Religion Globalization
Religion Globalization
Religion Globalization
➢Migration of faiths across the globe
has been a major feature of the world
throughout the twentieth century
➢ One of the features is
“deterritorialization” of religion.
➢Religious universalism
➢Local particularism
• Religious Universalism
➢ Example: Islam would overtake Christianity as the world’s most popular faith
➢ Campbell has suggested that during the post-World War II era the disenchanted West hasbeen re-
enchanted through imports from the East.
➢This ‘Easternization of the West’ has become a topic of debate and discussion
➢ One of the greatest advantages of Campbell’s line of interpretation is the flexible relationship
between East and West; these are not seen as fixed essences as the Orient and Occident of the past
centuries. Instead of attributing fixed essences to cultural units, then it is possible to concentrate on the
various processed referred to as indigenization, hybridization, or glocalization.
Vernacularization Indigenization
Involved the rise of vernacular language (such Connected specific faiths with ethnic groups,
as Greek or Latin or Arabic in the case of whereby religion and culture were often fused
Islam) endowed with the symbolic activity of into a single unit
offering privileged access to the sacred
➢ This chapter has sought to map some key developments in the relationship between the study of religion
and globalization, while at the same time it also offered both a brief primer of traditional key themes in the
sociology of religion and a critique of the traditional secularization paradigm.
➢This chapter has offered a brief review of scholarship that has specifically focused on the relationship
between religion and globalization. The chapter has highlighted the extent to which some of the contributions
have had broader appeal beyond the field of religion and into the broader social-scientific community of
researchers interested in the topic of globalization.
➢ Religious transnational and cross-cultural connections become increasingly a feature of everyday life in the
twenty-first century, and that almost guarantees that their study is going to continue to attract the attention of
new generations of researchers and scholars
• “The conflicts have been about identity and economics, about privilege
and power – the things that most social conflicts are about.”