ATec 2048 - CH - 2

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Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics) (ATec 2048)

Chapter Two

Force systems

2.1. Introduction
2.2. Two Dimensional Force Systems
2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces
2.2.2. Moment and Couple
2..2.3. Resultants of general coplanar force systems
2.3. Three Dimensional Force Systems
2.3.1. Rectangular Components
2..3.2. Moment and Couple
2.3.3. Resultants
ATec 2048- Engineering Mechanics March 21, 2024 3

 A force has been defined as an action of one body on another.

 In dynamics a force is defined as an action which tends to cause acceleration

of a body.

 A force is a vector quantity, because its effect depends on the direction as

well as on the magnitude of the action.

 Thus, forces may be combined according to the parallelogram law of vector


 A Force has following basic characteristics

i) Magnitude ii) Direction iii) Point of application iv)
Line of action
 Force is represented as a vector and therefore force is
treated as a fixed vector. i.e an arrow with its magnitude.

 e.g. for the force shown on the right figure, magnitude of force is 4KN, direction is 40°
with the horizontal in fourth quadrant, point of application is C and line of action is AB.

When a mechanics problem or system has more than one force acting, it is known as a
‘force system’ or ‘system of force’.

A. Coplanar Force System

When the lines of action of a set of forces lie in a single plane is
called coplanar force system.

B. Non-Coplanar Force System

When the line of action of all the forces do not lie in one plane, is
called Non-coplanar force system.

1. Collinear Force System

When the lines of action of all the forces of a system act

along the same line, this force system is called collinear
force system.

2. Parallel Forces System


3. Concurrent Force System

 The forces when extended pass through a single point and

the point is called point of concurrency.
 The lines of actions of all forces meet at the point of
 Concurrent forces may or may not be coplanar.

4. Non-concurrent Force System

 When the forces of a system do not meet at a common point of
concurrency, this type of force system is called non-concurrent
force system.
 Parallel forces are the example of this type of force system.
 Non-concurrent forces may be coplanar or non-coplanar.

5. Coplanar and Concurrent Force System

 A force system in which all the forces lie in a single
plane and meet at one point, For example, forces
acting at a joint of a roof truss (see fig. on the right)
 P = External force
 F1 to F5 = Member forces (internal) RA and RB =
 C = Point of concurrency

6. Coplanar and Non-Concurrent Force System

These forces do not meet at a common point; however, they
lie in a single plane, for example, forces acting on a beam as
shown in Fig. at the right:

7. Non-Coplanar and Concurrent Force System

In this system, the forces lie in a different planes but pass through a
single point. Example is forces acting at the top end of an electrical
pole (see Fig. at the right)

8. Non-Coplanar and Non-Concurrent Force System

 The forces which do not lie in a single plane and do

not pass through a single point are known as non-
coplanar and non-concurrent forces.
 Example is the loads transferred through columns to
the rectangular mat foundation as shown in Fig. at the
2.2.Two Dimensional Force Systems

2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces

2.2.2. Moment and Couple

2.2.3. Resultants of General Coplanar Force Systems

2.2.1 Rectangular Resolution of Forces

 The vector sum of the components must equal the original vector.
 Thus, the force R in the Fig. at the right may be replaced by, or

resolved into, two vector components F1 and F2 with the

specified directions by completing the parallelogram as shown to

obtain the magnitudes of F1 and F2 .

2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces

 Components of a Force are not necessarily equal to the Projections of

the Force unless the axes on which the forces are projected are
orthogonal (perpendicular to each other).

 F1 and F2 are components of R. R = F1 + F2

 Fa and Fb are perpendicular projections on axes a and b,


 R ≠ Fa + Fb unless a and b are perpendicular to each other

2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces

 The two-dimensional resolution of a force vector is resolving a

force vector into rectangular components.
 It follows from the parallelogram rule that the vector F of the
𝐅 =𝐅 𝐱 + 𝐅 𝐲
Fig. in the right may be written as
 whereare vector components of F in the x- and y-directions.
 Each of the two vector components may be written as a scalar
times the appropriate unit vector.
2.2.1 Rectangular Resolution of Forces

 In terms of the unit vectors i and j of the Fig. at the

right, 𝐅 𝒙 =and
𝐅𝒙 𝒊 𝐅 𝒚 =𝐅 𝒚 𝐣

 Thus F is written as 𝐅 =𝐅 𝒙 𝒊+ 𝐅 𝐲 𝐣

 where the scalars Fx and Fy are the x and y scalar

components of the vector F.

