Prehistoric ART
Prehistoric ART
Prehistoric ART
Prehistoric Art
The Dawn of Time
• The Earth was formed 4 Billion years ago.
• Life (in the form of small blue algae) appeared 200
billion years ago.
• Dinosaurs walked the Earth 200 million years ago.
• The most distant ancestors of modern man, Homo
Sapiens, appeared 200,000 years ago in Africa.
• Homo Sapiens arrived in France only 35,000
years ago. This was Cro-Magnon man,
responsible for the cave paintings at Lascaux
17,000-18,000 years ago.
What does PREHISTORIC mean?
10,000 B.C.E.
500 B.C.E.
2006 B.C.E.
10,000 2006 500 500 1988 2007
B.C.E. B.C.E. B.C.E. 1
Why did they paint the cave? What do the paintings mean?
Hunting Magic
• Primitive “paint” (ground minerals)
• Feathers
• Moss
• Fur
• Chewed sticks
• Finger painting
• “spray Paint”
Bison with turned head (La Madeleine),
c. 12,000 BCE, reindeer horn
Venus of Willendorf
(Austria), c. 28,000-
23,000 BCE, limestone