Passive Voice
Passive Voice
Passive Voice
● PASSIVE VOICE: is used when we want to emphasize the action (the verb) and the
object of a sentence rather than subject. This means that the subject is either less
important than the action itself or that we don’t know who or what the subject is.
In summary… When can we use the passive?
1. They always serve tea with cakes. 1. Tea is always served with cakes. (by
2. I repaired the roof last year. them)
3. They are renovating the hotel. 2. The roof was repaired last year. (by
4. We have removed all the furniture me)
from the living room. 3. The hotel is being renovated.
4. All the furniture has been removed
from the living room.
● First of all we have to recognize the parts of the sentence or clause. Every sentence or
clause is divided in two parts, the SUBJECT and the PREDICATE. Mostly, the
subject is at the beginning and the predicate is at the ending.
Example (active voice): Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in 1603. (This sentence is in the past
simple form)
● Thirdly, we have to identify the OBJECT inside the predicate. The object is usually
the last part of the sentence or clause, and then is where we have to put our focus.
We are going to use the preposition BY and we place it at the final of the sentence and
between parenthesis .
*Is not necessary mention the person who make or do the action. But if you want, you
have to use this way to write it.