 The scalar components can be positive or negative,
depending on the quadrant into which F points.
2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces

 For the force vector of the Fig. at the right, the x and y scalar components are both
positive and are related to the magnitude and direction of F by

𝐅 𝒙 =𝐅 cos 𝜃 𝐅 𝒚 =𝐅 sin 𝜃𝐅 =¿ √𝑭 𝒙
𝟐 𝟐
+𝑭𝒚 ¿ 𝛉 =tan −𝟏 𝑭𝒚

Conventions for Describing Vector Components

 When both a force and its vector components appear in a diagram, it is
desirable to show the vector components of the force with dashed
lines, as in Fig. on the right, and show the force with a solid line, or
vice versa.
2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces

Determining the Components of a Force

 Dimensions are not always given in horizontal and vertical directions, angles
need not be measured counter clockwise from the x-axis, and the origin of
coordinates need not be on the line of action of a force.
 Therefore, it is essential to determine the correct components of a force no
matter how the axes are oriented or how the angles are measured.
2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces

A Few Typical Examples of Vector Resolution in Two Dimensions

2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces

Determining the Components of a Force…Cont‘d

 Rectangular components are convenient for finding the sum or

resultant R of two forces which are concurrent.
 Consider two forces F1 and F2 which are originally concurrent
at a point O.
 Figure on the right shows the line of action of F2 shifted from

O to the tip of F1 according to the triangle rule.

2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces

Determining the Components of a Force…Cont‘d

 In adding the force vectors F1 and F2, we may write

𝑹=𝐅 𝟏 + 𝑭 𝟐=( F 1 𝐢 + F1 j ) + ( F 2 𝐢 + F 2 𝐣or)
x 𝑦 x 𝑦
R 𝑥 i + R 𝑦 j=( F1 + F 2 ) i + ( F 1 + F 2 ) j
x 𝑥 y 𝑦

 From which we conclude that 𝑥 R =F 1 +F 2 =∑ F x

x 𝑥
R 𝑦 =F 1 +F 2 =∑ F y
y 𝑦

 The term means “the algebraic sum of the x scalar components”.

 For the example shown in the Fig. above, note that the scalar component would be
2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces

2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces

Eg.1. The forces F1, F2, and F3, all of which act on
point A of the bracket, are specified in three
different ways. Determine the x and y scalar
components of each of the three forces.
2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces

( )

( )
𝐹 1 =600 cos 35 = 491 𝑁 𝐹 2 =− 100 ¿ − 80 𝑁 0.2
𝛼=tan −1 =26.6 0
( )
𝐹 1 =600 sin 35 =344 𝑁 3
𝐹 2 =100 =60 𝑁 Then, 0
𝐹 3 =800 sin 26.6 =358 𝑁
5 𝑥

𝐹 3 =−800 cos 26.60 =−716 𝑁

2.2.1. Rectangular Resolution of Forces

Eg.1. Alternative Solutions

0 0
cos 35 𝑖+sin 35 𝑗
𝐹 1=𝐹 1 λ 1=𝐹 1 =600 ( 0.819 𝑖+ 0.5735 𝑗 ) =491 𝑖+344 𝑗
√ ( cos 35 ) + ( sin 35
0 2 0 2
𝐹 1 =491 𝑁
𝐹 1 =344 𝑁

− 4 𝑖 +3 𝑗
𝐹 2=𝐹 2 λ2= 𝐹 2 =100 (− 0.8 𝑖+ 0.6 𝑗 ) =−80 𝑖+ 60 𝑗
√( − 4 ) + ( 3 )
2 2

