Plastic Waste Management Rule 2016

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Prepared by: 1. Vadadoriya Shahil A.

2. Valodra Nishtha
3. Vispute Gurudas
• [Published in the Gazette of India, Part-II,
Section-3, Sub-section (i)]
Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change New Delhi, the 18th March,
Need of plastic waste
management rule
• Plastic pollutes beaches and oceans.
• Plastic bag litters the landscape.
• Plastic kills animal.
• Disposing plastic in to water risks in marine
• Burned plastic releases poisonous chemical in
the air.
• In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 3,6 and 25
of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, and in
supersession of the Plastic Waste (Management and
Handling ) Rules, 2011, except as respects things done or
omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central
Government hereby makes the following rules, namely:-
1. Short title and commencement.-
(1)These rules shall be called the Plastic Waste
Management Rules, 2016.
(1) These rules shall apply to every waste generator, local body,
Gram Panchayat, manufacturer, Importers and producer.
(2) The rule 4 shall not apply to the export oriented units or
units in special economic zones, notified by the Central
Government, manufacturing their products against an order for
export: Provide this exemption shall not apply to units engaged
in packaging of gutkha, tobacco and pan masala and also to any
surplus or rejects, left over products and the like.
 “compostable plastics” mean plastic that undergoes degradation by
biological processes during composting to yield CO2 , water,
inorganic compounds and biomass at a rate consistent with other
known compostable materials, excluding conventional petro-based
plastics, and does not leave visible, toxic residue.
 “extended producer’s responsibility” means the responsibility of a
producer for the environmentally sound management of the product
until the end of its life.
 “institutional waste generator” means and includes occupier of the
institutional buildings such as building occupied by Central
Government Departments, State Government Departments, public or
private sector companies, hospitals, schools, colleges, universities or
other places of education, organization, academy, hotels, restaurants,
malls and shopping complexes.
 “multi-layered packaging” means any material used or to be used for
packaging and having at least one layer of plastic as the main
ingredients in combination with one or more layers of materials such
as paper, paper board, polymeric materials, metalized layers or
aluminium foil, either in the form of a laminate or co-extruded
 “plastic” means material which contains as an essential ingredient a
high polymer such as polyethylene terephthalate, high density
polyethylene, Vinyl, low density polyethylene, polypropylene,
polystyrene resins, multi-materials like acrylonitrile butadiene styrene,
polyphenylene oxide, polycarbonate, Polybutylene terephthalate.
 “producer” means persons engaged in manufacture or import of carry
bags or multilayered packaging or plastic sheets or like, and includes
industries or individuals using plastic sheets or like or covers made of
plastic sheets or multilayered packaging for packaging or wrapping the
 “street vendor” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause
(l) of sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Street Vendors (Protection of
Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014 (7 of 2014).
 “virgin plastic” means plastic material which has not been subjected to
use earlier and has also not been blended with scrap or waste.
 “waste management” means the collection, storage, transportation
reduction, re-use, recovery, recycling, composting or disposal of plastic
waste in an environmentally safe manner.
1) The manufacture, importer stocking, distribution, sale and use of
carry bags, plastic sheets or like, or cover made of plastic sheet
and multilayered packaging, shall be subject to the following
conditions, namely:-
a. carry bags and plastic packaging shall either be in natural shade
which is without any added pigments or made using only those
pigments and colorants which are in conformity with Indian
Standard : IS 9833:1981 titled as “List of pigments and
colorants for use in plastics in contact with foodstuffs,
pharmaceuticals and drinking water”, as amended from time to
b. Carry bags made of recycled plastic or products made of
recycled plastic shall not be used for storing, carrying,
dispensing or packaging ready to eat or drink food stuff.
c. carry bag made of virgin or recycled plastic, shall not be less
than fifty microns in thickness.
d. plastic sheet or like, which is not an integral part of
multilayered packaging and cover made of plastic sheet used
for packaging, wrapping the commodity shall not be less than
fifty microns in thickness except where the thickness of such
plastic sheets impair the functionality of the product.
e. the manufacturer shall not sell or provide or arrange plastic to
be used as raw material to a producer, not having valid
registration from the concerned State Pollution Control Boards
or Pollution Control Committee.
f. sachets using plastic material shall not be used for storing,
packing or selling gutkha, tobacco and pan masala.
g. recycling of plastic waste shall conform to the Indian Standard:
IS 14534:1998 titled as Guidelines for Recycling of Plastics, as
amended from time to time.
h. The provision of thickness shall not be applicable to carry bags
made up of compostable plastic. Carry bags made from
compostable plastics shall conform to the Indian Standard: IS
17088:2008 titled as Specifications for Compostable Plastics, as
amended from time to time. The manufacturers or seller of
