Inhalant Anaesthetics
Inhalant Anaesthetics
Inhalant Anaesthetics
Dr.Kumari Anjana
Assistant Professor
Deptt. of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology
Bihar Veterinary College, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna
• MAC: MAC is the minimum alveolar concentration;
the lowest concentration of the inhalant anesthetic
in pulmonary alveoli in producing immobility due to
surgical incision in 50% of the individuals.
• It is the measure of potency of inhalation
• The anaesthetic potency of an inhaled anaesthetic is
inversely related to MAC.
• Potency = 1/MAC; i.e. an agent having low anaesthetic
potency will have a high MAC value and vice-versa.
Gaseous agents:
Nitrous oxide and Cyclopropane.
Volatile liquids:
Methoxyflurane, Halothane, Ether, Chloroform,
Enflurane, Isoflurane, Desflurane, Sevoflurane.
Blood: Gas Partition Coefficient:
The blood/ gas solubility is a measure of the
speed of anaesthetic induction, recovery and
change of anaesthetic levels.
Lower the blood/ gas partition coefficient, the
more rapid the anaesthetic induction or rate of
change of anaesthetic level in response to a
stepwise change in anaesthetic delivery.
Oil: Gas Partition Coefficient:
SK. Muscle Sig. effect. Dose of dTC Low to satisfactory relaxation. Adequate relaxation dTC
relaxation to be reduced to one- dTC can be used if needed. can be used if needed.
Liver Prolonged anesthesia Hepatotoxic like chloroform No significant effect
lowers liver glycogen.
Not hepatotoxic
Kidney Long duration: No significant effect No significant effect
oliguria/anuria due to
ADH release
Body Hypothermia Malignant hyperthermia in pig Hypothermia
Temperature and horse (persisten muscle
contraction due release of Ca++
Foetus & No significant effect Reduce uterine Reduce uterine
Uterus contractions. contractions
Neutralizes oxytocin. Neutralizes oxytocin.
Readily crosses placenta. Readily crosses placenta.
GIT Nauses & vomition common No vomition during Nauses & vomition
during induction or recovery. induction or recovery. common during induction
or recovery
Merits Safest in small animals with Potent; used in small or Most potent.
proper premedication. large animals; rapid Can be used in small or
Ready control of anaethesia. induction (3-5 min) & large animals.
recovery (10-15 min):
Good analgesia, muscle Excellent muscle
nonirritant, ready control
relaxation. Cheap. relaxation and analgesia.
of anaesthesia (low blood
No costly equipment is needed. solubility), nonflammable Nonflammable.
& nonexplosive
Demerits Highly flammable. Difficult to Resp. and cardiac Easy control of
use in hot climate. irritant to depression and poor anaesthesia not possible
resp. tract. Delayed induction muscle relaxation and (high blood solubility).
without proper premedication analgesia. Malignant
Recovery prolonged.
hyperthermia in pig and
horse. Poor vaporization.