𝐹 2 =− 80 𝑁
𝐹 2 =60 𝑁
𝛼=tan −1 ( )
=26.6 0
𝐹 3 =800 sin 26.6 =358 𝑁

𝐹 3 =−800 cos 26.60 =−716 𝑁

2.2.1 Rectangular Resolution of Forces

Ex.1: Combine the two forces P and T,

which act on the fixed structure at B,
into a single equivalent force R.
2.2.1 Rectangular Resolution of Forces

Ex.2: The 500-N force F is applied to the vertical pole as

shown. (1) Write F in terms of the unit vectors i and j and
identify both its vector and scalar components. (2)
Determine the scalar components of the force vector F
along the x’- and y’-axes. (3) Determine the scalar
components of F along the x- and y’-axes.
2.2.1 Rectangular Resolution of Forces

Ex.3: Forces F1 and F2 act on the bracket as shown. Determine the projection Fb
of their resultant R onto the b-axis.
2.2.1 Rectangular Resolution of Forces

Ex.4: The force F has a magnitude of 600 N. Express F as a

vector in terms of the unit vectors i and j. Identify the x and y

scalar components of F. Ans. Fx = 460 N,

F y =386 N, F= 460i - 386j N

2.2.1 Rectangular Resolution of Forces

Ex.5: The magnitude of the force F is 400 lb. Express F

as a vector in terms of the unit vectors i and j. Identify
both the scalar and vector components of F.
Ans. F=-346i + 200j, Fxi=-346i, Fyj=200j, Fx=346,
2.2.2. Moment and Couple

 In addition to the tendency to move a body in the direction of its application, a force can
also tend to rotate a body about an axis.

 The axis may be any line which neither intersects nor is parallel to the line of action of
the force.

 This rotational tendency is known as the moment ( M) of the force.

 Moment is also referred to as torque.

2.2.2. Moment and Couple…Cont’d

 Consider the pipe wrench of Fig. shown on the right, one effect of the
force applied perpendicular to the handle of the wrench is the tendency
to rotate the pipe about its vertical axis.
 The magnitude of this tendency depends on both the magnitude (F) of
the force and the effective length (d) of the wrench handle.
 A pull which is not perpendicular to the wrench handle is less effective
than the right-angle pull shown.
2.2.2. Moment and Couple…Cont’d - Moment about a Point

 Figure shown on the right is a two-dimensional body acted on by a

force (F) in its plane.
 The magnitude of the moment or tendency of the force to rotate the
body about the axis O-O perpendicular to the plane of the body is
proportional both to the magnitude of the force and to the moment arm
(d), which is the perpendicular distance from the axis to the line of
action of the force.

 Therefore, the magnitude of the moment is defined as M=Fd

2.2.2. Moment and Couple…Cont’d - Moment about a Point

 The moment is a vector M perpendicular to the plane of the body.

 The sense of M depends on the direction in which F tends to rotate the
 The right-hand rule, Fig. at the right, is used to identify this sense.
 The moment of F about O-O is represented as a vector pointing in the
direction of the thumb, with the fingers curled in the direction of the
rotational tendency.
2.2.2. Moment and Couple…Cont’d - Moment about a Point

 The moment of force F about point A in Fig. at the right has the
magnitude M = Fd and is counterclockwise.
 Moment directions sign convention, a plus sign (+) for counterclockwise
moments and a minus sign (-) for clockwise moments, or vice versa.
 Sign consistency within a given problem is essential.
 For the sign convention of Fig. at the right, the moment of F about point
A (or about the z-axis passing through point A) is positive.
2.2.2. Moment and Couple…Cont’d - Moment about a Point

Cross Product Approach

 The moment of F about point A of Fig. at the right may be represented by
the cross-product expression M=r x F
 where r is a position vector which runs from the moment reference point A
to any point on the line of action of F.
 The magnitude of this expression is given by*
Varignon’s Theorem
It states that the moment of a force about any point is equal to the sum of the moments of the
components of the force about the same point.
2.2.2. Moment and Couple…Cont’d - Moment about a Point

• To prove Varignon’s theorem, consider the force R acting in the plane of the body
shown in Fig. at the right.

