General Chemistry Grade 12 Module
General Chemistry Grade 12 Module
General Chemistry Grade 12 Module
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Learning Activity Sheet in GENERAL
CHEMISTRY 2 (Grade 12)
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Competency Code
Use the kinetic molecular model to explain
properties of liquids and solids
STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-99 1 - 13
Describe and differentiate the types
of intermolecular forces STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-100 14 – 29
Describe the following properties of liquids,
and explain the effect of intermolecular
forces on these properties: surface tension,
viscosity, vapor pressure, boiling point, and
molar heat of vaporization STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-102 30 – 50
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Crystalline are solids featuring highly ordered arrangements of their particles
(atoms, ions, and molecules) in microscopic structures.
These ordered microscopic structures make up a crystal lattice that accounts
for the structure of the solid at any given point. Examples of crystalline solids include
salt (sodium chloride), diamond, and sodium nitrate.
Ionic solids, such as sodium chloride and
Figure 1. Sodium chloride is an
nickel oxide, are composed of positive and ionic solid.
negative ions that are held together by
electrostatic attractions, which can be quite
strong Figure 1. Many ionic crystals also have
high melting points. This is due to the very strong
attractions between the ions—in ionic compounds,
the attractions between full charges are (much)
larger than those between the partial charges in
polar molecular compounds. This will be looked at
in more detail in a later discussion of lattice
energies. Although they are hard, they also tend to
be brittle,electricity;
conduct and they however,
shatter rather
they than bend. Ionic
do conduct when molten or dissolved because
their do not
are free to move. Many simple compounds formed by the reaction of a
metallic element with a nonmetallic element are ionic.
Metallic solids such as crystals of copper,
aluminum, and iron are formed by metal atoms 2. Figure 2. Copper is a metallic solid.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Molecular solids, such as ice, sucrose (table sugar),
Figure 4. Carbon dioxide.
and iodine, as shown in Figure 4, are composed of
neutral molecules. The strengths of the attractive
forces between the units present in different crystals
vary widely, as indicated by the melting points of the
crystals. Small symmetrical molecules (nonpolar
still higher temperatures. Examples include ice (melting point, 0 °C) and table sugar
(melting point, 185 °C).
Figure 4. Carbon dioxide (CO2) consists of small, nonpolar molecules and forms a molecular
solid with a melting point of −78 °C. Iodine (I2) consists of larger, nonpolar molecules and
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
well, variable
and melting
covalent atoms of covalent very hard, not C (diamond),
network electronegative bonds conductive,
SiO2, SiC
elements very
high melting
molecular molecules (or MFs variable H2O, CO2, I2,
atoms) hardness,
brittleness, not
melting points
Amorphous are solids in which the particles are not arranged in any specific
order or the solids that lack the overall order of a crystal lattice.
The term ‘amorphous’, when broken down into its Greek roots, can be
roughly translated to “without form”. Many polymers are amorphous solids. Other
examples of such solids include glass, gels, and nanostructured materials.
An ideal crystal is defined as an atomic arrangement that has infinite
translational symmetry in all the three dimensions, whereas such a definite
definition is not possible for an ideal amorphous solid (a-solid).
Features of Crystalline and Amorphous Solids
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ordered arrangement arrangement resulting in
result irregular shapes.
ing in a definite shape.
Melting They have a sharp melting They do not have
point. sharp
melting points.
solid tends to
soften gradually
over a temperature
Heat of Fusion (The They have definite heat of They do not have
change in enthalpy fusion. definite
when a substance is heat of
heated to change its fusion.
state from solid to liquid.)
irregular surfaces.
Rigidity They are rigid solids and They are not rigid, so mild
applying mild forces will effects may change the 10
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene
distort itsatshape.
all times shape.
Learning Competency:
Describe the difference in structure of crystalline and amorphous solids.
_3. N2 8. NH4NO3
_4. Fe
9. K3PO4
_5. C (graphite)
10. SiO2
Q1. Explain why ice, which is a crystalline solid, has a melting temperature of 0 °C,
whereas butter, which is an amorphous solid, softens over a range of temperatures.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Objective: Determine the difference in the structure of crystalline and
amorphous solids.
Materials: Paper and pen
Directions: Read and answer the questions briefly but substantially. Write your
answer on the space provided.
a. Why is the arrangement of the constituent atoms or molecules more
important in determining the properties of a solid than a liquid or a gas?
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
describe the main points of difference between a crystalline solid and
an amorphous solid;
recognize and identify at least 3 of the 7 crystal systems;
Traditional ceramics are clay-based. Clays have a mineral composition and
minerals have a crystalline structure. A mineral is defined as a naturally occurring
inorganic substance with a certain chemical composition and set of physical
properties. Many minerals occur in characteristic crystal shapes.
A limited number of crystal shapes have been found in nature. There are
only 7 groups, or crystal systems, into which all naturally occurring crystals can be
placed. Careful observation of crystal shapes is one of the best ways to classify and
distinguish between different minerals. This activity focuses on three of these
crystal systems – cubic, triclinic and rhombohedral.
sulfate (CuSO4)
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What to do
1. Hand out copies of the crystal systems diagram and discuss with the class.
Explain that they will be investigating 3 of these crystal systems – cubic,
triclinic and rhombohedral.
