KUL 8 Epilepsy
KUL 8 Epilepsy
KUL 8 Epilepsy
Epilepsia, Volume: 58, Issue: 4, Pages: 512-521, First published: 08 March 2017, DOI: (10.1111/epi.13709)
Focal Onset
• The excess neuronal discharge
occurs in one cerebral cortex, and
most often results from structural
abnormalities; revised terminology
for partial seizures has been
proposed; in this system, partial
seizures are called focal seizures
Classification of Seizure
Generalized Onset
• The aberrant electrical discharge
diffusely involves the entire cortex
of both hemispheres from the onset,
and consciousness is usually lost;
generalized seizures result most
often from metabolic disorders and
sometimes from genetic disorders.
Classification of Seizure
Unknown Onset
• The aberrant electrical discharge
diffusely involves the entire cortex
of both hemispheres from the onset,
and consciousness is usually lost;
generalized seizures result most
often from metabolic disorders and
sometimes from genetic disorders.
Epilepsy types : Generalized Epilepsy
• Absence/Petit Mal
• Myoclonic
• Atonic
• Tonic
• Tonic–clonic seizures
Absence/Petit Mal
Typical Atypical
• Berhentinya aktivitas motoric secara tiba- • Gerakan seperti hentakan berulang
tiba yang bisa ditemukan pada wajah
• Kehilangan kesadaran sementara secara dan ekstremitas dan disertai
singkat,yang di sertai dengan tatapan dengan perubahan kesadaran.
• Sering tampak kedipan mata berulang saat
episode kejang terjadi. Episode kejang
terjadi kurang dari 30 detik
• Kejang yang ditandai dengan gerakan kepala seperti terjatuh secara tiba-tiba dan di
sertai dengan flexi
• Konstraksi otot tubuh cepat, sinkron , bilateral atau mengenai kelompok otot tertentu
• Biasanya terjadi pada pagi hari, setelah bangun tidur pasien mengalami sentakan
yang tiba tiba
• Bisa bersifat ringan, timbul gerakan tanpa diketahui orang lain
• Bersifat parah, hingga menyebabkan jatuh dan terluka
• Berkala, tiba tiba sampai tak terduga
Atonic Clonic
• Kehilangan tonus otot secara • Gerakan menyentak, berulang
mendadak pada kelompok otot
tertentu (otot leher seolah-olah
• Berlangsung sinkat, kesadaran
dapat hilang sesaat atau tidak
sama sekali
Tonic-clonic seizure/ Grand mal
• Serangan terjadi secara tiba-tiba
• Jatuh sabil menjerit/berteriak/hilang kesadaran
• Pernafasan berhenti sejenak, tubuh kaku
• Urine keluar karena knostraksi tonik
• Membuka mata, tampak letih dan tertidur
• Tidak ingat apa yang terjadi dan nyeri kepala
• Mengalami fase aura sebelum terjadi serangan (sakit kepala/iritabilitas)
Epilepsy type : Focal Epilepsies
(unifocal & multifocal)
• Focal aware seizures: the patient being fully aware of themself and their environment
throughout the seizure, even if immobile. If awareness is preserved, the seizure is a focal
aware seizure.
• Focal impaired awareness seizures: the patient being fully aware of them self and their
environment throughout the seizure, even if immobile
• Focal motor seizures: involves motor activity (movement) and may be due to either an
increase or decrease in contraction in a muscle or group of muscles.
• Focal non-motor seizures :sensory, cognitive, bahavioral & emotional
• Focal to bilateral tonic–clonic seizures: known as a 'secondary generalized seizure'.
Consciousness is impaired. Motor components in such a situation include tonic and
clonic features
Epilepsy type : Combined Generalised
and Focal Epilepsies
• Have both generalized and focal seizures
Secara umum patofisiologi epilepsi diakibatkan oleh tidak seimbangnya neuron eksitasi dan inhibisi.
• Eksitasi adalah alat atau proses tapi bukan substansi signaling (perangkat pensignalan), hanya
sebagai respon sel postsinaptik (sel penerima neurotransmitter) terhadap substansi pensignalan
• Inhibisi adalah aktivitas hiperpolarisasi (menjadi lebih polar) secara ionik untuk merubah
potensial transmembran dari keadaan ledakan treshold (ambang pembuka untuk eksitasi).
Eksitasi (berlebihan)
•Ion masuk -Na+, Ca2+
•Neurotransmitter yang berpengaruh glutamat, aspartat, asetilkolin
Inhibisi (kurang)
•Ion masuk -CI-, arus K+ keluar
•Neurotransmitter yang berpengaruh -GABA
• Genetic : Chromosome and Gene abnormalities (Chromosomal 22q deletion
or duplication syndromes, single -gene mutations: Autosomal dominant
nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy is caused by mutations in the CHRNA4,
CHRNB2, or CHRNA2 genes; it is characterized by nocturnal motor seizures.
• Structural: Malformation of cortical development, vascular malformation,
tumour, traumatic brain injury
• Metabolic : hypoglycaemia or acidosis
• Immune
• Infectious
• Unknown : Febrile infection related epylepsi syndrome
• The prodromal phase involves mood or behaviour changes that may
precede a seizure by hours or days.
• The aura is a premonition of impending seizure activity and may be
visual, auditory, or gustatory.
• The ictal stage is characterized by seizure activity, usually
• The postictal stage is a period of confusion/somnolence/irritability that
occurs after the seizure.
Clinical Manifestations
• Todd paralysis: In some people, one side of the body is weak, and the
weakness lasts longer than the seizure (a disorder called Todd paralysis).
• Visual hallucinations: Visual hallucinations (seeing unformed images)
occur if the occipital lobe is affected.
• Convulsions: A convulsion (jerking and spasms of muscles throughout
the body) occur if large areas on both sides of the brain are affected.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• The patient or caregiver will Demonstrate behaviours, lifestyle changes to reduce risk
factors and protect self from injury
• The patient or caregiver will Able to modify the environment as indicated to enhance safety.
• The patient or caregiver will maintain treatment regimen to control or eliminate seizure
• The patient or caregiver will recognize the need for assistance to prevent accidents or
• The patient or caregiver will maintain effective respiratory pattern with airway patent or
aspiration prevented.
Nursing Interventions
(Prevent trauma/injury)