Tuberculosis, one of the oldest diseases known to affect humans, is a major
cause of death worldwide.
If properly treated, tuberculosis caused by drug-susceptible strains is curable
in virtually all cases.
Mycobacteria belong to the family Mycobacteriaceae and the order
The complex includes M. bovis
M. caprae
Related to M. bovis
M. africanum
Isolated from cases in West, Central, and East Africa,
M. microti
The "vole" bacillus, a less virulent and rarely encountered organism,
M. pinnipedii
A bacillus infecting seals and sea lions in the southern hemisphere and recently isolated from humans,
M. canettii
A rare isolate from East African cases that produces unusual smooth colonies on solid media and is
considered closely related to a supposed progenitor type.
M. tuberculosis is a rod-shaped, non-spore-forming, thin aerobic bacterium
measuring 0.5 m by 3 m.
In the mycobacterial cell wall, lipids (e.g., Mycolic Acids) are linked to
underlying arabinogalactan and peptidoglycan.
More than 5 million new cases of tuberculosis (all forms, both pulmonary and
extrapulmonary) were reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005; >90% of
cases were reported from developing countries.
However, because of insufficient case detection and incomplete notification, reported cases
represent only ~60% of total estimated cases.
The WHO estimated that 8.8 million new cases of tuberculosis occurred worldwide in 2005,
95% of them in developing countries of Asia (4.9 million), Africa (2.6 million), the Middle
East (0.6 million), and Latin America (0.4 million).
It is further estimated that 1.6 million deaths from tuberculosis occurred in 2005, 95% of
them in developing countries.
More than 5.8 million new cases of TB (all forms, both pulmonary and
extrapulmonary) were reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) in
2009; 95% of cases were reported from developing countries.
The WHO estimated that 9.4 million (range, 8.9–9.9 million) new cases of TB occurred worldwide
in 2009, 95% of them in developing countries of Asia (5.2 million), Africa (2.8 million), the Middle
East (0.7 million), and Latin America (0.3 million).
It is further estimated that 1.7 million (range, 1.5–1.9 million) deaths from TB, including 0.4 million
among people living with HIV infection, occurred in 2008, 96% of them in developing countries.
Estimates of TB incidence rates (per 100,000 population) and numbers of TB-related deaths in 2008
are depicted in Figs. 165-2 and 165-3, respectively.
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, numbers of reported cases of TB increased in
industrialized countries.
These increases were related largely to immigration from countries with a high
prevalence of TB; infection with HIV; social problems, such as increased urban
poverty, homelessness, and drug abuse; and dismantling of TB services.
During the past few years, numbers of reported cases have begun to decline again or
stabilized in industrialized nations.
In the United States, with the implementation of stronger control programs, the
decrease resumed in 1993. In 2009, 11,540 cases of TB (3.8 cases per 100,000
population) were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
M. tuberculosis is most commonly transmitted from a person with infectious pulmonary TB to
others by droplet nuclei, which are aerosolized by coughing, sneezing, or
Other routes of transmission of tubercle bacilli (e.g., through the skin or the placenta) are
uncommon and of no epidemiologic significance.
The probability of contact with a person who has an infectious form of TB,
The intimacy and duration of that contact, the degree of infectiousness of the case, and
the shared environment in which the contact takes place are all important determinants of the likelihood of
TB patients whose sputum contains AFB visible by microscopy are the most likely to transmit the infection.
The most infectious patients have
Cavitary Pulmonary Disease or, much less commonly, Laryngeal TB
Although they have been responsible for up to 20% of transmission in some studies in the US
Because persons with both HIV infection and TB are less likely to have cavitations, they may be
less infectious than persons without HIV co-infection.
Crowding in poorly ventilated rooms is one of the most important factors in the transmission of
tubercle bacilli, since it increases the intensity of contact with a case.
In short, the risk of acquiring M. tuberculosis infection is determined mainly by exogenous factors.
Because of delays in seeking care and in making a diagnosis, it is generally believed that, in high-
prevalence settings,
Unlike the risk of acquiring infection with M. tuberculosis,
The risk of developing disease after being infected depends largely on endogenous factors,
Although primary TB may be severe and disseminated,
it is not generally associated with high-level transmissibility.
When infection is acquired later in life, the chance is greater that the mature immune system
will contain it at least temporarily.
Dormant bacilli, however, may persist for years before reactivating to produce Secondary
(or postprimary) TB,
which, because of frequent cavitation, is more often infectious than is primary disease.
