Phasor-Complex-and Impedance

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Phasors, Complex Numbers and

Learning Objectives
• Define a phasor and use phasors to represent sinusoidal voltages and
• Determine when a sinusoidal waveform leads or lags another Graph
a phasor diagram that illustrates phase relationships.
• Define and graph complex numbers in rectangular and polar form.
• Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using
complex numbers and illustrate them using graphical methods.
• Represent a sinusoidal voltage or current as a complex number in
polar and rectangular form.
• Define time domain and phasor (frequency) domain.
• Use the phasor domain to add/subtract AC voltages and currents.
Learning Objectives
• For purely resistive, inductive and capacitive elements define
the voltage and current phase differences.
• Define inductive reactance.
• Understand the variation of inductive reactance as a function
of frequency
• Define capacitive reactance.
• Understand the variation of capacitive reactance as a function
of frequency
• Define impedance.
• Graph impedances of purely resistive, inductive and capacitive
elements as a function of phase.
Complex numbers
• A complex number (C) is a number of the form: C  a  jb ,
which is known as the rectangular form.
• where a and b are real and j  1
• a is the real part of C and jb is the imaginary part.
• Complex numbers are merely an invention designed to allow
us to talk about the quantity j.
• j is used in EE to represent the imaginary component to avoid
confusion with CURRENT (i).
• Solving AC circuits is simplified (no, really) through the use
of phasor transforms, which we will now discuss at length…
Geometric Representation
• In the rectangular form (C=a+jb), the x-axis is the real axis and the y-axis
is the imaginary (j) axis.
• The polar form (C=Z  Ѳ), where Z is the distance (magnitude) from the
origin and Ѳ is the angle measured counterclockwise (CCW) from the
positive, x (or real) axis (the y-axis is still the imaginary (j) axis).

C = 6 + j8 C = 1053.13º
(rectangular form) (polar form)
Conversion Between Forms
• To convert between forms where:
C  a  jb (rectangular form)
C  C (polar form)
• apply the following relations:

a  C cos
b  C sin
C  a 2  b2

  tan a
Example Problem 1
• Convert (5∠60) to rectangular form. C  a  jb (rectangular form)
a  C cos  5cos(60)  2.5 C (polar form)
b  C sin  5sin(60)  4.3 C
C  2.5  j4.3 (rectangular form)
b  C sin 2
C  a2  b
• Convert 6 + j 7 to polar form.
C a  b  (6  7 )  9.22
2 2 2 2   tan1 a
b 7
  tan1  tan1  49.4
a 6
C  9.2249.4 (polar form)
Properties of j

j 
1)( 1)  1

1 1  j j
j j  j  j 2  
  
Addition and Subtraction of
Complex Numbers
• Easiest to perform in rectangular form.

Example: Given A =6 +j12 and B =7 + j2

• Add the real and imaginary parts
13  j14
(6  j12)  (7  j2) = (6  7)  j(12
 2) =
• Subtract the real and imaginary parts separately.

(6  j12)  (7  j2) = (6  7)  j(12  2) 1  j10

Multiplication and Division of
Complex Numbers
• Multiplication and Division is easiest to perform in polar form:
• Multiplication: multiply magnitudes and add the angles:
(670)  (230)  6  2(70  30)  12100
• Division: Divide the magnitudes and subtract the angles:

(670) 6
(230) 2(70  30)  340

1 1
• Also: the reciprocal of 
C  C  ( )
• The conjugate of C is C* and has the same realC
value but the OPPOSITE imaginary part:

C  a  jb  C( )
C *  a  jb  C( )
Example Problem 2
Given A =1 +j1 and B =2 – j3
• Determine A+B:
(1  j1)  (2  j3) = (1   j(1  (3)) = 3  j2
• (1and
 A-B:
j1)  (2  j3) = (1  2)  j(1  (3)) = 1
 j4

Given A =1.4145°
• Determine A/B: and B =3.61-56°
(3.61  56)  3.61(45  (56))  0.391101
• and A*B:
(1.4145)  (3.61  56)  (1.41 3.61)(45  (56))  5.09
Example Problem 3

Now, make sure you know how to use your calculator:

1. (3-j4) + (10∠44) then convert to rectangular:
a  C cos  10cos(44)  7.19 ANS: 10.6∠16.1 (polar)
b  C sin  10sin(44)  6.95 ANS: 10.19 + j2.95 (rectangular)
(3 – j4 ) + (7.19 + j6.95 ) = 10.19 + j2.95

2. (22000 - j13) + (3∠-17) then convert to rectangular:

C  a2  b2  220002  132 ) 
ANS: 7.3*103∠17.0 (polar)
  tan a  tan 20000  0.339
1 b 1 ANS: 7.01*103 + j2.15 (rectangular)

