Properties of Metals Non-Metals Metalloids
Properties of Metals Non-Metals Metalloids
Properties of Metals Non-Metals Metalloids
Properties of Metals
Metals appear to the left of the dark ziz-zag line on the
periodic table.
Most metals are solid at room temperature.
Properties of Metals
Metals have luster.
This means they are
Properties of Metals
metals can be drawn
into wire.
Properties of Metals
metals can be
hammered into
Properties of Metals
This results in
corrosion and rust.
Properties of Nonmetals
Nonmetals occur to the right of the dark zig-zag on the periodic table.
Nonmetals have
low density.
Properties of Nonmetals
They also have a low
melting point.
Metalloids are
malleable and
Direction: Determine whether Metals,
Nonmetals, & Metalloids
1. Cesium-Shiny 5. Aluminium-malleable
2. Phosphorus-not 6. Iron-conductor of
ductile electricity
3. Sulfur-low density 7. Carbon-dull
4. Arsenic-conductor 8. Antimony- shiny and
electricity but not dull
good as metal. 9. Silicon- malleable and
Enumeration: 10-15
2 metal elements
2 non metal elements
2 metalloids elements