Renal Disease
Renal Disease
Renal Disease
- Biochemical abnormality that refer to an elevation of the
BUN & creatinine levels & is related to decreased GFR
- Causes
Severe edema
Acute renal failure
It implies a rapid & frequently reversible deterioration
of renal function.
2.renal insufficiency
the GFR is 20% to 50% of normal.
Azotemia appears, usually associated with anemia &
3. Chronic renal failure
the GFR is less than 20% to 25% of normal
Disruption volume & solute composition
patients develop edema, metabolic acidosis &
Overt uremia
90% of such kidneys are fused at the lower pole, & 10%
are fused at the upper pole
there are immature ducts surrounded by undifferentiated
mesenchyme, often with cartilage formation.
Cystic Diseases of the Kidney
Cystic disease of the kidney are heterogenous group
comprising hereditary, developmental & acquired
causes CRF
and has domains that are usually involved in cell-cell and cell-
matrix interactions
It is thought that the resultant defects in cell-matrix
interactions may lead to alterations in growth,
differentiation, and matrix production by tubular
epithelial cells and to cyst formation.
PKD2 gene, implicated in 10% of all cases, resides on
chromosome 4
Cysts are lined by cuboidal or flattened epithelium,
may have papillary projections or polyps
Clinical features
Polycystic kidney disease in adults usually does not
produce symptoms until the fourth decade
Heymann nephritis
It is an experimental rat model of GN that involves
immunization with renal tubular protein
immunized rat develop antibodies to a megalin protein
antigen expressed on visceral epithelial cells
The rats develop membranous nephropathy, resembling
human membranous nephropathy
shows granular mesangial and GBM IgG, IgM, and C3
In 50% it is idiopathic.
reveals linear staining in anti-GBM disease, granular
deposits in immune complex disease, and little to no
staining for pauci-immune disease.
Electro microscopy
classically exhibits distinct ruptures in the GBM
subepithelial electron-dense deposits can also occur in
type II disease
Clinical Course
All forms of RPGN typically present with hematuria, red
cell casts, moderate proteinuria, and variable
hypertension and edema.
In Goodpasture syndrome, the course may be dominated
by recurrent hemoptysis.
Serum analyses for anti-GBM, antinuclear antibodies,
and ANCA are diagnostically helpful.
Renal involvement is usually progressive over the course
of a few weeks, culminating in severe
Nephrotic syndrome
Certain glomerular diseases virtually always produce the
nephrotic syndrome.
electron microscopy
subepithelial GBM deposits is seen
Immunoflorescence microscopy
demonstrates diffuse GBM granular staining for Ig
and complement
Clinical course
This disorder usually presents with the insidious onset of the
nephrotic syndrome or, in 15% of patients, with
nonnephrotic proteinuria.
shows no immune deposits.
Electron microscopy
reveals diffuse effacement of the foot processes
(“fusion”) of visceral epithelial cells.
The cells of the proximal tubules are often laden with
lipid and protein, reflecting tubular reabsorption of
lipoproteins passing through diseased glomeruli (thus,
the historical name lipoid nephrosis for this disease)
Clinical course
Despite massive proteinuria, renal function remains good
reveals IgA, C3, and properdin deposition,
Electron microscopy
shows mesangial electrondense deposits
Clinical Features
Patients typically present with gross or microscopic
hematuria following a respiratory, GI, or urinary
Tubular and Interstitial Diseases
Two major groups of diseases
Ischemic or toxic tubular injury leading to acute tubular
necrosis & acute renal failure
Nephrotoxic ATN
Due to Drugs ( genta ,cephalosporin ,….) and toxins
Nephrotoxic ATN
acute tubular necrosis most obvious in the proximal
convoluted tubules
Clinical features
The clinical course of ATN may be divided into the
Initiation phase (up to 36 hours)
Dominated by the inciting event
there is a slight decline in urine output and a rise in
Maintenance phase:
This phase is marked by oliguria
salt and water overload,
hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, and rising BUN
Recovery phase:
This phase is heralded by rising urine volumes
(up to 3 L/day) with water, sodium, and especially
potassium losses (hypokalemia becomes a concern).
Cortical surface shows grayish white areas of
inflammation and abscess formation
patchy interstitial suppurative inflammation,
intratubular aggregates of neutrophils, and tubular
Complication-Papillary necrosis, Pyonephrosis and
Perinephric abscess
Clinical features
Onset is sudden with pain at the costovertebral angle ,
fever, chills & rigor
1.Reflux nephropathy
is most common
It begins in childhood, as a result of infections
superimposed on congenital vesicoureteral reflux and
intrarenal reflux
it can be unilateral or bilateral.
2.Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis
occurs when chronic obstruction predisposes the
kidney to infection
the effects of chronic obstruction also contribute to
parenchymal atrophy
Irregular and scarred cortical surface usually at poles
dilated ureter
these are composed of cuboidal cells arranged in
papillary formations, often with interstitial foam cells
and psammoma bodies.
Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma
5% of RCC