Diss Week 5

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WEEK 5: Concepts and

Principles of the Major

Social Sciences Theories:
Structural Functionalism,
Marxism, and Symbolic
Vocabulary List

1.) Class- a group of people within society who have the same economic
and social position
2.) Dialectical- discovering what is true by considering opposite theories
3.) Equilibrium- a state of balance
4.) Evolutionary- involving a gradual process of change and
5.) Function- the natural process (of something) or the duty (of a
6.) Functionalism- the principle that the most important thing about an
object such as a building is its use rather than what it looks like
7.) Historical- connected with studying or representing things from the
Vocabulary List

8.) Interaction- an occasion when two or more people or things

communicate with or react to each other
9.) Latent- present but needing particular conditions to become active,
obvious or completely developed
10.) Manifest- to show something clearly, through signs or actions
11.) