RSC Week 3 Lecture LitReview
RSC Week 3 Lecture LitReview
RSC Week 3 Lecture LitReview
the Literature
"If I have seen further,
it is by standing upon
the shoulders of giants"
Sir Isaac Newton
The purpose of the Literature Review
Placing the research in a context relating to existing
research, theory and practice.
Ensure that you don’t repeat someone else’s work.
Provide models for how to conduct your research
Provide core information that will help your study.
Enable you to locate your proposed study in its context(s).
Enable you to be critical, reflective and evaluative in your
approach to the enquiry process.
Avoiding the mistakes made by others.
Finding information
How to assess the quality of sources?
As a broad rule of thumb, references are (in order of
decreasing quality):
Internet sources Wikipedia Word of mouth
(e.g. IBM)
Key Topics
Key Authors
Key Studies
Unpublished Studies
Once you’ve found information.
Getting relevant information from your literature sources
Extracting information
Different information for different stages in project
Being adrift in a sea of information! – Organise it
Take detailed notes
Take full reference of each article/source
The Literature Review
1. Establish what the topic is and what you need to find out
about it.
2. Find materials relevant to the topic from diverse sources.
3. Evaluate the different materials: which are most significant
and useful?
4. Show that you understand the most significant and useful
materials through analysis and interpretation.
5. Show that you also understand how the different materials
relate to each other, how they agree or disagree, how they
form bodies of opinion.
6. Show that you understand why ideas about a topic might not
remain the same over time.
7. Fully acknowledge the sources
The literature review
The introduction should clearly establish the focus and purpose of
the literature review, defining your topic and setting your scope. If
there's anything you aren't planning to include in your analysis,
mention it here.
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