Inhalant Anaesthetics

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Inhalant Anaesthetics

Dr.Kumari Anjana
Assistant Professor
Deptt. of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology
Bihar Veterinary College, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna
• MAC: MAC is the minimum alveolar concentration;
the lowest concentration of the inhalant anesthetic
in pulmonary alveoli in producing immobility due to
surgical incision in 50% of the individuals.
• It is the measure of potency of inhalation
• The anaesthetic potency of an inhaled anaesthetic is
inversely related to MAC.
• Potency = 1/MAC; i.e. an agent having low anaesthetic
potency will have a high MAC value and vice-versa.

Classification of Inhalational Anaesthetics:

Gaseous agents:
Nitrous oxide and Cyclopropane.

Volatile liquids:
Methoxyflurane, Halothane, Ether, Chloroform,
Enflurane, Isoflurane, Desflurane, Sevoflurane.
Blood: Gas Partition Coefficient:
 The blood/ gas solubility is a measure of the
speed of anaesthetic induction, recovery and
change of anaesthetic levels.
 Lower the blood/ gas partition coefficient, the
more rapid the anaesthetic induction or rate of
change of anaesthetic level in response to a
stepwise change in anaesthetic delivery.
Oil: Gas Partition Coefficient:

 A measure of fat solubility, determines the

potency of an anaesthetic and also influences
the kinetics of its distribution in the body, the
main effect being that high lipid solubility delays
recovery from anaesthesia.
Volatile Anaesthetics
Parameter Ether Halothane Methoxyflurane
Properties Characteristic oduour and Characteristic sweetish Characteristic pungent
sweetish taste. Oxidizes to odour. Decomposes odour. Decomposes upon
peroxides (irritate resp. upon exposure to exposure to sunlight.
tract) upon exposure to sunlight (0.10% thymol Butylated
moisture. is added as hydroxytoulene is added
preservative). as preservative.
MAC (%) 3 Least potent. 0.75-1.20. 0.23

Slow induction Induction 3-5 min Slow induction (10 min)

CNS All stages are seen Stage II bypassed Stage II bypassed
CVS Induction- release of Direct myocardial No change in heart rate
adrenaline: increase in heart depression (reducing or mild tachycardia.
rate & BP. Stage III: Fall in intracellutar Ca++). Adrenaline can induce
Respiration Initial stimulation Depression with increase in Initial stimulation
followed by progressive duration of anaethesia, may followed by progressive
depression. Increase develop acidosis. depression with increase
bronchial secretion. in anaethesia.

SK. Muscle Sig. effect. Dose of dTC Low to satisfactory relaxation. Adequate relaxation dTC
relaxation to be reduced to one- dTC can be used if needed. can be used if needed.
Liver Prolonged anesthesia Hepatotoxic like chloroform No significant effect
lowers liver glycogen.
Not hepatotoxic
Kidney Long duration: No significant effect No significant effect
oliguria/anuria due to
ADH release
Body Hypothermia Malignant hyperthermia in pig Hypothermia
Temperature and horse (persisten muscle
contraction due release of Ca++
Foetus & No significant effect Reduce uterine Reduce uterine
Uterus contractions. contractions
Neutralizes oxytocin. Neutralizes oxytocin.
Readily crosses placenta. Readily crosses placenta.
GIT Nauses & vomition common No vomition during Nauses & vomition
during induction or recovery. induction or recovery. common during induction
or recovery
Merits Safest in small animals with Potent; used in small or Most potent.
proper premedication. large animals; rapid Can be used in small or
Ready control of anaethesia. induction (3-5 min) & large animals.
recovery (10-15 min):
Good analgesia, muscle Excellent muscle
nonirritant, ready control
relaxation. Cheap. relaxation and analgesia.
of anaesthesia (low blood
No costly equipment is needed. solubility), nonflammable Nonflammable.
& nonexplosive
Demerits Highly flammable. Difficult to Resp. and cardiac Easy control of
use in hot climate. irritant to depression and poor anaesthesia not possible
resp. tract. Delayed induction muscle relaxation and (high blood solubility).
without proper premedication analgesia. Malignant
Recovery prolonged.
hyperthermia in pig and
horse. Poor vaporization.

Expensive (requires Needs close circuit

closed circuit apparatus) apparatus

Contra- Aminoglycoside antibiotics Aminoglycoside Noradrenalin or

(synergistic curariform effect) antibiotics (synergistic epinephrine without
curariform effect), premedication
catecholamine’s and Ca
Channel blockers. CHF
Uses Not used in human or vety, Used in small and large Used in small or large
surgery. (horse) animals, mainly animal surgery for
for maintenance (2-8 induction (3%
Mainly use in lab animals for
ml/45 kg/hr) of MF+N2O(70%)+O2(27%)
surgery or euthanasia
anaesthesia with NO , and maintenance (2-3%)
 A colorless, pungent, nonflammable volatile liquid, chemically related
to methoxyflurane.
 The most frequently used potent anaesthetic in human surgery.
 It is classified as a convulsive anaesthetic (epilepsy like seizures;
disscociative-cataleptic anaesthesia).
 Its MAC for horse is 2.12%.
 It causes CNS excitation in dogs causing muscular twitching (face,
neck, limb and abdomen) if diazepam preanaethesia is not given.
 In comparison to halothane this does not sensitize heart to
catecholamine’s and has more depressant action on respiration and
better muscle relaxation.
 Though an isomer of enflurane does not cause
CNS excitation.
 It is about one and half times more potent than
 MAC 1.3%.
 It provides satisfactory skeletal muscle
relaxation (synergistic neuromuscular blockade
with curariform agents).
 It is replaced by other safer anaesthetics, sometimes used for euthanasia.
 Its use is associated with risk of death of the animal during induction, prolonged
anaesthesia and during post-anaesthetic period.
 During induction majority of deaths occur due to direct toxic effect on heart.
 During stage I the animal tries to avoid inhaling chloroform vapours by temporary breath-
holding, which is followed by reflex deep breathing taking a high concentration of
chloroform vapours into lungs, from there through pulmonary veins into the heart, causing
ventricular fibrillation and/or cardiac arrest.
 Cardiac toxicity may be avoided by proper premedication (sedatives) and slow
administration of chloroform.
 Prolonged surgical anaesthesia may cause respiratory failure due depression of medullary
respiratory centre.
 exposure to air and light chloroform gets oxidized to phosgene gas (a marked lung
 Phosgene formation is prevented by adding ethyl alcohol @ 1 per cent.
Nitrous Oxide (N2O; Laughing gas)
 It is discovered by joseph Priestly (1772).
 It is a colorless nonirritating and nonflammable gas.
 It causes excitement, delirium and amnesia in humans,
hence the name laughing gas.
 Has very low anaesthetic potency (MAC 188 (cat) 255 (dog)
%) and hence must be combined with other inhalation
anaesthetics (halothane or methoxyflurone).
 It has good analgesic, but poor muscle relaxant effects.
 To avoid hypoxia, it is used in combination with oxygen
(nitrous oxide 70% oxygen 25%) and other inhalation
anaesthetic (0.2 – 2%).
 Colorless gas with a characteristic odour.
 It can be used in small animal surgery of short duration
after diluting with oxygen (4 times) through a closed
circuit system.
 Morphine premedication and catechloamines are
contraindicated due to marked respiratory depression
and cardiac arrhythmic respectively.
 It causes adequate skeletal muscle relaxation. It
forms flammable mixture with air.
Thank You

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