(220000.034) 22000
 (0.034  (17))  733317.034

3. 95 - j12) to polar: ANS: 95.8∠-7.2

Phasor Transform
• To solve problems that involve sinusoids (such as
AC voltages and currents) we use the phasor
1. We transform sinusoids into complex numbers in
polar form…
2. solve the problem using complex arithmetic (as
described previously)…
3. Then transform the result back to a sinusoid.
• A phasor is a rotating vector whose projection on
the vertical axis can be used to represent a sinusoid.
• The length of the phasor is the amplitude of the
sinusoid (Vm)
• The angular velocity of the phasor is  .
Representing AC Signals with Complex
• By replacing e(t) with it’s phasor equivalent
E, we have transformed the source from
the time domain to the phasor domain.
• Phasors allow us to convert from differential
equations to simple algebra.
• KVL and KCL still work in the
phasor domain.
Formulas from Trigonometry
• Sometimes signals are expressed in cosines instead of sines.
• Below are some formulas to refresh your memory of some of
the trig functions:
cos(t   )  sin(t   
90◦ ) sin(t   )  cos(t  
 90◦ ) cos(t  180◦ ) 
cos(t) sin(t  180◦ ) 
i.e. : cos(t  70◦ )  sin(t 160◦ )  sin(t  20◦
Using Phasors to Represent AC
Voltage and Current
• Looking at the sinusoid equation, determine Vm and the phase
offset Ѳ: v(t)  Vm sin(t  30◦ ) V

• Using Vm, determine VRMS using the formula:


• The voltage phasor is then:

• The same holds true for current:

i(t)  I m sin(t  I RMS  Im I RMS

30◦ ) 2
Example Problem 4
1. Express 100 sin (ωt)as a voltage phasor.

Vm 100V V RMS   70.70V

VRMS  VRMS   70.7V
2 2
2. Express 50cos(ωt+45⁰) as a voltage phasor.
 Remember, we are representing the sinusoid as a sin function,
Therefore we need to use one of the trigonometry conversion
50cos(ωt+45⁰) = 50sin(ωt+45⁰+ 90⁰) = 50sin(ωt+135⁰)

Vm 50

2 VRMS  
2 35.35135V
Representing AC Signals with Complex
• Phasor representations can be viewed as a complex
number in polar form:

E  VRMS   Em  VRMS * 2  e(t)  Em sin(2 ft   )

• NOTE: Before writing the sinusoid equation after

finding the phasor, you need to convert the phasor
magnitude back to the sinusoid representation (i.e.
multiplying the phasor magnitude by .)
Phase Difference

•Phase difference is angular displacement between waveforms of
•same frequency.
•If angular displacement is 0°then the waveforms are in phase.
••If angular displacement is not 0o, they are out of phase by
amount of displacement.

If v1 = 5 sin(100t) and v2 = 3 sin(100t - 30°),
then v1 leads v2 by 30°
Phase Difference w/ Phasors
• The waveform generated by the leading phasor leads
the waveform generated by the lagging phasor.
Example Problem 5
i1 = 20 sin (t) mA.
i2 = 10 sin (t+90˚) mA.
i3 = 30 sin (t - 90˚) mA.

Determine the equation for iT.

Recall that I RMS  Im 
I1  Im  20mA  14.10mA Im

10mA Now to get back to polar:
2  7.0790mA
2 
2I 2 C  a2  b2  14.12  14.32 ) 
Im 30mA
I    21.2  90mA 20.1 b 14.3
  tan1  tan1
2 2  45.4
a 14.1
IT  I1  I 2  I 3
IT  14.10mA  7.0790mA  21.2  90mA
IRMS  20.1  45.4

Remember, it's easier to add in rectangular form so we need to convert: Now plug the polar back into the
For the real (a) portion of the rectangular complex number (a  C cos ): sinusoid, but remember to get back to Im :
14.1cos(0)mA  7.07 cos(90)mA  21.2 cos(90)mA  14.1 iT (t)  20.1* 2 sin (wt  45.4) mA
For the imaginary (jb) portion of the rectangular complex number (b  C sin ):
14.1sin(0)mA  7.07 sin(90)mA  21.2sin(90)mA  14.3 iT (t)  28.4 sin (wt  45.4) mA
Put it together in the conversion and you get: IT  14.1  j14.3
R, L and C circuits with
Sinusoidal Excitation
• R, L, C have very different voltage-current
relationships. Recall:
vR  iRR (Ohm's law)

iC  C dvC (Capacitor Current relationship)

vL  L diL (Inductor Voltage relationship)

• Sinusoidal (AC) sources are a special case!