compostable plastic carry bags shall obtain a certificate from the
Central Pollution Control Board before marketing or selling.
i. plastic material, in any form including Vinyl Acetate - Maleic
Acid - Vinyl Chloride Copolymer, shall not be used in any
package for packaging gutkha, pan masala and tobacco in all
Plastic waste management
(1) The plastic waste management by the urban local bodies in their
respective jurisdiction shall be as under:-
a) plastic waste, which can be recycled, shall be channelized to
registered plastic waste recycler and recycling of plastic shall
conform to the Indian Standard: IS 14534:1998 titled as
Guidelines for Recycling of Plastics, as amended from time to
b) local bodies shall encourage the use of plastic waste (preferably
the plastic waste which cannot be further recycled) for road
construction as per Indian Road Congress guidelines or energy
recovery or waste to oil etc. The standards and pollution control
norms specified by the prescribed authority for these technologies
shall be complied with.
c) Thermo set plastic waste shall be processed and disposed off
as per the guidelines issued from time to time by the Central
Pollution Control Board.
d) The inert from recycling or processing facilities of plastic
waste shall be disposed of in compliance with the Solid Waste
Management Rules, 2000 or as amended from time to time.
Responsibility of waste generator
1. The waste generator shall:-
(a) take steps to minimize generation of plastic waste and segregate
plastic waste at source in accordance with the Solid Waste
Management Rules, 2016 or as amended from time to time.
(b) not litter the plastic waste and ensure segregated storage of waste at
source and handover segregated waste to urban local body or gram
panchayat or agencies appointed by them or registered waste
pickers, registered recyclers or waste collection agencies.
2. All institutional generators of plastic waste, shall segregate and store
the waste generated by them in accordance with the Municipal Solid
Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016 or amendment from
time to time and handover segregated wastes to authorized waste
processing or disposal facilities or deposition centers either on its
own or through the authorized waste collection agency.
3. All waste generators shall pay such user fee or charge as may be
specified in the byelaws of the local bodies for plastic waste
management such as waste collection or operation of the facility
thereof, etc.
4. Every person responsible for organizing an event in open space,
which involves service of food stuff in plastic or multilayered
packaging shall segregate and manage the waste generated
during such events in accordance with the Municipal Solid Waste
(Management and Handling) Rules, 2000 notified vide
S.O. 908(E) dated the 25th September, 2000 under the Act or
amendment from time to time.
Marking or labeling
1. Each plastic carry bag and multi-layered packaging shall
have the following information printed in English namely:-
a) name, registration number of the manufacturer and thickness
in case of carry bag.
b) name and registration number of the manufacturer in case of
multi-layered packaging.
c) name and certificate number [Rule 4(h)] in case of carry
bags made from compostable plastic.
2. Each recycled carry bag shall bear a label or a mark
“recycled” as shown below and shall conform to the Indian
Standard: IS 14534: 1998 titled as “Guidelines for Recycling
of Plastics”, as amended from time to time.
NOTE: PET-Polyethylene terephthalate, HDPE-High density
polyethylene, V-Vinyl (PVC), LDPE- Low density polyethylene,
PP-Polypropylene, PS-Polystyrene and Other means all other resins
and multi-materials like ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene),
PPO (Polyphenylene oxide), PC (Polycarbonate), PBT
(Polybutylene terephalate) etc.
Each carry bag made from compostable plastics shall bear a label
“compostable” and shall conform to the Indian Standard : IS or ISO
17088:2008 titled as Specifications for “Compostable Plastics”.
Responsibility of retailers and street
1) Retailers or street vendors shall not sell or provide
commodities to consumer in carry bags or plastic sheet or
multilayered packaging, which are not manufactured and
labelled or marked, as per prescribed under these rules.
2) Every retailers or street vendors selling or providing
commodities in, plastic carry bags or multilayered packaging
or plastic sheets or like or covers made of plastic sheets which
are not manufactured or labelled or marked in accordance with
these rules shall be liable to pay such fines as specified under
the bye-laws of the local bodies.
Explicit pricing of carry bags
1. The shopkeepers and street vendors willing to provide plastic carry bags for
dispensing any commodity shall register with local body. The local body
shall, within a period of six months from the date of final publication of
these rules ion the Official Gazette of India notification of these rules, by
notification or an order under their appropriate state statute or byelaws shall
make provisions for such registration on payment of plastic waste
management fee of minimum rupees forty eight thousand @ rupees four
thousand per month. The concerned local body may prescribe higher plastic
waste management fee, depending upon the sale capacity. The registered
shop keepers shall display at prominent place that plastic carry bags are
given on payment.
2. Only the registered shopkeepers or street vendors shall be eligible to provide
plastic carry bags for dispensing the commodities.
3. The local body shall utilize the amount paid by the customers for the carry
bags exclusively for the sustainability of the waste management system
within their jurisdictions.

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