge forming type-2
sequence boundary.
Adelie Penguins Taking a Dive