Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Multiple Access
Techniques for Wireless
6.2.Frequency Division Multiple Access
6.3.Time Division Multiple Access
6.4. Code Division Multiple Access
6.5. Capacity of Cellular Systems
6.1. Introduction
Multiple access schemes are used to
allow many mobile users to share
simultaneously a finite amount of radio
The sharing of spectrum is required to
achieve high capacity by simultaneously
allocating the available bandwidth (or
the available amount of channels) to
multiple users.
For high quality communications, this
must be done without severe
degradation in the performance of the
Duplexing is generally required in wireless
telephone Systems.
Duplexing may be done using frequency or
time domain techniques.
Frequency division duplexing (FDD)
provides two distinct bands of frequencies
for every user.
Any duplex channel actually consists of two
simplex channels.
A device called a duplexer is used inside
each subscriber unit and base station to
allow simultaneous radio transmission and
reception on the duplex channel pair.
The frequency split between the
forward and reverse channel is
constant throughout the system.
Time division duplexing (TDD) uses
time instead of frequency to provide
both a forward and reverse link.
If the time split between the forward
and reverse time slot is small, then the
transmission and reception of data
appears simultaneous to the user.
TDD allows communication on a single
channel (as opposed to requiring two
simplex or dedicated channels) and
simplifies the subscriber equipment since a
duplexer is not required.
The frequency allocation used for the
forward and reverse channels must be
carefully coordinated with out-of-band
users that occupy spectrum between these
two bands.
frequency separation must be coordinated
to permit the use of inexpensive RF
TDD enables each transceiver to operate as
either a transmitter or receiver on the same
frequency, and eliminates the need for
separate forward and reverse frequency
The three major access techniques used to
share the available bandwidth in a wireless
communication system are:
1. Frequency division multiple access
2. Time division multiple access(TDMA)
3. Code division multiple access (CDMA)
Techniques can be grouped as narrowband and
wideband systems.
Narrowband Systems:
 relate the bandwidth of a single channel to the
expected coherence bandwidth of the channel.
 The available radio spectrum is divided into a
large number of narrowband channels.
The channels are usually operated using FDD.
 To minimize interference between forward and
reverse links on each channel, the frequency
split is made as great as possible within the
frequency spectrum.
Allowing inexpensive duplexers and a
common transceiver antenna to be used in
each subscriber unit.
In narrowband FDMA, a user is assigned a
particular channel which is not shared by
other users in the vicinity, and if FDD is
used (that is, each channel has a forward
and reverse link), then the system is called
Narrowband TDMA allows users to share
the same channel but allocates a unique
time slot to each user in a cyclical
fashion on the channel.
separating a small number of users
in time on a single channel.
For narrowband TDMA, there are
generally a large number of channels
allocated using either FDD or TDD.
Such systems are called TDMA/FDD
or TDMA/TDD access systems.
Wideband systems:
The transmission bandwidth of a single
channel is much larger than the coherence
bandwidth of the channel.
multipath fading does not greatly affect
the received signal within a wideband
frequency selective fading occurs in only a
small fraction of the signal bandwidth.
In wideband multiple access systems, the
users are allowed to transmit in a large
part of the spectrum.
A large number of transmitters are also
allowed to transmit on the same channel.
TDMA allocates time slots to the many
transmitters on the same channel and
allows only one transmitter to access the
channel at any instant of time.
spread spectrum CDMA allows all of
the transmitters to access the
channel at the same time.
TDMA and CDMA systems may use
either FDD or TDD multiplexing
6.2. Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)
The figure below shows FDMA that each user is
allocated a unique frequency band or channel.
channels are assigned on demand to
users who request service.
During the period of the call, no other
user can share the same frequency
In FDD systems, the users are
assigned a channel as a pair of
frequencies; one frequency is used for
the forward channel, while the other
frequency is used for the reverse
features of FDMA:
1. FDMA channel carries only one phone
circuit at a time.
2.If an FDMA channel is not in use, then it sits
idle and cannot be used by other users to
increase or share capacity. It is essentially a
wasted resource.
3.After the assignment of a voice channel, the
base station and the mobile transmit
simultaneously and continuously.
4.The bandwidths of FDMA channels are
relatively narrow (30 kHz).
5. FDMA is usually implemented in
narrowband systems.
6. The symbol time is large as compared
to the average delay spread. This
implies that the amount of inter
symbol interference is low and, thus,
little or no equalization is required in
FDMA narrowband systems.
7. The complexity of FDMA mobile
systems is lower when compared to
TDMA systems.
8. Since FDMA is a continuous
transmission scheme, fewer bits are
needed for overhead purposes (such
as synchronization and framing bits)
as compared to TDMA.
9. FDMA systems have higher cell site
system costs as compared to TDMA
systems, because of the single channel
per carrier design, and the need to
use costly bandpass filters to
eliminate spurious radiation at the
base station.
10.The FDMA mobile unit uses
duplexers since both the transmitter
and receiver operate at the same
time. This results in an increase in
the cost of FDMA subscriber units
and base stations.
11. FDMA requires tight RF filtering to
minimize adjacent channel
6.3. Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)