The Impedance Concept
• Impedance (Z) is the opposition (i.e. resistance) that a circuit
element presents to current in the phasor domain. It is
defined as:
Z     Z

• Ohm’s law for AC circuits:

 IZ
• Impedance is a complex quantity that can be made up of
Resistance (R) (real part) and Reactance (X) (imaginary
ZR jX ()
• Unit of impedance is Ohms ().


Resistance and Sinusoidal AC
• For a purely resistive circuit, current and voltage are
in phase.
• For resistors, voltage and current are in phase:

Z R  VR VR VR
I  I  I 0 ◦
 R0 ◦

ZR  R0
Example Problem 6
Two resistors R1=10 kΩ and R2=12.5 kΩ are in series.

i(t) = 14.7 sin (ωt + 39˚) mA

a) Compute VR1 and VR2
b) Compute VT = VR1 + VR2
c) Calculate ZT
d) Compare VT to the results of VT = I ZT
IT  Im  14.7mA  10.3939mA
2 2

VR1  IT * Z R1  10.3939mA *10k0  10439V

Note that these are in
VR 2  IT * Z R 2  10.3939mA *12.5k0  phase so we simply sum
VT  VR1  VR 2  10439V  129.939V  23439V the magnitudes. May not
ZT  Z R1  Z R 2  10k0  12.5k0  22.5k0
always be this easy…

VT  IT * ZT  10.3939mA * 22.5k0  23439V  Same value calculated previously.

Inductance and Sinusoidal AC
• Voltage-Current relationship for an inductor:

vL  L diL d m
dt  L dt  I sin t
 LIm cost  LIm sin ◦

 t  90

Z L  vL LIm sin  t 
iL  I m sint

LI90 
 2  L90 ()
• It should be noted that for a purely inductive circuit voltage
leads current by 90º.
Inductive Impedance

• Impedance can be written as a complex number (in

rectangular or polar form):

ZL  L90  jL ()

• Since an ideal inductor has no real resistive

component, this means the reactance (X) of an
inductor is the imaginary part:

X L  L  2 fL
Inductance and Sinusoidal AC

Again, voltage leads current by 90˚.

• For inductors, voltage leads current by 90º.

V VL 90◦
ZL  L   L
90 ◦
  L90 ◦
 jL
VI I0 ◦

Z L  jX L  X L 90◦
X L  L  2 fL
Impedance and AC Circuits
Solution Technique
1. Transform time domain currents and voltages
into phasors.
2. Calculate impedances for circuit elements.
3. Perform all calculations using complex math.
4. Transform resulting phasors back to time
domain (if reqd).

Example Problem 7
For the inductive circuit: Determine VL and IL
vL = 40 sin (ωt + 30˚) V Graph vL and iL
f = 26.53 kHz Z  jX  X 90◦
L = 2 mH X L   L  2
VL 
40V 90◦
 28.330◦V
Z  2fL90  ◦
Z L  2(26.3kHz)(2mH )90◦

Z L  330.590◦
ZL 
I  I L  Z L 90 
28.3V 30◦V
IL   85  60mA Notice
33390 ◦ 90°phase

I L  iL  iL  I L * 2
iL  85 2 sin(t  60)

iL = 120 sin (ωt - 60˚) mA

Capacitance and Sinusoidal AC
• Current-voltage relationship for an capacitor:

iC  C dvC d m
dt  C dt  V sin t
 CVm cost  CVm sin t  ◦

 90

Vm sint
Z c  i  CV sin t  ◦

 2 1
 C   90
C Vm2 90 ()
• It should be noted that, for a purely capacitive circuit current
leads voltage by 90º. 36
Capacitive Impedance
• Impedance can be written as a complex number (in
rectangular or polar form):

 1   1 
Z c   
   90   
 j ()
C C

• Since a capacitor has no real resistive component, this

means the reactance of a capacitor is the pure imaginary
X C   1    1 
 C  2 fC
 

Capacitance and Sinusoidal AC

Again, current leads voltage by 90˚.

• For capacitors, current leads voltage by 90º.

Z C  V C  VC ◦  V C   90◦  1   
1 j
I I90 I C  C 
0 90◦

ZC   jX C  X C   90◦

X C   1    21fC 
 C   

ELI the ICE man Mnemonic
ELI the ICE man

cta e
Cu nce

a t

du ag

Vo nce
cit en


In Volt

pa urr
Ca C
I leads E
E leads I

Since the voltage on a capacitor is

When voltage is applied to an directly proportional to the charge on
inductor, it resists the change of it, the current must lead the voltage in
current. The current builds up time and phase to conduct charge to
more slowly, lagging in time and the capacitor plate and raise the
phase. voltage 41
Frequency Dependency
• Inductors:

• Capacitors:



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