Jamshaid 59 4438 2 BE Session 4
Jamshaid 59 4438 2 BE Session 4
Jamshaid 59 4438 2 BE Session 4
Chapter 5
Emerging Business Ethics Issues
The Saying of Prophet (P.B.U.H)
(Sahih al-Bukhari)
Stakeholder concerns determine in large part
whether specific business actions or decisions are
perceived as right or wrong, which drives what the
organization defines as ethical or unethical.
Data manipulation!
Ethical issues typically arise
because of conflicts among
individuals’ morals and the core
values and culture of the
organizations where they work
The business environment presents many
potential ethical conflicts. Organizational
objectives can clash with its employees’
attempts to fulfill their own personal goals.
٥١ َو ِإن َيَك اُد ٱَّلِذ يَن َك َفُرو۟ا َلُيْز ِلُقوَنَك ِبَأْبَص ٰـ ِرِهْم َلَّم ا َسِم ُعو۟ا ٱلِّذ ْك َر َو َيُقوُلوَن ِإَّن ۥُه َلَم ْج ُنوٌۭن
The disbelievers would almost cut you down with their eyes when they
hear ˹you recite˺ the Reminder, and say, “He is certainly a madman.”
Business relationships are a subset of human relationships governed by their own rules that in a
market society involve competition, profit maximization, and personal advancement within the
Business can therefore be considered a game people play, comparable in certain respects to
competitive sports such as boxing.
Ordinary ethics rules and morality do not hold in games like basketball or boxing.
Logically, then, if business is a game like basketball or boxing, ordinary ethical rules do not apply
In the last few years, changes in societal values and technology are creating new ethical issues.
While this has profound implications for business, some critics believe it is unacceptable to
replace humans with a computer in personnel decisions.
The underlying sentiment is that certain aspects of personnel decisions, which involve
human qualities such as judgment, empathy, and contextual understanding, should not be
entirely delegated to machines.
Assessing employee integrity and ability to make ethical decisions is an area that is hard to
artificial intelligence (AI) is providing a platform for processing big
data sets utilizing predictive analytics to make decisions and interact
with employees and customers.