divide the radio spectrum into time

In each slot only one user is allowed
to either transmit or receive.
Figure below shows that each user
occupies a cyclically repeating time
TDMA systems transmit data in a
buffer-and-burst method.
Thus the transmission for any user is
Digital data and digital modulation
must be used with TDMA.
The transmission from various users
is interlaced into a repeating frame
frame structure is shown in Figure
A frame consists of a number of slots.
Each frame is made up of a preamble, an
information message, and tail bits.
In TDMA/TDD, half of the time slots in the
frame information message would be used
for the forward link channels and half
would be used for reverse link channels.
In TDMAIFDD systems, an identical or
similar frame structure would be used
solely for either forward or reverse
transmission, but the carrier frequencies
would be different for the forward and
reverse links.
TDMA/FDD systems intentionally induce
several time slots of delay between the
forward and reverse time slots of a
particular user, so that duplexers are not
required in the subscriber unit.
The preamble contains the address and
synchronization information that both
the base station and the subscribers use
to identify each other.
Guard times are utilized to allow
synchronization of the receivers between
different slots and frames.
features of TDMA:
1. TDMA shares a single carrier frequency
with several users.
2.each user makes use of non-overlapping
time slots.
3.The number of time slots per frame
depends on several factors, such as
modulation technique, available bandwidth,
4.Data transmission for users of a TDMA
system is not continuous, but occurs in
bursts. This results in low battery
5. Because of discontinuous transmissions in
TDMA, the handoff process is much
simpler for a subscriber unit, since it is
able to listen for other base stations during
idle time slots.
6. An enhanced link control, such as that
provided by mobile assisted handoff
(MAHO) can be carried out by a subscriber
by listening on an idle slot in the TDMA
7. TDMA uses different time slots for
transmission and reception, thus
duplexers are not required.
8. Adaptive equalization is usually
necessary in TDMA systems, since the
transmission rates are generally very
high as compared to FDMA channels.
9. In TDMA, the guard time should be
10.If the transmitted signal at the edges
of a time slot are suppressed sharply
in order to shorten the guard time,
the transmitted spectrum will expand
and cause interference to adjacent
11. High synchronization overhead is
required in TDMA systems because
of burst transmissions.
12. TDMA transmissions are slotted, and
this requires the receivers to be
synchronized for each data burst.
13. guard slots are necessary to separate
users, and this results in the TDMA
systems having larger overheads as
compared to FDMA.
14.TDMA has an advantage in that it is
possible to allocate different
numbers of time slots per frame to
different users.
15. Thus bandwidth can be supplied on
demand to different users by
concatenating or reassigning time
slots based on priority.
Example 1:

Consider Global System for Mobile,

which is a TDMA/FDD system that
uses 25MHz for the forward link,
which is broken into radio channels of
200 kHz. If 8 speech channels are
supported on a single radio channel,
and if no guard band is assumed, find
the number of simultaneous users
that can be accommodated in GSM.