2. Make sure each student has the necessary materials and equipment and a
copy of the student worksheet and templates.
Note: Please refer to the figure below for the reference of cubic, triclinic and
rhombohedral crystals.
1. Cubic crystals:
Place a drop of the sodium
chloride solution supplied in
the center of a microscope
Gently heat the slide by
placing it on a hot plate (low
When all the water has
evaporated, view the sodium
chloride crystals that remain
under the low power of a
Note the shape of the
crystals and sketch what
you see.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
2. Triclinic crystals:
Place a drop of the copper
sulfate solution supplied in
the center of a microscope
Gently heat the slide by
placing it on a hot plate
(low setting).
When all the water has
evaporated, view the
copper sulfate crystals that
remain under the low power
of a microscope.
Note the shape of the
crystals and sketch what
you see.
3. Rhombohedral crystals:
Place a small sample of
beach sand in the center
of a microscope slide and
spread out the grains.
View under the low power of
a microscope.
Note the shape of the
grains with a clear or whitish
appearance – these are
grains of the mineral quartz.
Sketch what you see.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
5. The mineral halite, a naturally occurring form of sodium chloride, has a cubic
crystal structure. Use the cubic crystal template to construct a model of a
halite crystal. Fold all edges. Glue the tabs and stick together.
6. The feldspar minerals plagioclase and orthoclase have a triclinic crystal structure.
Copper sulfate crystallizes out of solution as triclinic crystals just like the
feldspars. Use the triclinic crystal template to construct a model of a feldspar
mineral crystal. Fold all edges. Glue the tabs and stick together.
7. Quartz minerals are commonly found in beach sand. These tiny grains have
a rhombohedral shape (cubic system stretched along a body diagonal). Use
the rhombohedral crystal template to construct a model of a quartz crystal.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Crystal systems
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Activity 4: BUILD ME UP
use models to point out the angular and side length differences
that characterize the cubic, triclinic and rhombohedral crystal
All axes are of equal length. All axes are at 90° to one another.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Rhombohedral crystal template
All the axes are equal. All axes are at angles other than
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
1. Observe the following diagram below illustrating crystalline versus a non-
crystalline (amorphous) patterns.
2. On the worksheet, outline or fill in spaces on the Altair designs sheet to
create patterns. Your patterns are examples of order within the overall
structure of the design. This same type of organization generates
crystalline structures in minerals. The Altair designs sheet will naturally
guide your imagination through the maze of lines. Since no two students
are alike, none of you will see the same shapes, forms or patterns hidden
in these designs. You may create some very interesting artwork.
3. After finishing your patterns pair up with your seatmate and see if there
any similar patterns. The similarities and differences means that there are
many types of minerals, and hence many different crystal patterns.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to the correct
answer on the space provided.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
_5. Solids have many different properties. _ solids are known for
their ability to be flattened into a sheet, stretched into a wire, and to conduct
energy well.
A. Molecular B. Metallic C. Network D. Ionic
_6. It is possible to tell the difference between a solid with a crystalline
structure and one with an amorphous structure just by looking at it.
A. True B. False
_7. An engineer is designing an electrical system and is looking for a material to
transmit energy. She has four solids available, each made with different
materials. To conduct energy most efficiently and effectively, she should use
A. Whose electrons are held with ionic bonds.
B. Whose electrons are held with covalent bonds.
C. Whose electrons are held with metallic bonds.
D. That is an electrical insulator.
_8. Which statement is true about the properties of solids?
A. Metallic solids have a high melting point.
B. Network solids are generally not soluble in water.
C. Molecular solids do not dissolve easily in water.
D. All ionic solids are similar in density.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
1. I learned that _
2. I enjoyed most on _
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Prepared by:
Baua National High School
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Figure 12.4.1: A Typical Phase Diagram for a Substance That Exhibits Three
Phases—Solid, Liquid, and Gas—and a Supercritical Region
The solid phase is favored at low temperature and high pressure; the gas
phase is favored at high temperature and low pressure.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
The lines in a phase diagram correspond to the combinations of temperature
and pressure at which two phases can coexist in equilibrium. In Figure 12.4.1, the
line that connects points A and D separates the solid and liquid phases and shows
how the melting point of a solid varies with pressure. The solid and liquid phases
are in equilibrium all along this line; crossing the line horizontally corresponds to
melting or freezing. The line that connects points A and B is the vapor pressure
curve of the liquid, which we discussed in Section 11.5. It ends at the critical point,
beyond which the substance exists as a supercritical fluid. The line that connects
points A and C is the vapor pressure curve of the solid phase. Along this line, the
solid is in equilibrium with the vapor phase through sublimation and deposition.
Finally, point A, where the solid/liquid, liquid/gas, and solid/gas lines intersect,
is the triple point; it is the only combination of temperature and pressure at
which all three phases (solid, liquid, and gas) are in equilibrium and can therefore
exist simultaneously. Because no more than three phases can ever coexist, a phase
diagram can never have more than three lines intersecting at a single point.