Overall, it is estimated that up to 10% of infected persons will eventually develop active TB
in their lifetime,
with 50% of them doing so during the first year after infection.
At the height of the TB resurgence in the United States in the early 1990s, molecular typing
and comparison of strains of M. tuberculosis suggested that
Age is an important determinant of the risk of disease after infection.
Among infected persons, the incidence of TB is highest during late adolescence and
early adulthood; the reasons are unclear.
In this age group rates among women may be higher than those among men,
While at older ages the opposite is true.
The risk increases in the elderly, possibly because of waning immunity and comorbidity.
A variety of diseases and conditions favor the development of active TB (Table 165-1).
In absolute terms, the most potent risk factor for TB among infected individuals is clearly
HIV co-infection, which suppresses cellular immunity.
The risk that latent M. tuberculosis infection will proceed to active disease is directly related to
the patient's degree of immunosuppression.
In a study of HIV-infected, tuberculin skin test (TST)–positive persons, this risk varied from
2.6 to 13.3 cases per 100 person-years and increased as the CD4+ T cell count decreased.
Studies conducted in various countries before the advent of chemotherapy showed that
untreated TB is often fatal.
The 5-year Mortality Rate among Sputum Smear–positive Cases was 65%.
With effective, timely, and proper chemotherapy, patients have a very high chance of being cured.
However, improper use of anti-TB drugs, while reducing mortality rates, may also result in large
numbers of chronic infectious cases, often with drug-resistant bacilli.
The interaction of M. tuberculosis with the human host begins when droplet nuclei
containing microorganisms from infectious patients are inhaled.
While the majority of inhaled bacilli are trapped in the upper airways and expelled by
ciliated mucosal cells, a fraction (usually <10%) reach the alveoli.
There, Alveolar Macrophages that have not yet been activated phagocytize the
Adhesion of mycobacteria to macrophages results largely from binding of the
bacterial cell wall with a variety of macrophage cell-surface molecules,
Phagocytosis is enhanced by complement activation leading to opsonization of
bacilli with C3 activation products such as C3b.
This glycolipid inhibits the intracellular increase of Ca 2+.
then replication begins and the macrophage eventually ruptures and releases its
bacillary contents.
Other uninfected phagocytic cells are then recruited to continue the infection cycle
by ingesting dying macrophages and their bacillary content,
thus in turn becoming infected themselves and expanding the infection.
Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis
Since the elucidation of the M. tuberculosis genome in 1998, large mutant
collections have been generated, and many bacterial genes that contribute to M.
tuberculosis virulence have been found.
Different patterns of virulence defects have been defined in various animal models,
predominantly mice but also guinea pigs, rabbits, and nonhuman primates.
The katG gene encodes for a catalase/peroxidase enzyme that protects against
oxidative stress and is required for isoniazid activation and subsequent bactericidal
Region of difference 1 (RD1) is a 9.5-kb locus that encodes two key small protein
antigens—early secretory antigen-6 (ESAT-6) and culture filtrate protein-10 (CFP-
10)—as well as a putative secretion apparatus that may facilitate their egress;
the absence of this locus in the vaccine strain M. bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG)
has been shown to be a key attenuating mutation.
A recent observation in Mycobacterium marinum, the validity of which needs to be confirmed
in M. tuberculosis, showed that a mutation in the RD1 virulence locus encoding the ESX1
secretion system impairs the capacity of apoptotic macrophages to recruit uninfected cells for
further rounds of infection.
Mutants lacking key enzymes of bacterial biosynthesis become auxotrophic for the missing
substrate and are often totally unable to proliferate in animals;
these include the leuD and panCD mutants, which require leucine and pantothenic acid, respectively.
The isocitrate lyase gene icl1 encodes a key step in the glyoxylate shunt that
facilitates bacterial growth on fatty acid substrates;
This gene is required for long-term persistence of M. tuberculosis infection in mice with
chronic TB. M. tuberculosis mutants in regulatory genes such as sigma factor C and
sigma factor H (sigC and sigH) are associated with normal bacterial growth in mice, but
they fail to elicit full tissue pathology.
Finally, the recently identified mycobacterial protein CarD (expressed by the carD
gene) seems essential for the control of rRNA transcription that is required for
replication and persistence in the host cell.
Its loss exposes mycobacteria to oxidative stress, starvation, DNA damage, and
ultimately sensitivity to killing by a variety of host mutagens and defensive
Innate Resistance to Infection
Several observations suggest that genetic factors play a key role in innate nonimmune
resistance to infection with M. tuberculosis and the development of disease.