The number of simultaneous users

that can be accommodated in GSM is
given as:
N = 25MHz/(200KHz)*8 = 1000
Thus, GSM can accommodate 1000
simultaneous users.
Example 2:
If GSM uses a frame structure where each
frame consists of 8 time slots, and each time
slot contains 156.25 bits, and data is
transmitted at 270.833 kbps in the channel,
(a) the time duration of a bit,
(b) the time duration of a slot,
(c) the time duration of a frame, and
(d) how long must a user occupying a single
time slot must wait between two
simultaneous transmissions.

(a) The time duration of a bit, Tb =

1/270.833 kbps = 3.692 µs
(b) The time duration of a slot, Tslot =
156.25 x Tb = 0.577 ms.
(c) The time duration of a frame, Tf =
8 x Tslot = 4.615 ms.
(d) A user has to wait 4.615 ms, the
arrival time of a new frame, for its
next transmission.
6.4. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
The narrowband message signal is
multiplied by a very large bandwidth
signal called the spreading signal.
The spreading signal is a pseudo-
noise code sequence that has a chip
rate which is orders of magnitudes
greater than the data rate of the
All users in a CDMA system use the
same carrier frequency and may
transmit simultaneously.
The figure below shows CDMA.
Each user has its own pseudorandom
codeword which is approximately
orthogonal to all other code-words.
The receiver performs a time correlation
operation to detect only the specific desired
All other code-words appear as noise due to
For detection of the message signal, the
receiver needs to know the codeword used
by the transmitter.
Each user operates independently with no
knowledge of the other users.
The near-far problem occurs when many
mobile users share the same channel.
In general, the strongest received mobile
signal will capture the demodulator at a
base station.
To combat the near-far problem, power
control is used in most CDMA
Power control is provided by each base
station in a cellular system and assures that
each mobile within the base station
coverage area provides the same signal
level to the base station receiver.
This solves the problem of a nearby
subscriber overpowering the base station
receiver and drowning out the signals of far
away subscribers.
Power control is implemented at the base
station by rapidly sampling the radio signal
strength indicator (RSSI) levels of each
mobile and then sending a power change
command over the forward radio link.
Despite the use of power control within
each cell, out-of-cell mobiles provide
interference which is not under the control
of the receiving base station.
features of CDMA:
1. Many users of a CDMA system share the same
frequency. Either TDD or FDD may be used.
2.Unlike TDMA or FDMA, CDMA has a soft
capacity limit.
3.Increasing the number of users in a CDMA
system raises the noise floor in a linear manner.
4.Thus, there is no absolute limit on the number
of users in CDMA.
5. Rather, the system performance gradually
degrades for all users as the number of users is
increased, and improves as the number of users
is decreased.
6. Multipath fading may be substantially reduced
because the signal is spread over a large
7. If the spread spectrum bandwidth is greater than
the coherence bandwidth of the channel, the
inherent frequency diversity will mitigate the
effects of small-scale fading.
8. Channel data rates are very high in CDMA
systems. Consequently, the symbol (chip)
duration is very short and usually much less than
the channel delay spread.
9. Since PN sequences have low autocorrelation,
multipath which is delayed by more than a chip
will appear as noise.
10. A RAKE receiver can be used to improve
reception by collecting time delayed versions of
the required signal.
11. Since CDMA uses co-channel cells, it
can use macroscopic spatial
diversity to provide soft handoff.
12. Soft handoff is performed by the
MSC, which can simultaneously
monitor a particular user from two
or more base stations.
13. The MSC may chose the best version
of the signal at any time without
switching frequencies.
14. Self-jamming is a problem in CDMA
15. Self-jamming arises from the fact that
the spreading sequences of different
users are not exactly orthogonal.
16. Hence in the de-spreading of a
particular PN code, non-zero
contributions to the receiver decision
statistic for a desired user arise from
the transmissions of other users in the
17. The near-far problem occurs at a
CDMA receiver if an undesired user
has a high detected power as
compared to the desired user.
6.7. Capacity of Cellular Systems
Channel capacity for a radio system
can be defined as the maximum
number of channels or users that can
be provided in a fixed frequency band.
Radio capacity is a parameter which
measures spectrum efficiency of a
wireless system.
This parameter is determined by the
required carrier-to-interference ratio
(C/I) and the channel bandwidth Bc.
Pseudo code

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