Remember that a phase diagram, such as the one in Figure 12.4.1, is for a
single pure substance in a closed system, not for a liquid in an open beaker in
contact with air at 1 atm pressure. In practice, however, the conclusions reached
about the behavior of a substance in a closed system can usually be extrapolated
to an open system without a great deal of error.
Figure 12.4.2 shows the phase diagram of water and illustrates that the triple
point of water occurs at 0.01°C and 0.00604 atm (4.59 mmHg). Far more
reproducible than the melting point of ice, which depends on the amount of
dissolved air and the atmospheric pressure, the triple point (273.16 K) is used to
define the absolute (Kelvin) temperature scale. The triple point also represents the
lowest pressure at which a liquid phase can exist in equilibrium with the solid or
vapor. At pressures less than 0.00604 atm, therefore, ice does not melt to a liquid
as the temperature increases; the solid sublimes directly to water vapor.
Sublimation of water at low temperature and pressure can be used to “freeze-dry”
foods and beverages. The food or beverage is first cooled to subzero temperatures
and placed in a container in which the pressure is maintained below 0.00604 atm.
Then, as the temperature is increased, the water
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
sublimes, leaving the dehydrated food (such as that used by backpackers or
astronauts) or the powdered beverage (as with freeze-dried coffee).
Figure 12.4.2: Two Versions of the Phase Diagram of Water. (a) In this graph
with linear temperature and pressure axes, the boundary between ice and liquid
water is almost vertical. (b) This graph with an expanded scale illustrates the
decrease in melting point with increasing pressure. (The letters refer to points
discussed in Example 12.4.1).
The phase diagram for water illustrated in Figure 12.4.2b shows the boundary
between ice and water on an expanded scale. The melting curve of ice slopes up
and slightly to the left rather than up and to the right as in Figure 12.4.1; that is, the
melting point of ice decreases with increasing pressure; at 100 MPa (987 atm), ice
melts at
−9°C. Water behaves this way because it is one of the few known
substances for which the crystalline solid is less dense than the liquid (others
include antimony and bismuth). Increasing the pressure of ice that is in equilibrium
with water at 0°C and 1 atm tends to push some of the molecules closer together,
thus decreasing the volume of the sample. The decrease in volume (and
corresponding increase in density) is smaller for a solid or a liquid than for a gas,
but it is sufficient to melt some of the ice.
a. Predict the physical form of a sample of water at 400°C and 150 atm.
b. Describe a changes that occur as the sample in part (a) is slowly
allowed to cool to -50°C at a constant pressure of 150 atm
Given: phase diagram, temperature, and pressure
Asked for: physical form and physical changes
Identify the region of the phase diagram corresponding to the initial
conditions and identify the phase exist in this region.
Draw a line corresponding to the given pressure. Move along that line in
the appropriate direction (in this case cooling) and describe the phase
a. Locate the starting point on the phase diagram in part (a) in
Figure The initial conditions correspond to point A, which lies in
the region of the phase diagram representing water vapor. Thus water at T =
400°C and P = 150 atm is a gas.
b. Cooling the sample at constant pressure corresponds to moving left along the
horizontal line in part (a) in Figure At about 340°C (point B), we
cross the vapor pressure curve, at which point water vapor will begin to
condense and the sample will consist of a mixture of vapor and liquid. When
all of the vapor has condensed, the temperature drops further, and we enter
the region corresponding to liquid water (indicated by point C). Further
cooling brings us to the melting curve, the line that separates the liquid and
solid phases at a little below 0°C (point D), at which point the sample will
consist of a mixture of liquid and solid water (ice). When all of the water has
frozen, cooling the sample to −50°C takes us along the horizontal line to point
E, which lies within the region corresponding to solid water. At P = 150
atm and T = −50°C, therefore, the sample is solid ice.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
The Phase Diagram of Carbon dioxide
CO2 (Figure 12.4.312.4.3) has a more typical melting curve, sloping up and to the right. The
triple point is −56.6°C and 5.11 atm, which means that liquid CO2 cannot exist at pressures
lower than 5.11 atm. At 1 atm, therefore, solid CO2 sublimes directly to the vapor while
CO2 is generally known as dry ice because it is a cold solid with no liquid phase observed
when it is warmed.
Dry ice (CO2(s)CO2(s)) sublimed in air under room
temperature and pressure.
Also notice the critical point at 30.98°C and 72.79 atm. Supercritical carbon dioxide
is emerging as a natural refrigerant, making it a low carbon (and thus a
more environmentally friendly) solution for domestic heat pumps.
Figure 12.4.3: The Phase Diagram of Carbon Dioxide. Note the critical point,
the triple point, and the normal sublimation temperature in this diagram.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
The Critical Point
critical temperature (Tc), the highest temperature at which a substance can exist as a liquid.
