Module 14 Voter Awareness
Module 14 Voter Awareness
Module 14 Voter Awareness
The Right of Suffrage
1 Everyone has the right Every citizen shall have the right
to take part in the and the opportunity, without any of 1 Suffrage may be exercised
government of his the distinctions mentioned in article by all citizens of the
2 and without unreasonable Philippines not otherwise
country, directly or restrictions: disqualified by law.
through freely chosen 2 The Congress shall provide
representatives. (a) To take part in the conduct of a system for securing the
2 Everyone has the right public affairs, directly or through secrecy and sanctity of ballot
freely chosen representatives; as well as a system for
to equal access to public
service in his country. (b) To vote and to be elected at absentee voting by qualified
genuine periodic elections which Filipinos abroad. The
3 The will of the people shall be
shall be by universal and equal congress shall also design a
the basis of the authority of the procedure for the disabled
suffrage and shall be held by
government; this will shall be and the illiterates to vote
secret ballot, guaranteeing the
expressed in periodic and free expression of the will of the without the assistance of other
genuine elections, which shall electors; persons. Until then, they shall
be by universal and equal be allowed to vote under
suffrage and shall be held by (c) To have access, on general existing laws and such rules as
terms of equality, to public the Commission on elections
secret vote or by equivalent free service in his country. may promulgate to protect the
voting procedures. secrecy of the ballot.
History of Elections
three years.
over, and a resident of the Philippines for one year and in the
The following shall be disqualified from voting:
a. Any person who has been sentenced by final
judgment to suffer imprisonment for not less than one year.
However, he/ she may reacquire the right to vote upon
expiration of five years after service of sentence.
b. Any person who has been adjudged by final judgment
by competent court or tribunal of having committed any
crime involving disloyalty to the duly constituted
government such as rebellion, sedition, violation of the anti-
subversion and firearms laws, or any crime against national
security, unless restored to his full civil and political rights in
accordance with law: Provided, That he shall regain his right
to vote automatically upon expiration of five years after
service of sentence.
c. Insane or incompetent persons as declared by
competent authority
In addition, RA 9189 or the Overseas Absentee
Voting Law entitles all Filipino citizens overseas, not
otherwise disqualified by law, and immigrants and
permanent residents with affidavit of intent to resume
residence in the Philippines, to vote for elective positions in
the national level: President; Vice-President; Senators; and
Party-List Representatives
Election Process
canvass/consolidate results.
The law also provides for the following features of the
automated system: a) use of appropriate ballots; b) stand-
alone machine which will count and consolidate elections
results; c) provision for audit trails; d) minimum human
intervention; and e) adequate safeguard and security
Implementation of RA 8436 through Comelec Resolution
2. political machinery;