• The forces P and Q represent any two non rectangular components of R.

• The moment of R about point O is

• Because , we may write

• Thus, the moment of R about O equals the sum of the moments about O of its
components P and Q. This proves the theorem.

The moment of R about point O in the Fig. at the right is Rd.

However, if d is more difficult to determine than p and q, we can resolve R into
the components P and Q, and compute the moment as
2.2.2. Moment and Couple…Cont’d - Moment about a Point

Eg.1 Calculate the magnitude of the moment about the base point O of the 600-N
force in five different ways.
I. The moment arm to the 600-N force is
1. By 𝑀=𝐹𝑑 the moment is clockwise and has the magnitude
𝑀 0=600 ( 4.35 )=2610 𝑁𝑚
II. Replace the force by its rectangular components
0 0
𝐹 1=600 cos 40 =460 𝑁 , 𝐹 2=600 sin 40 =386 𝑁
2. By Varignon’s theorem, the moment becomes
𝑀 0=460 ( 4 ) + 386 ( 2 )=2610 𝑁𝑚
2.2.2. Moment and Couple…Cont’d - Moment about a Point

III. Moving a force along the line of action

3. By the principle of transmissibility,
a. move the 600-N force along its line of action to point B, which eliminates

the moment of the component F2. The moment arm of F1 becomes

and the moment is 𝑀 0=460 ( 5.68 ) =2610 𝑁𝑚

b. Moving the force to point C eliminates the moment of the component F 1.

The moment arm of Fand

2 becomes
the moment is 𝑀 0=386 ( 6.77 ) =2610 𝑁𝑚
2.2.2. Moment and Couple …Cont’d Moment about a Point

IV. Using the vector expression for a moment, and the coordinate system
indicated on the figure together with the procedures for evaluating cross
products, we have

4. By Cross Product (Vector) Approach

𝑀 0=𝑟 × 𝐹 =( 2 𝑖+ 4 𝑗 ) ×600 ( 𝑖 cos 40 0 − 𝑗 sin 400 ) =− 2610 𝑘 𝑁𝑚

The minus sign indicates that the vector is in the negative z-direction. The
magnitude of the vector expression is 𝑀 0=2610 𝑁𝑚

1. For each case illustrated in Fig. below, determine the moment of the force about point O. use a metric system for
all others specified in imperial system, only replace a unit with metric unit.

Ans. 200 Nm⤸ Ans. 37.5 Nm⤸ Ans. 229 Nm⤸

Ans. 21 k Nm
Ans. 42.4 Nm

2. Determine the resultant moment of the four forces acting on the

rod shown in Fig. at the right about point O.
Ans. - 334 Nm or 334Nm⤸
3. Determine the moment of the force in Fig. below about point O.

4. Force F acts at the end of the angle bracket in Fig. below. Determine the moment of the force about
point O. Using Scalar and Vector Analyses. use the proper diagram for the methods of analyses.
 The moment produced by two equal, opposite, and non-collinear forces is called a


 Consider the action of two equal and opposite forces F and - F a distance d apart, as

shown in Fig. at the right.

 These two forces cannot be combined into a single force because their sum in every

direction is zero. Their only effect is to produce a tendency of rotation.

 The combined moment of the two forces about an axis normal to their plane and

passing through any point such as O in their plane is the couple M.

 This couple has a magnitude or

 Its direction is counterclockwise when viewed from above for the case


 Note especially that the magnitude of the couple is independent of the distance

a which locates the forces with respect to the moment center O.

 It follows that the moment of a couple has the same value for all moment

Couple…Cont’d - Vector Algebra Method
 With the cross-product notation of , the combined

moment about point O of the forces forming the couple of Fig. on the

right is

 where rA and rB are position vectors which run from point O to arbitrary points A

and B on the lines of action of F and - F, respectively.

 Because rA - rB = r, and therefore M can be expressed as

 Again, the moment expression contains no reference to the moment center O

and, therefore, is the same for all moment centers.