Above the critical temperature, the molecules have too much kinetic energy for the
have relatively low critical temperatures. Each substance also has a critical pressure (Pc),
the minimum pressure needed to liquefy it at the critical temperature. The combination
of critical temperature and critical pressure is called the critical point. The critical
Figure 12.4.1:
temperatures andCritical Temperatures
pressures andcommon
of several Pressures of Some Simple
substances Substances
are listed in Figure
12.4.1 Substance Tc (°C) Pc (atm)
132.4 113.5
31.0 73.8
CH3CH2OH (ethanol)
240.9 61.4
He −267.96 2.27
Hg 1477 1587
−82.6 46.0
−146.9 33.9
H 2O
374.0 217.7
*High-boiling-point, nonvolatile liquids have high critical temperatures and vice versa.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Learning Competency:
Interpret the phase diagram of water and carbon dioxide (STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-
Figure B
A. Directions: Using the phase diagram (fig. a) for water, determine the state of H2O at the
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
A. Directions: Using the phase diagram for carbon dioxide, determine the state of
CO2 at the following temperatures and pressures. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Describe what one would see at pressures and temperatures above 5 atm
and 1000ºC.
2. Describe what will happen to the substance when it begins in a vacuum at -15
ºC and is slowly pressurized.
3. Describe the phase changes from -80ºC to 500ºC at 2 atm.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Objective: Interpret the phase diagram of water.
Materials: Paper and pen
Directions: Read and analyze the given problem, then answer the question below.
Write your answer on the space provided.
Problem: Referring to the phase diagram of water in figure 12.4.2, predict the
physical form of a sample of water at -0.0050ºC as the pressure is gradually
increased from 1.0 mmHg to 218 atm. Write your answer on the space
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Objective: Interpret the phase diagram of water.
Materials: Paper and pen
B 4
C (374 °C, 218 atm)
1 2
A (0.01 °C,
0.00603 atm)
1. Identify the four phases shown as 1-4 in the phase
a. c.
b. d.
a. b.
3. The boundary line A-B is slightly tilted to the left. What are the physical
and biological significances of this?
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Objective: determine the state of water at each given temperature and pressure.
Materials: Paper and pen
Directions: Answer the following questions based on the P-T phase diagram of
carbon dioxide.
Write your answer on the space provided.
1. At what temperature and pressure can the solid, liquid and vapor phases
2. What is the effect of decrease of pressure on the fusion and boiling point
of CO2?
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
1. I learned that _
2. I enjoyed most on _
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Prepared by:
Baua National High School
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Name: Grade Level:
Date: Score:
Heating Curve
Imagine that you have a block of ice that is at a temperature of -30°C, well
below its melting point. The ice is in a closed container. As heat is steadily added to
the ice block, the water molecules will begin to vibrate faster and faster as they
absorb kinetic energy. Eventually, when the ice has warmed to 0°C, the added
energy will start to break apart the hydrogen bonding that keeps the water
molecules in place when it is in the solid form. As the ice melts, its temperature
does not rise. All of the energy that is being put into the ice goes into the melting
process and not into any increase in temperature. During the melting process,
the two states – solid and liquid – are in equilibrium with one another. If the
system was isolated at that point and no energy was allowed to enter or leave, the
ice-water mixture at 0°C would remain. Temperature is always constant during a
change of state.
Continued heating of the water after the ice has completely melted will now
increase the kinetic energy of the liquid molecules and the temperature will rise.
Assuming that the atmospheric pressure is standard, the temperature will rise
steadily until it reaches 100°C. At this point, the added energy from the heat will
cause the liquid to begin to vaporize. As with the previous state change, the
temperature will remain at 100°C while the water molecules are going from the
liquid to the gas or vapor state. Once all the liquid has completely boiled away,
continued heating of the steam (remember the container is closed) will increase its
temperature above 100°C.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
The experiment described above can be summarized in a graph called
a heating curve:
Between A & B, the material is a solid. The heat supplied to the material is
used to increase the kinetic energy of the molecules and the temperature
Between B & C, the solid is melting. Heat is still being supplied to the material
but the temperature does not change. Heat energy is not being changed into
kinetic energy. Instead, the heat is used to change the arrangement of the
At point C, all of the material has been changed to liquid.
Between C & D, the heat supplied is again used to increase kinetic energy of
the molecules and the temperature of the liquid starts to rise.
Between C & D, the liquid is heated until it starts to boil.
Between D & E, the liquid is still being heated but the extra heat energy does
not change the temperature (kinetic energy) of the molecules. The heat
energy is used to change the arrangement of the molecules to form a gas.
At point E, all of the liquid has been changed into gas.
Between E & F, the gas is heated and the heat energy increases the kinetic
energy of molecules once more, so the temperature of the gas increases.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
When a system contains only one phase (solid, liquid, or gas), the
temperature will increase when it receives energy. The rate of temperature
increase will be dependent on the heat capacity of the phase in the system. When
the heat capacity is large, the temperature increases slowly, because much energy is
required to increase its temperature by one degree. Thus, the slopes of temperature
increase for the solid, liquid, and gases are different.
carbon dioxide would have only one plateau, at the sublimation temperature of CO2.
