EL PL Speaking Kopia

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Ideal EL LP on

developing Speaking
skills: Task-based
Lesson Details

• Type: developing speaking skills

• Topic: free-time activities: “Let’s make a party!”
• Age: secondary school (13-14 y. o.)
• Stage: production
Teaching Point

Speaking skills : group work (brainstorming ideas on the topic

“Planning a party!”)
Lesson Aims

• To encourage the learners to make a discussion in groups, using the

target language as a means of communication.
• To encourage the learners to present the party ideas that they came up
in groups.
Teaching Evidence

• The learners have made up monologues about planned part

It is assumed:
• The students are already aware of the vocabulary regarding party, for example decorating, places,
inviting and party activities, and ways of expressing future in English.

• The contextualize examples in the form of pictures will help students memorize active vocabulary

• Students will find individual tasks, work in pairs and groupwork interesting and motivating.

• Students will upgrade skills and with regards to dialogue and monologue making.
Lesson Structure: Stage 1

Watch the humorous extract and try to
guess what we're talking about today
Lesson Structure: Stage 2

Main Part
Brainstorm with a WordWeb. Work in pairs and discuss what makes a
good party. Don’t forget to make notes. Then present your ideas to the

What makes a
good party?
Useful words and phases

• look forward to celebrating … — ждать с нетерпением

• get ready for … — готовиться к …
• look smart — выглядеть нарядно
• have an entertaining activity — иметь развлекательную программу
• arrange / organize a party — организовывать вечеринку
• dress smartly — наряжаться
• decorate the room with — украсить комнату …
• provide food and drinks — организовать еду и напитки
• soft drinks — безалкогольные напитки
• snacks — легкие закуски
• write invitations — написать приглашения
• entertain guests — развлекать гостей
• enjoy yourself — получить удовольствие
You are going to take a quiz. Split up into two
teams. You will see pictures on the screen and
your task will be to say what our new vocabulary
is meant by this or that picture.
Are you ready?
get ready for
look smart/dress smartly
have an entertaining activity/ entertain
arrange / organize a party
The Task
1. Get into groups of three.
2. Follow the hand out (10-15 min).
3. Present party idea.

You are going to be Party Planners! Your

teacher needs help to make a class party. The
school will give you all the money, and you need
to plan the following 3 things:
Step #1
• Decide where you will have the party. How will you get the
place? In the school? At a restaurant?
Vocabulary Help Party place

Reserve a room

Book a table

Rent karaoke
Step #2
• Decide what type of party you will have. What activities
will you have? Costume? Karaoke? Food? Game night?
Vocabulary Help Party place

Bring CDs
Book a DJ
Rent karaoke
Wear costumes
Play games
Step #3
• Decide how you will invite the guests. How will you
contact them?
Vocabulary Help Party place

Send an email

Put up posters
Step #4
• Your group will present Your party idea to the class
• The presentation will be 3 minutes
• Each person should talk for 1 minute
• Decide how you will present it
• You can write notes but try not to read!
Lesson Structure: Stage 3

• Whilst students are busy with the task, a teacher is circulating around
the room and make notes of any weak or strong language features.
And while they are presenting their ideas, a teacher continue to remain
low key and take notes on the language being used.
• To complete the activity, a teacher may address those key language
features on the board with the class to reflect to the language they’ve
learned through completing the task.

• Am I proud of my work?

• What surprised me about what I learned?

• What would I do differently next time, if given the

You want to organize a party. Think about

• the type of party (Birthday, Halloween, etc.)

• the place (house, restaurant, etc.)
• costumes and decorations (orange T-shirts, candles, balloons, etc.)
• food and drinks (burgers, apple juice, etc.)
• activities (dancing, singing, etc.)

Get ready to present your party. You will have 3 minutes to do it

Predicted problems and Possible
Predicted problems Possible solutions
— Students are shy to speak because they are afraid -Creating an atmosphere of goodwill and trust to
of making a mistake and exposing themselves to minimize the fear of making mistakes and excessive
criticism criticism.

-Use of the native language in paired and group forms -Monitor the process of preparing children, remind
of work in the classroom them about the use of English and help if there are
https://youtu.be/v4R1yybhmHg (video)
(Student's book: Starlight 7)
Professional Goals
• Increase interest in the material being studied by adding interactive material (quizzes, educational
video clips, games)
• Analyze the educational results of students using a variety of tools for assessing their
achievements, as well as predict the final result, identify the causes of deficiencies, make the
necessary adjustments
• Create a motivating learning environment in the classroom, find ways to include each student in
the work

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