Importance of Prof Ethics
Importance of Prof Ethics
Importance of Prof Ethics
• Without the assistance of the lawyers it would be a superhuman task for the Judge to come at the
satisfactory judgment.
• Justice P.N. Sapru has stated that:
• justification for the existence to the counsel is that each side to the controversy should be in a position
to present its case before an impartial tribunal in the best and most effective manner possible
• The Lawyers play important role in the maintenance of peace and order in the society.
• Learned C.L. Anand has rightly stated that the advocates share with the judges the responsibility for
maintaining order in the community.
• They do not promote stripes but settle them. They stand for legal order which is one of the noblest
functions in the society.
• The order which the advocates seek is not of grave but based on justice.
• It is the foremost function of the advocates to fulfil the desire of their clients by providing them Justice.
• It is the desire of every human on the earth.
• The Lawyers also play a very important role in law reform also.
• By reason of the experience gained in daily application and interpretation of laws, lawyers are best
aware of the imperfection, of the legal system and constitute the most competent class of men to
advise on law reform and to promote popular enthusiasm and support for it.
• The most difficult part of the process of legislation is drafting of its provisions and no one is better fitted
to give guidance on this than the lawyers.
• Thus, it can be said that the legal profession is a profession of great honour. This is made for public
welfare, for public good.
• This is not for making money but to provide Justice to the right person.
• An advocate is an officer of the Court and is required to maintain towards the Court a respectful attitude
bearing in mind that the dignity of the judicial office. T
• he Supreme Court has rightly observed that the legal profession is a partner with the judiciary in the
administration of justice.
• Ethics are principles and values, which together with rules of conduct and laws, regulate a profession,
such as the legal profession.
• They act as an important guide to ensure right and proper conduct in the daily practise of the law
• Independence, honesty and integrity.
• The lawyer and client relationship, in particular, the duties owed by the lawyer to his or her client. This includes matters
such as client care, conflict of interest, confidentiality, dealing with client money, and fees.
• The lawyer as an advocate, in particular, a lawyer's duties to the court.
• Competence, which encompasses academic qualifications and training, and meeting other practising requirements such as
holding a valid practising certificate or licence.
• A lawyer's duties to persons other than a client.
• A lawyer's duties to other lawyers.
• Advertising of legal services.
• Human rights and access to justice
• It becomes the plain and simple duty of the lawyers to use their influence in every legitimate way to
help and make the Bar what it is ought to be.
• The members of Bar, like Judges, are officers of the court and like judges, they should hold office only
during good behaviour and this good behaviour should be defined and measured by ethical standards,
however high, as necessary to keep the administration of justice, pure and unsullied.
• Such standard may be crystallized into a written code of professional ethics and the lawyer failing to
conform thereto, should not be permitted to practise or retain membership in the particular
• First, because lawyers and judges are integral to the working-out of the law and the Rule of Law itself is
founded on principles of justice, fairness and equity.
• If they do not adhere and promote these ethical principles then the law will fall into disrepute and
people will resort to alternative means of resolving conflict.
• The Rule of Law will fail with a rise of public discontent.
• The challenge before the legal to resolve the basic paradoxes which it faces....To
reorganise itself in such a way as to provide more effective, real and affordable access to legal advice
and representation by ordinary citizens.
• To preserve and where necessary, to defend the best of the old rules requiring honesty, fidelity loyalty,
diligence, competence and dispassion in the service of clients, above mere self-interest and specifically
above commercial self-advantage.
• Third, because lawyers are admitted as officers of the court and therefore have an obligation to serve
the court and the administration of justice.
• Thus, fundamental aim of legal ethics is to maintain the honour and dignity of the law profession, to
secure the spirit of friendly cooperation between the Bench and the Bar in the promotion of higher
standard of justice. The legal profession is not a business but a profession created by state for public
• In case of R.D. Saxena v. Balram Prasad Sharma, SC has held that an advocate cannot claim a lien over
the litigation files entrusted to him for his fees.
• A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes
public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.
• A judge should not allow family, social, political, financial, or other relationships to influence judicial
conduct or judgment.
• A judge should not hold membership in any organization that practices invidious discrimination on the
basis of race, sex, religion, or national origin.
• A Judge should perform the duties of the office fairly, impartially and diligently and can engaged in
extrajudicial activities that are within obligations of judicial office.