Cooling Curves
You will use lauric acid in a school lab to make your own cooling curve. Lauric
acid has a melting point of about 45°C and is easily melted in a test tube placed in a
beaker of hot water. The temperature can be followed using a thermometer or
temperature probe connected to a data logger. The liquid may be cooled by putting
the boiling tube in a beaker of cold water or just leaving it in the air.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Note: The melting and freezing occur at the same temperature. During
freezing, energy is removed and during melting, energy is absorbed.
Energy Changes
During these regions, a single state of matter exists and the sample is either
getting hotter or cooler. During the horizontal line segments, there is no change in
temperature, so kinetic energy remains constant. However, all the energy that is
absorbed or released is related to changes in potential energy.
Source: https://
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Learning Competency
Directions: Using the curve below describe what is happening between each of
the points:
i. A-B
ii. B-C
iii. C-D
iv. D-E
v. E-F
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Directions: Use the cooling curve below to answer the following questions.
4. In which region(s) of the graph would the substance only be in one phase?
7. In which region(s) of the graph would the substance be a liquid and a gas?
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
1. I learned that
2. I enjoyed most on
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Prepared by:
Solana National High School
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Name: Grade Level: _
Date:_ Score: _
Percent by Mass
The Percent by Mass (also called percent by weight or weight percent) is the
ratio of the mass of a solute to the mass of the solution, multiplied by 100 percent:
Mass of solute
Percent by Mass = X 100%
Mass of solute + Mass of solvent
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Mass of solute
Percent by Mass = X 100%
Total mass of Solution
Mass of solute
Percent by Mass = X 100%
Mass of solute + Mass of
24g NaCl
Percent by Mass of NaCl= X 100%
24g NaCl + 152g Water
Percent by Mass of NaCl= X 100% = 14%
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Example 2: A sample of 0.892 g of potassium chloride (KCl) is dissolved
in 54.6 g of water. What is the percent by mass of KCl in the
Mass of solute
Percent by Mass = X 100%
Percent by Mass Mass of solute + Mass of solvent
0.892g of KCl
Percent by Mass of KCl= X 100%
0.892g of Cl + 54.6g of Water
Percent by Volume
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by volume is also widely use in pharmaceutical field for expressing the concentration
of different components in solution.
Solution = 250mL
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Third, write the formula and calculate the unknown.
Volume of solute
Percent Volume = X 100%
Total Volume of Solution
Percent Volume = 67 mL
X 100% = 26.8%
of solution 4%?
Volume = 4 percent by
Third, write the formula and calculate the unknown. But in this
case we have to derive the formula.
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To derived formula to get the volume of solute.
(Percent by Volume) (Volume of Solution)
Volume of Solute =
When the amount of solute is very small, as with trace impurities in water,
concentration is often expressed in parts per million.
Solution = 1000g
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Second, identify the unknown or what is being asked in
the problem.
0.02 grams
Parts per Million = X 106 = 20 ppm
1000 grams
Third, write the formula and calculate the unknown. But in this
case we have to derive the formula.
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From the mother formula;
Gram of Solute
Parts per Million = X 106
Gram of Solution
Mole Fraction
mol B
Mole fraction of component B:
XB =mo l A + mol
Xi =
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
where ni and nT are the number of moles of component i and the total number of moles
Example 1: 0.100 mole of NaCl is dissolved into 100.0 grams of pure H2O. What is the
*Note that the component being asked in the problem is the water (H2O) component, but as
you may notice, the unit of water as stated in the problem is in grams. Before you
can finally input the all the given in the formula you have to make sure that units to
be used are appropriate. Since we are dealing with mole fraction, we have to
convert 100 grams of H2O into moles using the molar mass of H2O (18g/mol).*
(18.0g H2O)
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Third, write the formula and calculate the unknown.
Xi = ni
5.56 mol
= 0.982
Xi =
5.66 mol
25 grams of ethanol
*As you may notice, all the given are in grams. You may think that you could solve
right away for the mole fraction since you will arrive in a unit less answer. But that is
not how it works in mole fraction because mole fraction deals with moles, and so we
need to convert this grams into moles first before we can be able to get the mole
fraction. In converting the given grams to moles, refer to the method shown in
example 1 and the molar mass of the substance can be summed up using the mass
of the atoms in that given substance.*
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Unknown: Mole fractions of each substance.
It is important to keep in mind that molarity refers only to the amount of solute
originally dissolved in water and does not take into account any subsequent
processes, such as the dissociation of a salt or the ionization of an acid.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Where n, denotes the number of moles of solute. And v is the volume of solution
in liters. Note that the volume in the definition of Molarity refers to the volume of
solution and not the volume of the solvent. The reason for this is because one liter of
solution usually contains either slightly more or slightly less than 1 liter of solvent,
due to the presence of the solute.
Example 1: How many grams of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) are required to prepare a
Solution = 250mL
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
N = (2.16M) (0.250L) = 0.54 mol of potassium dichromate.
The 0.54 mol potassium dichromate is not yet the final answer because we still must
convert it into grams. Using the molar mass of K2Cr2O7 which is 294.2 g.
2.53 M of glucose
*Glucose is given in grams and we must first convert it into moles using its molar
mass which is equal to 180.2 grams. Thus, 3.81 grams of glucose is equal to
2.114x10-2 mol of glucose.*
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Third, write the formula and calculate the unknown. But in
this case we have to derive the formula.
To derived formula;
V= M
2.114x10-2 ol of glucose
= 8.36x10-3 L
V= 2.53M
*Notice that our units is in Liter and the problem is asking for the uni to be in mL, that
is why we must convert 8.36x10-3 L into mL which is equivalent to 8.36 mL solution.
And 8.36 mL is the final answer for this problem.*
The SI unit for molality is mol/kg. A solution with a molality of 3 mol/kg is often
described as “3 molal” or “3 m.” However, following the SI system of units, mol/kg or
a related SI unit is now preferred.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Let us consider the examples below;
*Always be mindful with the units, the solute given is in grams and it should be first
converted into moles (that is 0.249 molH2SO4) and also the solvent is expressed in grams
m= Moles of
Thus, Mass of solvent
0.249 molH2SO4
m= = 1.26m
0.198 kg
equal to 180g/mol.
Solvent = 1.00kg
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
*Remember that, molality should be in the units of moles and kilogram. So, 80.0
grams of glucose should be converted first into moles. Thus, glucose is equal to
0.444 mol.*
Moles of
Thus, Mass of solvent
Learning Competency:
Use different ways of expressing concentration of solutions: Molarity, Molality,
Percent by mass, Percent by volume, mole fraction and ppm. (STEM_GC11PP-IIId-
Directions: Read and analyze the following questions and choose from the
given options the best correct answer.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
2. Which of the following material present in a solution is largest in amount?
a. Salt
b. Solute
c. Solvent
d. Molecules
3.Which of the following is defined as the relative amount of solute and solvent in a
a. Polarity
b. Solubility
c. Miscibility
d. Concentration
4. Which of the following describes a solvent in a solution?
a. Always a water
b. Always a liquid
c. The substance being dissolved
d. The substance present in the greatest amount
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Directions: Base on what you have learned from this lesson and from other previous
lessons. Analyze the given statement and scientifically discuss your claim.
Directions: Read and analyze the following questions and compute for what is
unknown in the given problem. Choose the correct numerical value from the
response list on the right. Responses on the right may be used more than once or
need not be used at all.
B. 58.44g
1.What is the percent by volume concentration of a
solution in which 75.0mL of ethanol is diluted to a volume A. 1.43mL
of 250mL?
D. 12.39%
2.What volume of acetic acid is present in a bottle
containing 350.0mL of a solution which measures 5.00% C. 1gram
3.Find the percent by mass in which 41.0g of NaCl is
dissolved in 331g of water. F.2.0x1010ppm
4.How many grams of NaCl would you need to prepare
G. 30%
200.0mL of a 5M solution.
5. What is the ppm concentration of 6.00 mL sample of J. 60ppm
solution that has 3.6 x 10-4 g of sodium ions?
I. 8.07%
H. 33.3%
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Activity 4: Calculate The Unknown
Directions: Read and analyze the following questions and compute for what is
unknown in the given problem. Show complete solution by stating the given and
unknown, and show the process from writing the formula to unit conversion (if
1.Suppose you added 4.0 moles of sugar to 10.0 L of solution. Calculate the molar
concentration of the solution.
2.A sample of water taken from a nearby lake is found to have 0.0035 mol of salt in a
100mL solution. Determine the molar concentration of the solution in the lake.
3.You dissolve 30.0g of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4(s)) into 300mL of water. Calculate the molar
concentration of the solution.
4.What is the Molality of a solution containing 7.78g of Urea [(NH2)2CO2] in 203g of water?
5.Lead is a poisonous metal that especially affects children because they retain a
larger fraction of lead than adults do. Lead levels of 0.250ppm in a child cause
delayed cognitive development. How many moles of lead present in 1.00g of
child’s blood would 0.250ppm represent.
6.Acetone, C3H6, is the main ingredient of nail polish remover. A solution is made up by adding
Assuming volumes are additive, calculate (a) the mass percent of acetone in the
solution. (b) the volume percent of ethyl alcohol in the solution. (c) the mole fraction
of acetone in the solution.
Directions: Read and internalize the short story below and answer the questions
that follow. Complete solution is required.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
On 30 January 2020, the Philippine Department of Health reported the first case of
COVID-19 in the country with a 38-year-old female Chinese national. On 7 March,
the first local transmission of COVID-19 was confirmed. WHO is working closely with
the Department of Health in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak.” Aki and her
family were alarmed with the news they watched and so first thing in the morning
they rush to the nearest convenient store to secure disinfectant and sanitizers but
unfortunately the store already had empty shelves of the essentials they needed.
They went to other stores searching and to their dismay they acquired nothing.