The human homologue NRAMP1, which maps to chromosome 2q, may play a role
in determining susceptibility to TB, as is suggested by a study among West
Recent studies of mouse genetics identified a novel host resistance gene, ipr1,
that is encoded within the sst1 locus; ipr1 encodes an interferon (IFN)-inducible nuclear
protein that interacts with other nuclear proteins in macrophages primed with IFNs or
infected by M. tuberculosis.
In addition, polymorphisms in multiple genes, such as those
In the initial stage of Host-bacterium Interaction,
A recent study of M. marinum infection in zebrafish has delineated the likely
molecular mechanism by which mycobacteria induce Granuloma Formation.
Subverting the cell's signal transduction pathways and stimulating an elevation in the
secretion of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-) and further proinflammatory cell recruitment.
Ultimately, the chemoattractants and bacterial products released during the repeated
rounds of cell lysis and infection of newly arriving macrophages enable Dendritic
Cells to access bacilli;
These cells migrate to the Draining Lymph Nodes and present mycobacterial antigens
to T lymphocytes.
The Tissue-damaging Response is the result of a Delayed-type Hypersensitivity
(DTH) Reaction to various bacillary antigens;
It destroys unactivated macrophages that contain multiplying bacilli but also causes
caseous necrosis of the involved tissues (see below).
It is the balance between the two that determines the form of TB that will develop
With the development of specific immunity and the accumulation of large numbers
of activated macrophages at the site of the primary lesion,
Granulomatous Lesions (Tubercles) are formed.
As stated above, this response, mediated by various bacterial products,
Not only destroys macrophages but also produces early solid necrosis in the center of the
Primary pulmonary TB.
(1) Spread from the primary focus to hilar and mediastinal lymph glands to form the 'primary complex',
which in most cases heals spontaneously.
(4) Blood-borne spread: few bacilli-pulmonary, skeletal, renal, genitourinary infection often months or
years later; massive spread-miliary tuberculosis and meningitis.
Macrophage-Activating Response
CMI is critical at this early stage.
Even when healing takes place, viable bacilli may remain dormant within macrophages
or in the necrotic material for many years.
These "healed" lesions in the Lung Parenchyma and Hilar Lymph Nodes may later
undergo Calcification.
Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity
In a minority of cases, the Macrophage-activating response is weak,
The lesion tends to enlarge further, and the surrounding tissue is progressively
At the center of the lesion, the caseous material liquefies.
Bronchial walls as well as blood vessels are invaded and destroyed, and Cavities
are formed.
Within the cavity, tubercle bacilli multiply, spill into the airways,
And are discharged into the environment through expiratory maneuvers such as
coughing and talking.
The resulting extrapulmonary lesions may undergo the same evolution as those in
the lungs, although most tend to heal.
Role of Macrophages and Monocytes
While CMI confers partial protection against M. tuberculosis,
In the case of CMI, two types of cells are essential:
Macrophages, which directly phagocytize tubercle bacilli, and
T Cells (Mainly CD4+ T lymphocytes), which induce protection through the production
of cytokines, especially IFN-.
Monocytes and macrophages attracted to the site are key components of the
immune response.
Activated CD4+ T lymphocytes can differentiate into
Cytokine-producing TH1 or TH2 cells.
TH2 cells produce IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13 and may also promote humoral immunity.
The interplay of these various cytokines and their cross-regulation determine the host's response.
The role of cytokines in promoting intracellular killing of mycobacteria, however, has not been
entirely elucidated.
IFN- may induce the generation of reactive nitrogen intermediates and regulate
genes involved in bactericidal effects.
CD8+ T cells have been associated with protective activities via Cytotoxic
Responses and lysis of infected cells as well as with production of IFN- and TNF-.
Finally, Natural Killer Cells act as co-regulators of CD8+ T cell lytic activities,
And T cells are increasingly thought to be involved in protective responses in humans.
Mycobacterial Lipids and Proteins
Lipids have been involved in mycobacterial recognition by the innate immune
And lipoproteins (such as 19-kDa lipoprotein) have been proven to trigger potent signals
through Toll-like receptors present in blood dendritic cells.
Some are present in the cytoplasm and cell wall; others are secreted.
That the latter are more important in eliciting a T lymphocyte response is suggested
by experiments documenting the appearance of protective immunity in animals after
immunization with live, protein-secreting mycobacteria.