Couple…Cont’d - Vector Algebra Method
 Thus, M may be represented by a free vector, as shown in Fig. on

the right, where the direction of M is normal to the plane of the

couple and the sense of M is established by the right-hand rule.

 Because the couple vector M is always perpendicular to the plane

of the forces which constitute the couple, in two-dimensional

analysis the sense of a couple vector can be represented as

clockwise or counterclockwise by one of the conventions shown

in Fig. at the right.

Couple…Cont’d - Equivalent Couples
 Changing the values of F and d does not change a given couple as long as the product Fd remains

the same.

 Likewise, a couple is not affected if the forces act in a different but parallel plane. Figure below

shows four different configurations of the same couple M.

 In each of the four cases, the couples are equivalent and are described by the same free

vector which represents the identical tendencies to rotate the bodies.

Couple…Cont’d – Force –Couple Systems

 The effect of a force acting on a body is the tendency to push or pull the body in

the direction of the force, and to rotate the body about any fixed axis which does

not intersect the line of the force.

 This dual effect can be represented more easily by replacing the given force by an

equal parallel force and a couple to compensate for the change in the

moment of the force.

Couple…Cont’d - Force–Couple Systems
 The replacement of a force by a force and a couple is illustrated in Fig. below, where

the given force F acting at point A is replaced by an equal force F at some point B and

the counterclockwise couple M = Fd.

 The transfer is seen in the middle figure, where the equal and opposite forces F and - F

are added at point B without introducing any net external effects on the body.
Couple…Cont’d - Force–Couple Systems
 The original force at A and the equal and opposite one at B constitute the couple M =

Fd, which is counterclockwise for the sample chosen, as shown in the right-hand part of

the figure.

 Thus, the original force at A is replaced by the same force acting at a different point B

and a couple, without altering the external effects of the original force on the body.

 The combination of the force and couple in the right-hand part of Fig. above is referred

to as a force–couple system.
Couple…Cont’d - Force–Couple Systems
 By reversing this process, a given couple and a force which lies in the plane of the

couple (normal to the couple vector) can be combined to produce a single, equivalent


Eg.1. The rigid structural member is subjected to a couple consisting

of the two 100-N forces. Replace this couple by an equivalent couple

consisting of the two forces P and -P, each of which has a magnitude

of 400 N. Determine the proper angle .

Couple…Cont’d - Force–Couple Systems
Solution. The original couple is counterclockwise when the plane of the forces is viewed

from above, and its magnitude is

- The forces P and -P produce a counter-clockwise couple

- Equating the two expressions gives

- Since the two equal couples are parallel free vectors, the only dimensions which are

relevant are those which give the perpendicular distances between the forces of the

Couple…Cont’d - Force–Couple Systems
Eg.2. Replace the horizontal 80N force acting on the lever by an equivalent system

consisting of a force at O and a couple.

Solution. We apply two equal and opposite 80N forces at O and identify the counter-

clockwise couple
- Thus, the original force is equivalent to the 80N force at O and the 624Nm.
couple as shown in the third of the three equivalent figures.
Couple…Cont’d - Force–Couple Systems
Ex.1. Compute the combined moment of the two 90 N forces


(a) point O (b) point A.

2. Replace the 12-kN force acting at point A by a force–couple

system at

(a) point O (b) point B.

Couple…Cont’d - Force–Couple Systems
Ex.1. Compute the combined moment of the two 90 N forces


(a) point O and (b) point A.

2. Replace the 12-kN force acting at point A by a force–couple

system at (a) point O and (b) point B.

2.2.3 Resultants of General Coplanar Force Systems
Eg.1. Determine the resultant of the four forces and one couple which act on the plate
Solution. Point O is selected as a convenient
reference point for the force–couple system
which is to represent the given system.

= 148.3 N
2.2.3 Resultants of General Coplanar Force Systems

• The force–couple system consisting of R and MO is shown in Fig. at the right

• We now determine the final line of action of R such that R alone represents the
original system.

