Bobo Si King
Bobo Si King
Bobo Si King
Group 14
Executive Summary
Global food security remains a pressing issue in 2023, as it has for the past
few decades. Despite significant strides in reducing hunger and malnutrition,
there are ongoing challenges that need to be addressed. This report provides
an overview of the current state of global food security, highlighting key
issues, factors, and potential solutions.
Global Food Security
Global food security is the condition in which all people, at all times, have
physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet
their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. It
encompasses various dimensions, including food availability, accessibility,
utilization, and stability.
Current State of Global Food Security
Hunger and Malnutrition: While progress has been made in reducing global
hunger, around 9.5% of the world's population (approximately 768 million
people) still suffer from chronic undernourishment.
Obesity and Over nutrition: Paradoxically, the world is also grappling with the
growing issue of obesity and diet-related diseases. Poor diet quality and excess
caloric intake are leading to an increase in non-communicable diseases,
particularly in high-income countries.
Access to Nutritious Food: Millions of people worldwide lack access to
nutritious food, which is essential for proper growth and development. This
issue is exacerbated by income inequality and food deserts in urban areas.
Climate Change: Climate change is causing more frequent and severe weather
events, which impact crop yields and food production. It also disrupts supply
chains and can lead to food shortages.
Factors Contributing to Food Insecurity