They were on their way home when she suddenly remembered her past lesson on
“solutions”, and so she immediately ran back to the store and purchase the things
she needed for her simple experiment. She bought a bleach (Zonrox), gloves and
measuring spoon and cups. Arriving at home she then put her gloves on and
prepared the things she needed such as; 5tbsp bleach (0.0739L), 1 gallon of water
(3.8L), pail and stirring rods. Using the pail with 3.8L of water, she carefully poured
the 5tbsp bleach solution and then mixed it with the stirring rod. And they now have a
In connection to her home made disinfectant and with our lesson, we will express
her solutions’ concentration into different units; Molarity, Molality, Percent by
mass, Percent by volume, mole fraction and ppm.
2.Compute for the molality of her disinfectant if she dissolved 5Tbsp. of NaClO
(sodium hypochlorite) in 3.8 liters of H2O (water).
3. Calculate the percent by mass of sodium hypochorite in her disinfectant solution.
5Tbsp. of NaClO (sodium hypochlorite) and 3.8 liters of H2O (water). In units of grams for both of
1. I learned that _
2. I enjoyed most on
_ _
Prepared by:
Sta Ana Fishery National High School
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
It shows that one molecule of methane, CH4 reacts with two molecules of
oxygen gas, O2 to produce one molecule of carbon dioxide, CO2 and two molecules of water,
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
relationship between the amount of methane and oxygen that react to form carbon
dioxide and water.
Elements in the periodic table have a different atomic mass, and ascollections
of single atoms or molecules have a fixed molar mass, measured with the unit mole
(6.02 × 1023 individual molecules, Avogadro's constant). Carbon-12 has a molar
mass of 12 g/mol. Thus, to compute the stoichiometry by mass, the number of
molecules needed for each reactant is expressed in moles multiplied by the molar
mass of each to give the mass of each reactant per mole of reaction. The mass
ratios can be computed by dividing each by the total number in the whole reaction.
Stoichiometry is often used to balance chemical equations. For example, the
two diatomic gases, hydrogen and oxygen, when it combine H2 and O2, it produce a liquid,
2 H2 + O2 →2 H2O
It shows the 2:1:2 ratio of hydrogen, oxygen, and water molecules in the
above equation.
The molar ratio permits for conversion between moles of one
substance and
moles of another. For example,
the amount of water that formed by the combustion of 0.27 moles of CH3OH is
oxygen, O2 in H2O is 2:1. In stoichiometric compounds, the molar proportions should be whole
of silver nitrate (AgNO3), the silver (Ag) would be substituted in a single displacement reaction
forming aqueous copper(II) nitrate (Cu(NO3)2) and solid silver. How many silver, Ag
68 is
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
formed if 16.00 grams Cu is added to the solution of excess silver nitrate, AgNO3?
The following steps would be used:
1. Write and balance the chemical equation
2. Mass to moles conversion: Convert grams of Cu to moles of Cu
3. Mole ratio determination: Convert moles of Cu to moles of Ag produced
4. Mole to mass conversion: Convert moles of Ag to grams of Ag
produced The complete balanced equation would be:
Cu +2 AgNO3 → Cu(NO3)2 + 2 Ag
For the mass to mole conversion, the mass of copper (16.00 g) would be
converted to moles of copper by dividing the mass of copper to its molecular mass:
63.55 g/mol.
Now that the amount of Cu in moles (0.2518) is form, we can set up the mole
ratio. This is done by looking at the coefficients in the balanced equation: Cu and Ag
are in a 1:2 ratio.
Now that the moles of Ag produced is known to be 0.5036 mol, this amount
can be converted into grams of Ag produced to determine the final answer:
Stoichiometric Calculations
The coefficients in the balanced equation give the ratio of moles of reactants
and products.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
From the mass of Substance A, you can use the ratio of the coefficients of A
and B to determine or calculate the mass of Substance B formed (if it’s a product) or
used (if it’s a reactant).
10.g ? + ?
Starting with 10. g of C6H12O6, we calculate the moles of C6H12O6. Use the coefficients to
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Reaction Stoichiometry in Solutions
We can perform stoichiometric calculations for aqueous phase reactions just
as we can for reactions in solid, liquid, or gas phases. Much of chemistry takes
place in solution. Stoichiometry allows us to work in solution by giving us the concept
of solution concentration, or molarity. Molarity is a unit that is often abbreviated as
capital M. It is defined as the moles of a substance contained in one liter of solution.
Almost always, we will use the concentrations of the solutions as conversion
factors in our calculations. For instance, if a solution has a concentration of 1.20 M
NaCl, this means that there are 1.20 moles of NaCl per liter of solution.
Example 1: What mass of Aluminum (Al) is needed to react completely with
35.0 mL of 2.0 M Hydrochloric acid?
6 HCl + 2 Al 2 AlCl3 + 3 H2
1L HCl
Al = 0.63 g
1000 mL
148 g Na2CO
Example x 1mol
2. 3What Na2CO
volume 3 x of
(mL) 1 mol Ca(NO
0.75 3)2 x 1Lnitrate
M calcium Ca(NOwould
3) 2 x react completely with
148g of carbonate?
