4 Summative Assessment - G9

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GAMES to Raise Awareness about
21st century challenges (SDGs)!

Grade 9
Create a Group Powerpoint

Summative Assessment
Criterion Aiv

Grade 9
Criterion A : Inquiring & Analysing

Criterion A iv : Develop a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research.

3-4: develops a design brief, which outlines the analysis of relevant research.

5-6: develops a design brief, which explains the analysis of relevant research.

7-8: develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research.
Criterion A : Inquiring & Analysing

Command Term: Design Glossary:

Develop: To improve incrementally, elaborate
or expand in detail. Evolve to a more Design brief:
advanced or effective state.
The student’s response to the design situation,
Analyse: Break down in order to bring out based on his or her research, detailing how he
the essential elements or structure. (To or she intends to solve the problem. This will
identify parts and relationships, and to summarize the relevant findings from his or her
interpret information to reach conclusions.) research, and inform the development of his or
her design specification.
Summarize: Abstract a general theme or
major point(s).
SUMMARIZE the analysis of your relevant RESEARCHES

Write a reflection about (200-250 word):

> Why have you chose this specific Sustainable Development Goal?

> What are the different aspects of this Sustainable Development Goal that
you want to spread through your game?


> What are the main characteristics that we have to think while designing a
game? (think about the selling arguments)

> How a Game (learning by playing) could help to spread awareness about
your chosen SDG around the world/toward your audience?
Develop a detailed DESIGN BRIEF:
Share your “First game idea(s)”

1/ How your “first game idea” is

Design Glossary:
First Sketches raising awareness toward your chosen
SDG? What is its function? Target Audience: A group of similar
users who require a solution to a common
2 / For now, who is your audience for problem or a product that fills a common
this “first game idea”? need or want.

First Sketches 3/ Which amazing playing experience Function: The function of a solution
are you offering to your specific refers to what it has been designed to do
audience? and how effective it is at enabling that
action to be performed.
4/ What are the areas to explore more
deeply in Criterion B phase?
First Sketches
Chose a Kickstarter project related to your game ideas and fill the template

Analyse an existing product (200-250 word):

Chosen 1/ Why have you chose this game on Kickstarter Platform?

Kickstarter 2/ Fill the template (posted on ManageBac) and answer to each

project 3/ How does this game is inspiring you for your own future
project? On which aspects, in term of gameplay, aesthetic and

> Add pictures and the link of the project

Thank you!

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