• A judge should be faithful to, and maintain professional competence in, the law and should not be
swayed by partisan interests, public calmer, or fear of criticism.
• A judge should not act as a leader or hold any office in a political organization
• Should not make speeches for a political organization or candidate, or publicly endorse or oppose a
candidate for public office; solicit funds for, pay an assessment to, or make a contribution to a political
organization or candidate, or attend or purchase a ticket for a dinner or other event sponsored by a
political organization or candidate.
• A judge should resign the judicial office if the judge becomes a candidate in a primary or general
election for any office.
• It is well settled that a solicitor has a fiduciary duty to his or her client.
• That duty carries with it two presently relevant responsibilities.
• The first is the obligation to avoid any conflict between his duty to his client and his own interests - he must not
make a profit or secure a benefit, at the expense of his client's expense.
• The second arises when he endeavours to serve two masters and requires.... full disclosure to both.
• Conflicts of interest have given rise to a number of legal and disciplinary actions. It is an area that is
commonly identified by lawyers as a problem in legal practice. Conflicts of interest are not all that easy
to resolve because some interests will require that the lawyer not act for the person while other
conflicts may still allow for the lawyer to act for both parties.
• Making an allegation of fraud in circumstances where there is no evidence to support the claim is an
example. Other examples include deliberately delaying proceedings, perhaps in order to force a
settlement from the opposing client who is concerned about increasing costs; or issuing writs without
their being any proper legal or factual foundation.
• This is where legal ethics comes in. A commitment to legal ethics involves a commitment to the
introduction of Codes of Ethics or Standards of Professional Practice. An example is the standards
reflected in the International Bar Association General Principles of Ethics. However, not all jurisdictions
have Professional Codes and not all of those that do give sufficient attention to their enforcement. In
any case, the lawyer who acts in accordance with a professional code of ethics may still be engaging in
unethical practice.
• An advocate who was representing one party in a criminal case switched sides and began representing
the opposite party.
• It was held by the Supreme Court that it is not in accordance with professional etiquette for an advocate
while retained by one party to accept the brief of the other.
• It is unprofessional to represent conflicting interests except by express consent given by all concerned
after a full disclosure of the facts.
• Counsel's paramount duty is to the client, and where he finds that there is conflict of interests, he
should refrain from doing anything which would harm any interests of his client.
• A lawyer when entrusted with a brief is expected to follow the norms of professional ethics and try to
protect the interests of his client in relation to whom he occupies a position of trust.
• The Supreme Court upheld his being found guilty of malpractice by the Bar Council of India in
disciplinary proceedings, and he was suspended from practise for the period of one year.
• The consequences of a conflict of interest situation for the lawyer can be severe and costly.
• For example, acting with a conflict of interest can result in civil liability for professional malpractice as
well as disciplinary action. Some very serious consequences also flow from a proven claim in contract,
tort or equity, including:
• disqualification from representation of one or more clients;
• forfeiture of fees charged; the inability to charge for work in progress and other time invested;
• embarrassment, inconvenience and aggravation of defending a malpractice claim or investigation;
• lost time spent on defending a malpractice claim or investigation.
• The lawyers have to be very careful while dealing with potential and current clients, so as to ensure that
a conflict of interest situation does not arise.
• When such a situation does arise, the best plan of action is to request the new client to seek other
representation so that the interests of the current client are not adversely affected.
• In India, the counsel's relation with his client is primarily a matter of contract.
• The relation is in the nature of agent and principal.
• The agreement determines to what extent the counsel can bind his clients by his acts and statements;
what shall be its remuneration, whether he will have a lien on his client's property, etc.
• It is evident, however, that as counsel is also conform to the ethical code prescribed for him by law and
usage, he cannot be a mere agent or mouthpiece of his clients to carry out his biddings.
• The fundamental aim of legal ethics is to maintain the honour and dignity of the law profession, to
secure a spirit of friendly co-operation, to establish honourable and fair dealings of the counsel with
his client, opponent and witnesses, to establish the spirit of brotherhood in the Bar itself; and to secure
that lawyers discharge their responsibilities to the community generally.
• Legal profession is necessarily the keystone of the arch of government.
• It has been created by the state for the public good.
• Consequently, the essence of profession lies in two things:
• Organisation of its members for the performance of their function.
• Maintenance of certain standards, intellectual and ethical, for the dignity of the profession.