105.99 g Na2CO3 1mol Na2CO3
Solution: 0.75mol Ca(NO3)2
CaCO3 = 1.900 mL
Ca(NO3)2 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2 NaNO3
Learning Competency:
Perform stoichiometric calculations for reactions in solution (STEM_GC11PP-IIId-f-
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Directions: Read the following statement below and solve the problem. In the
equation that follows each problem, write on the space provided for the mole ratio
that can be used to solve the problem. Write the correct answer on the space
provided for.
The reaction of sodium peroxide and water produces sodium
hydroxide and oxygen gas. The following balanced chemical equation
represents the
2 Na2O2(s) + 2 H2O(l) → 4NaOH(s) + O2(g)
1. How many moles of NaOH are produced when 1.00 mol sodium peroxide
reacts with water?
2. How many moles of oxygen gas are produced when 0.500 mol sodium
peroxide reacts with water?
3. How many moles of sodium peroxide are needed to produce 1.00 mol
NaOH? 1 mol NaOH x = _ mol NaOH
4. How many moles of water are required to produce 2.15 mol oxygen gas?
5. How many moles of water are needed for 0.100 mol of sodium peroxide to
react completely?
The combustion of a sample of butane, C4H10 (lighter fluid), produced 2.64 grams of
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
b.How many moles of butane burned?
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
3. Hydrogen gas can be produced through the following reaction.
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq)
MgCl 2 (aq) +
a. How many grams of HCl are consumed by the reaction of 2.50 moles
of magnesium?
b. What is the mass in grams of H2 gas when 4.0 moles of HCl is added to the reaction?
a. If 3.20 moles of CaC2 are consumed in this reaction, how many grams of H2O are
b. How many grams of Ca(OH)2 would be formed with 3.20 moles of CaC2?
N2O(g) + 2H2O(l)
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Activity 4: GIVE ME MY VALUE
Directions: Complete the equation by writing the correct value on the space
provided for.
For questions 1 – 3, refer to the equation below
4 Fe + 3 O2
2 Fe 2 O 3
1. How many moles of Fe2O3 are produced when 0.275 moles of Fe is reacted?
0.275 mol Fe
mol Fe2O3
2. How many moles of Fe2O3 are produced when 31.0 moles of O2 is reacted?
3. How many moles of O2 are needed to react with 8.9 moles of Fe?
mol KClO3
5. How many mol KCl
of KClO3 are needed to make 3.50 moles of KCl?
_ mol KClO3
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Directions: Solve the following problems based on the chemical reaction below
4 Fe + 3 O2 2
Fe 2 O 3
1. How many grams of Fe2O3 are produced when 42.7 grams of Fe is reacted?
2. How many grams of Fe2O3 are produced when 17.0 grams of O2 is reacted?
3. How many grams of O2 are needed to react with 125 grams of Fe?
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
1. I learned that _
2. I enjoyed most on _
_ _
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Hill, Petrucci. General Chemistry: An integrated approach, second edition.
New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999.
Prepared by:
Licerio Antiporda Sr National High School- Dalaya Annex
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
freezing point by making them low or high. Therefore, a solution is more difficult to
freeze than the pure solvent so a lower temperature is required to freeze the liquid.
Osmotic Pressure
This is the external pressure that must be applied to the solution in order to
prevent it being diluted by the entry of solvent via osmosis. Diffusion in liquids,
substance tend to move or diffuse from regions of higher concentration to region of
lower concentration. The overall effect is to equalize concentration throughout the
Osmosis, on the other hand is the movement of solvent particles across a
semipermeable membrane from a dilute solution into concentrated solution. The
solvent moves to dilute the concentrated solution and equalize the concentration on
both sides of the membrane.
Osmotic pressure is directly proportional to the concentration of the solution.
Therefore, doubling the concentration will also double the osmotic pressure. The
osmotic pressure of two solutions having the same molal concentration are
Learning Competency
Describe the effect of concentration on the colligative properties of solutions
(STEM- GC11-PPIIId-f-115)
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
6. Osmotic pressure is directly proportional to the concentration of the solution.
7. Relative lowering of vapor pressure is a colligative property. _
8. The boiling point of a solution decreases in direct proportion to the molality
of the solute._
9. When non-volatile solute is dissolved in solvent, the vapor pressure of
solvent is lowered.
10. The depression of the freezing point is directly proportional to the molality of
the solvent. _
Source: https:/
mat( webp)/GettyImages-1166175911-
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
2. Why does seawater have lower freezing point than pure water?
m%2 Fmpi_meteo%2Fstatus
%2F1074242734129434624&psig=AOvVaw0l K2WkzZ
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
5. How can you regain the crispyness of a carrot and celery that have become
limp? What colligative property is involved in the process?
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Directions: To become a chemist and receive a score, you need to answer the
question in each level. Your score increases as you go to a higher level.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
1. I learned that _
2. I enjoyed most on _
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
Santos, Gil Nonato S., Danac, Alfonso C., O-Chemistry III,
2009 Mortimer Charles E., Chemistry 6th Edition
Hagad, Hilda R., Phoenix Next Century Chemistry, 2003
Prepared by:
Tuao Vocational and Technical School
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times