5 Micturition Reflex 2022
5 Micturition Reflex 2022
5 Micturition Reflex 2022
Suman Pokhrel
Dept. of Physiology
Learning Objectives
Mechanics of micturition
Smooth muscle-
Mucosa- smooth
Mechanics of micturition
Two phases: 1-filling & 2- emptying of bladder
Filling of bladder
Urine flow from collecting ducts
Ureter have inherent pacemaker activity
Voluntary urination
- Contracts abdominal muscles- pressure in bladder-
allows extra urine to enter posterior urethra &
relaxation of muscles of Pelvic floor - causes
downward tug on detrusor muscle; both initiates
contraction of detrusor muscle
Neural mechanism of micturition
Parasympathetic Somatic
Pudendal nerves (S2,S3,S4)
motor & sensory fibres
External urethral sphincter
Hypogastric nerves (L1,L2,L3)
motor & sensory fibres
Bladder wall relaxation
Internal sphincter contraction
Pelvic nerves (S2,S3,S4)
motor & sensory fibres
Bladder wall contraction
Somatic (voluntary control)
Internal sphincter relaxation
Micturition Reflex flow chart
Neural mechanism of micturition contd….
Effects of deafferentation
destruction of sensory nerve fibers. Eg- diseases of
dorsal roots (tabes dorsalis)
Atonic bladder
All reflex contraction- abolished
Bladder: thin-walled, distended, & hypotonic; some
contraction (+)- due to intrinsic responses of smooth
muscle to stretch
Person loses bladder control; bladder fills to capacity &
overflows a few drops at time through urethra passively
(overflow incontinence)
Abnormalities of micturition contd….
Effects of denervation
Afferent + efferent nerves= destroyed (eg, tumors of
cauda equina or filum terminale)
Decentralized bladder:
-initially, flaccid & distended.
-Gradually becomes hyperactive (due to development of
denervation hypersensitization), with many contraction
waves that expel dribbles of urine out of urethra, becomes
small & hypertrophied
Effects of spinal cord cord transection
Neurogenic bladder
Due to incomplete destruction of some neuronal
pathways of micturition