Contrast Conjuction

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Eniwati, S.Pd.
Kompetensi dasar

• Menerapkan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
lisan da tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
hubungan pertentangan dan kebalikan, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.(Perhatikan
unsur kebahasaan even if…., unless…., however,
on the other hand, in contrast, nevertheless).
Contrast conjunction

Tujuan pembelajaran Fungsi sosial

Definisi Jenis dan penggunaan

Social function:
Tujuan Pembelajaran: To give information, state
The student can ask for and opinion, agreement or
give information related to disagreement and to criticize
contrast relation someone

Kinds of Contrast
Definition : Conjuction:
Conjuction that state Even if, Unless, However, In
contradictive statement contrast, Nevertheless,
On the other hand
Even if ( Meskipun )

1. I will still go to the beach even

 Dependent
if it rains tomorrow.
2. She will do nothing even if her
(klausa yang tidak
position as a manager is replaced
bisa berdiri sendiri) by a new employee.
 Menekankan 3. Even if he got the job, he still
pada situasi can’t save more money.
tetap sama
4. He doesn’t want to buy an
meski apapun
expensive house even if he can.
yang terjadi
Unless ( kecuali
1. I can apologize him unless he
jika/ Jika tidak )
says sorry.
2. We will be fat unless we don’t
 Dependent clause
eat much fat.
(klausa yang tidak bisa
berdiri sendiri) 3. She will be so happy unless
you make her cry.
 Hanya ada 1 pilihan 4. Anton can do his homework
dan tidak ada unless you didn’t disturb.
pilihan lain yang
lebih bagus. Jika
berada di awal
kalimat, klausa yang
kedua diberi koma
On the other hand
( disisi lain ) 1. I like playing football. On the
other hand, my brother likes
playing basketball.
 Menyatakan dua
2. We had no money but, on the
fakta dan sudut
other hand, we were very
pandang yang
3. My friends go to Bali in this
holiday, on the other hand, I
( meskipun) 1. He studied all night, however
he couldn’t do the test.
Pernyataan yang 2. The rain is heavy outside.
berlawanan dengan
However, Andika goes
sebelumnya, sama
seperti BUT tetapi swimming.
letaknya biasanya 3. Yanti is sick. However, she
diawal kalimat dan could sing perfectly.
diikuti tanda koma
In contrast
( sebaliknya ) 1. Ann enjoys dancing and
singing, in contrast, her sister
 Menekankan dua hates both.
orang dan dua 2. Aji has a big house in their
benda yang family, in contrast, his brother
berbeda ( Lebih has a small house.
kuat dari
perbandingan ) 3. That girl has a kind heart, in
contrast, her mother is stingy.
( Padahal, sebaliknya,
 Menekankan pada 1. He loves foreign
perbedaan atau dua
kalimat yang
holidays, whereas his wife
berlawanan. Kata prefers to stay at home.
Whereas memiliki
2. Whereas I’m a dog lover,
makna sama
dengan While my husband is allergic to
dalam menyatakan dogs.
dua hal kontras.
 Diletakkan di awal
maupun di tengah

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