• and

• (132.4x - 66.9y)k=-237k , 132.4x - 66.9y=-237

By setting y = 0, we obtain x = 1.792 m, which agrees with our earlier calculation of the
distance b.
2. Force systems
2.3.Three Dimensional Force Systems


2.3.1 Rectangular Components

2..3.2 Moment and Couple

2.3.3 Resultants
2.3.1 Rectangular Components

Resolve Fh into
The vector F is Resolve F into horizontal
horizontal and vertical
contained in the and vertical components.
plane OBAC.
2.3.1 Rectangular Components

𝐹 𝑥 = 𝐹 cos 𝜃𝑥 𝐹 𝑦 =𝐹 cos 𝜃 𝑦 𝐹 𝑧 =𝐹 cos 𝜃 𝑧

𝑭 =𝑭 𝒙 𝒊+ 𝑭 𝒚 𝐣 + 𝑭 𝒛 𝐤
𝑭 =𝑭 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜽 𝒙 𝒊+ 𝑭 𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝜽 𝒚 𝒋 +𝑭 𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝜽 𝒛 𝒌
𝑭 =𝐹 ¿
𝑭 =𝐹 𝝀 Where λ

λ is the unit vector along the line of action of F and

are the direction cosines of F.
Force Defined by its Magnitude and Two Points on its Line of Action
Addition of Concurrent Forces in Space
𝑅=∑ 𝐹 𝑅𝑥 𝑖+𝑅𝑦 𝑗+𝑅𝑧 𝑘=∑ (𝐹 ¿ ¿𝑥𝑖+𝐹 𝑦 𝑗+𝐹 𝑧 𝑘)¿ 𝑅 𝑥 =∑ 𝐹 𝑥 𝑅 𝑦 =∑ 𝐹 𝑦 𝑅 𝑧 =∑ 𝐹 𝑧
𝑅=√ 𝑅 𝑥 +𝑅 𝑦 +𝑅 𝑧
2 2 2
cos 𝜃 𝑥 =
cos 𝜃 𝑦 =
cos 𝜃 𝑧 =

Example: A tower guy wire is anchored by means of a bolt at A. The

tension in the wire is 2500 N. Determine

(a) the components Fx, Fy, and Fz of the force acting on the bolt.

(b) the angles θx, θy, and θz defining the direction of the force.

Solution: From the given distances, we can determine the length of

the wire and the direction of a unit vector along it. From that, we
can find the components of the tension and the angles defining its
a) Components of the Force. The line of action of the force acting on the bolt passes through points A
and B, and the force is directed from A to B. The components of the vector AB, which has the same
direction as the force, are dx = -40 m, dy= 80 m, dz= 30 m
The total distance from A to B is

Determining the unit vector pointing from A towards B.

Substituting the expression for gives you

b) Direction of the Force.
2.3.2 Moment and Couple Moment
The moment about point O of a force F applied at point A is the vector product of the position vector r and the force
F, which can both be expressed in rectangular components.

The order of the vectors must be maintained because would

produce a vector with a sense opposite to that of ; that is, .

2.3.2 Moment and Couple
The moment about the point B of a force F applied at point A is the vector
product of the position vector and force F.
2.3.2 Moment and Couple Couple

(a) A couple formed by two forces

(b) a couple vector, oriented perpendicular to the plane of the couple.
(c) The couple vector is a free vector and can be moved to other points of
application, such as the origin.
(d) A couple vector can be resolved into components along the coordinate axes.
2.3.2 Moment and Couple Couple

(a) A couple formed by two forces

(b) a couple vector, oriented perpendicular to the plane of the couple.
(c) The couple vector is a free vector and can be moved to other points of
application, such as the origin.
(d) A couple vector can be resolved into components along the coordinate axes.

• A couple can be represented by a vector with magnitude and

direction equal to the moment of the couple.
2.3.3 Resultants

a. Concurrent, three-dimensional force system

2.3.3 Resultants

b. Parallel, three-dimensional force system

Chapter – 1: Basics of Statics

Qu A
es ny

A ny
R ef

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