Biskra Sayad Rayene Imprimer
Biskra Sayad Rayene Imprimer
Biskra Sayad Rayene Imprimer
Ultrasound Assisted Green Synthesis of α-Hydroxyphosphonates with Zn(OAc) 2 as a
Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry, Bioorganic Chemistry, Badji Mokhtar-Annaba University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry,
Box 12, 23000 Annaba, Algeria
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Abs t r ac t
A new and effective method has been developed for the synthesis of α-Hydroxyphosphonates via Pudovic reaction was reported in this work, by the combination of aromatic
aldehyde and diethylphosphite under Ultrasound irradiation with Zn(OAc)2 as catalyst allow the desired product to be obtained with a high yield. The spectroscopic methods
(1H NMR and IR) were used to determine the structural characteristics of the synthesized compounds
Key words: α-hydroxyphosphonates, Pudovic reaction, Us irradiation, Zn(OAc) 2, Green synthesis .
new approach that boosts chemical reactions, this "synergy" is beneficial in many fields OEt
Results and
Discussion .
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