Among the antigens that may play a protective role are the 30-kDa (or 85B) and
ESAT-6 antigens.
This reactivity is the basis of the TST, which is used primarily for the detection of
M. tuberculosis infection in persons without symptoms.
The cellular mechanisms responsible for TST reactivity are related mainly to Previously
Sensitized CD4+ T lymphocytes,
Which are attracted to the skin-test site.
There is also evidence of reinfection with a new strain of M. tuberculosis in
patients previously treated for active disease.
TB is classified as pulmonary, extrapulmonary, or both.
Before the advent of HIV infection, 80% of all new cases of TB were limited to the
Pulmonary TB can be conventionally categorized as primary or postprimary (adult-
type, secondary).
This distinction has been challenged by molecular evidence from TB-endemic areas
indicating that
A large percentage of cases of adult pulmonary TB result from Recent Infection (either
primary infection or reinfection) and not from reactivation.
Primary pulmonary TB occurs soon after the initial infection with tubercle bacilli.
It may be asymptomatic or present with Fever and occasionally Pleuritic Chest Pain.
Because most inspired air is distributed to the middle and lower lung zones,
These areas of the lungs are most commonly involved in primary TB.
The lesion forming after initial infection (the Ghon Focus)
is usually peripheral and accompanied by transient hilar or paratracheal
which may not be visible on standard chest radiography.
In the majority of cases, the lesion heals spontaneously and only becomes evident as
a small calcified nodule.
The Ghon Focus, with or without overlying Pleural Reaction, Thickening, and
Regional Lymphadenopathy, is referred to as the Ghon Complex.
In young children with immature CMI and in persons with impaired immunity (e.g.,
those with Malnutrition or HIV Infection),
Primary pulmonary TB may progress rapidly to clinical illness.
The initial lesion increases in size and can evolve in different ways.
In severe cases, the primary site rapidly enlarges,
Enlarged lymph nodes may Compress Bronchi, causing
Lymph nodes may also rupture into the airway
With development of Pneumonia, often including
Areas of necrosis and cavitation, distal to the obstruction.
However, in the absence of a sufficient acquired immune response, which usually contains the
Disseminated or Miliary Disease may result (Fig. 165-4).
Small Granulomatous Lesions develop in multiple organs
Chest radiograph showing Bilateral Miliary (millet-sized) infiltrates in a child.
Also referred to as reactivation or secondary TB, postprimary TB is probably most
accurately termed Adult-type TB,
Since it may result from endogenous reactivation of distant latent infection or recent
infection (primary infection or reinfection).
It is usually localized to the Apical and Posterior Segments of the Upper Lobes,
Where the substantially Higher Mean Oxygen Tension (compared with that in the lower
zones) favors mycobacterial growth.
The superior segments of the lower lobes are also more frequently involved.
The extent of lung parenchymal involvement varies greatly, from small infiltrates to
extensive cavitary disease.
With cavity formation, liquefied necrotic contents are ultimately discharged into
the airways and may undergo bronchogenic spread,
Resulting in satellite lesions within the lungs that may in turn undergo cavitation (Figs.
165-5 and 165-6).
Massive involvement of pulmonary segments or lobes, with coalescence of lesions,
produces Caseating Pneumonia.
Under these circumstances, some pulmonary lesions become fibrotic and may later
calcify, but cavities persist in other parts of the lungs.
Individuals with such chronic disease continue to discharge tubercle bacilli into the
Chest radiograph showing a Right-upper-lobe Infiltrate and a Cavity with an air-fluid level in a
patient with active tuberculosis.
CT scan showing a large cavity in the right lung of a patient with active tuberculosis.
Early in the course of disease, symptoms and signs are often nonspecific and
Consisting mainly of diurnal fever and night sweats due to defervescence,
Weight loss, anorexia, general malaise, and weakness.
Hemoptysis develops in 20–30% of cases,
And Massive Hemoptysis may ensue as a consequence of the Erosion of a blood vessel in
the wall of a cavity.
Pleuritic Chest Pain sometimes develops in patients with
Subpleural parenchymal lesions or pleural disease.
Many patients have no abnormalities detectable by chest examination,
Whereas others have detectable rales in the involved areas during inspiration, especially
after coughing.
Systemic features include Fever
The most common Hematologic Findings are
Mild Anemia, Leukocytosis, and Thrombocytosis with a slightly elevated Erythrocyte
Sedimentation Rate and/or C-reactive Protein Level.