Brinkerhoff 9e PPTs 02 2
Brinkerhoff 9e PPTs 02 2
Brinkerhoff 9e PPTs 02 2
Chapter Outline
Introduction to Culture
Theoretical Perspectives on Culture
Bases of Human Behavior: Culture and
The Carriers of Culture
Cultural Diversity and Change
Sources of Cultural Diversity and Change
Consequences of Cultural Diversity and
Where This Leave Us
What Is Culture?
Cultural perspective
Regardless of theoretical
perspective, sociologists
maintain that culture is:
1. Problem solving
2. Relative
3. A social product
Bases of Human Behavior:
Culture and Biology
Culture is problem solving …
Cultural patterns evolve to provide
solutions to recurrent problems that
humans encounter in their physical
Although these problems are universal,
the solutions people adopt vary
Bases of Human Behavior:
Culture and Biology
Culture is relative…
Cultural relativity – requires that each
cultural trait be evaluated in the context
of its own culture
Ethnocentrism – the tendency to
judge other cultures according to the
norms and values of our own culture
Language is an important carrier
and symbol of culture. Protests
have emerged whenever people
feel their language is under attack.
The Carriers of Culture
The ability to communicate in symbols—orally,
by manual sign, or by writing
Groups whose values, interests, beliefs, and
lifestyles conflict with those of the larger culture.
Cultural Diversity and Change
The process through which individuals learn
and adopt the values and social practices
of the dominant group, more or less giving
up their own values in the process.
The belief that the different cultural
strands within a culture should be valued
and nourished.
Deafness as a Subculture
Culture Shock
refers to disconcerting and unpleasant
experiences that can occur when
individuals encounter a different culture.
The process through which ideas,
resources, practices, and people
increasingly operate in a worldwide rather
than local framework. (Ritzer 2011)