Lect2 3 DIP
Lect2 3 DIP
Lect2 3 DIP
Video Processing
Lecture # 2-3
coordinates. x
Another View – Representing Digital Images
35 45 20
43 64 52
10 29 39
Digitization Process – Requirements
Image digitization requires that decisions be made
regarding the
Values for M, N and for discrete intensity levels L
No restrictions placed on M X N except that M & N
to be positive integers
However, digital storage and quantizing hardware
considerations require number of intensity levels, L,
being an integer power of two i.e., L = 2k where k is an
It is assumed that the discrete levels (intensity) are
equally spaced and are integers in range [0, L-1]
Dynamic Range of Imaging System
Dynamic range of an imaging system
Ratio of the maximum measurable intensity to
the minimum detectable intensity level in the
Upper limit is determined by saturation and the
lower limit by noise (See Figure on next slide)
Dynamic range establishes the
Lowest and highest intensity levels that a
system can represent and, consequently, that
an image can have
The number of bits required to store square images with various values of N and k
The number of intensity levels corresponding to each value of k is shown in
Megabytes required to Store Images
for Various Values of N & k
Checkerboard Effect
Intensity (Gray-Level) Resolution
Intensity (gray-level) resolution refers to the
smallest discernable change in intensity level (gray-
level) and it depends upon
Number of bits per pixel
Color image has 3 image planes to yield 8 x 3 = 24
Considerable discretion regarding number of samples
used to generate digital image but
This is not true for number of gray-levels as due to hardware
considerations gray-levels are integer power of 2
Most common is 8 bits with 16 bits being used in some
Note that measuring discernable changes in intensity level
(gray-level) is highly subjective processes
Effects of Reducing Intensity
(Gray-Level) Resolution
When the number of gray level values are reduced,
very fine ridge like structures develop in the areas of
gray levels.
This effect is known as false contouring and is
caused by the insufficient number of gray levels in
smooth areas of the image.
Example – Effect of Varying
Intensity Levels in a Image
Figure 2.24(a) (next slide) is a 774 x 640 CT
projection image, displayed using 256 intensity
The objective of this example is to reduce the
number of intensities of the image from 256 to 2
in integer powers of 2, while keeping the spatial
resolution constant
Figures 2.24(b) through (d) were obtained by
reducing the number of intensity levels to 128, 64,
and 32, respectively
By observing Figure on next two slides, describe
the impact of varying intensity levels
Discussion on Example – Effect of
Varying Intensity Levels in a Image
Discussion on Example – Effect of
Varying Intensity Levels in a Image
Discussion on Example – Effect of
Varying Intensity Levels in a Image
The 128- and 64-level images are visually identical for
all practical purposes. However
32-level image in Fig. 2.24(d) has a set of almost
imperceptible, very fine ridge-like structures in areas of
constant intensity
These structures are clearly visible in the 16-level
image in Fig. 2.24(e)
This effect, caused by using an insufficient number of
intensity levels in smooth areas of a digital image, is
called false contouring, so named because the ridges
resemble topographic contours in a map
False contouring generally is quite objectionable in
images displayed using 16 or fewer uniformly spaced
intensity levels as the images in Figs. 2.24(e)-(h) show
Another Example – Varying Intensity
Level ( Gray Level) Resolution
Original (256 levels) 64 levels
4 levels 2 levels
Practice Question 4
Suppose that a flat area with center at (x0, y0) is
illuminated by light source with intensity
distribution 2 2
𝑖ሺ𝑥,𝑦ሻ = 𝐾𝑒−[ሺ𝑥−𝑥0ሻ +ሺ𝑦−𝑦0ሻ ]
Assume for simplicity that reflectance of the area
is constant and equal to 1.0 and let K = 255. If the
intensity of the resulting image quantized using k
bits, and the eye can detect an abrupt change of
eight intensity levels between adjacent pixels,
what is the highest value of k that will cause
visible false countering?
Solution Hints – Practice Question 4
(a) Image with a low level of detail (b) Image with medium level of
detail (c) Image with relatively large level of detail
Top row: Images zoomed from 128 x 128, 64 x 64, & 32 x 32 pixels to
1024 x 1024 using nearest neighbor gray level interpolation
Bottom row: same sequence as above using bilinear interpolation
Zooming – Bicubic Interpolation
Bicubic interpolation involves
Sixteen nearest neighbors of a point