Mod 2

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• HVDC Controls - Functions of HVDC Controls –
• Equivalent circuit for a two terminal DC LINK
• Control Basics for a two terminal DC Link
• Current Margin Control Method
• Current Control at the Rectifier
• Inverter Extinction Angle Control
• Hierarchy of Controls
• Should not be sensitive to normal variation in voltage and frequency of the ac supply system.
• Control should be fast, reliable and easy to implement.
• Should have continues range from full rectification to full inversion.
• Should require less reactive power inorder to have a good power factor.
• Under steady steady state conditions, the valves must be fired symmetrically.
• Should be able to limit the maximum current so as to avoid damage to valves and other current carrying
• Limit the fluctutations of current due to fluctuation of alternating voltage.
• It can be used for the protection of line and converter.
• The control of power in a DC link can be achieved through the control
of current or voltage.
• From minimization of loss considerations, we need to maintain
constant voltage in the link and adjust the current to meet the required
• This strategy is also helpful for voltage regulation in the system from
the considerations of the optimal utilization of the insulation
• It is to be noted that the voltage drop along a dc line is small compared
to ac line mainly because of the absence of reactive voltage drop
• The operation at minimum extinction angle at the inverter and
current control at the rectifier results in better voltage regulation than
the operation with minimum delay angle at the rectifier and current
control at the inverter

• The currents during line faults are automatically limited with rectifier
station in current control

• Principles of DC Link Control ,steady state equivalent circuit

• This is based on the assumption that
1) All the series connected bridges in both poles of a converter station
are identical
2)Both poles of a converter station have same delay angle
3) Number of series connected bridges in both stations are the same
Edr = (3√2/π) nb Evr cosαr ---- (1)
Edi = (3√2/π) nb Evi cosγi ---- (2
• Nb=number of series connected bridges
• Evr=line to line voltage of the valve side winding of the rectifier
• Evi= line to line vo;tage in the valve side winding of the inverter
• Er- voltage source on rectifier side
• Ei= voltage source on inverter side
• where Evr and Evi are the line to line voltages in the valve side windings of the rectifier and inverter
transformer respectively.
• From the above figure these voltages can be obtained by
• where Er and Ei are the AC (line to line) voltages of the converter buses on the rectifier and inverter side. Tr
and Ti are the OFF-nominal tap ratios on the rectifier and inverter side.
• Combining equations (1), (2) and (3),
• While there is a need to maintain a minimum extinction angle of the inverter to avoid
commutation failure, it is economical to operate the inverter at Constant Extinction Angle (CEA)
• This results in reduced costs of the inverter stations, reduced converter losses and reactive power
• However, the main drawback of CEA control is the negative resistance characteristics of the
converter which makes it difficult to operate stably when the AC system is weak (low short-circuit
• Constant DC Voltage (CDCV) control or Constant AC Voltage (CACV) control are the alternatives
that could be used at the inverter.

• Under normal conditions, the rectifier operates at Constant Current (CC) control and the
inverter at the CEA control.
Converter Control Characteristics
There can be three modes of operation of the link for the same direction of
power flow
System Control Hierarchy
• The master controller for a bipole is located at one of the terminals and is provided with the power
order (Pref ) from the system controller (from energy control centre).
• It also has other information such as AC voltage at the converter bus, DC voltage etc.
• The master controller transmits the current order (Iref ) to the pole control units which in turn
provide a firing angle order to the individual valve groups (converters).
• The valve group or converter control also oversees valve monitoring and firing logic through the
optical interface.
• It also includes bypass pair selection logic, commutation failure protection, tap changer control,
converter start/stop sequences, margin switching and valve protection circuits.
• The pole control incorporated pole protection, DC line protection and optional converter
paralleling and deparalleling sequences.
• The master controller which oversees the complete bipole includes the functions of frequency
control, power modulation, AC voltage and reactive power control and torsional frequency
damping control.
The valve group control performs
1. firing logic through the optical interface
2. valve monitoring
3. valve protection circuit
4.Commutation failure protection
5. Bypass pair selection logic
6.Tap changer control
7. Converter start stop sequence
8. Margin sequence
• The current or extinction angle controller generates a control signal Vc which is related to the
firing angle required.
• The firing angle controller generates gate pulses in response to the control signal Vc .
• The selector picks the smaller of the α determined by the current and CEA controllers.
• The operation of CC and CEA controllers is closely linked with the method of generation of gate
pulses for the valves in a converter.
• The requirements for the firing pulse generation of HVDC valves are

1. The firing instant for all the valves are determined at ground potential.
2. The firing signals sent to individual thyristors by light signals through fibre-optic cables.
3. The required gate power is made available at the potential of individual thyristor.
4. While a single pulse is adequate to turn-on a thyristor, the gate pulse generated must send a pulse
whenever required, if the particular valve is to be kept in a conducting state.
• The two basic firing schemes are
1. Individual Phase Control (IPC)
2. Equidistant Pulse Control (EPC)
Constant α Control
• (commutation) voltages are derived from the converter AC bus via voltage
• six gate pulses are generated at nominally identical delay times subsequent to the
respective voltage zero crossings.
• The instant of zero crossing of a particular commutation voltage corresponds to α
= 0 for that valve.
• The delays are produced by independent delay circuits and controlled by a
common control voltage V derived from the current controllers
Inverse Cosine Control
• The six timing voltages (obtained as in constant α control) are each phase shifted by 90 degree and
• The zero crossing of the sum of the two voltages initiates the firing pulse for the particular valve is
• The delay angle α is nominally proportional to the inverse cosine of the control voltage.
• It also depends on the AC system voltage amplitude and shape.
• The main advantage of this scheme is that the average DC voltage across the bridge varies linearly
with the control voltage Vc
1. Aggrevation of harmonic instability

2. Any distortion in the system voltage leads to perturbations in the

zero crossing which affects firing pulse

3.This generates non characteristics harmonics

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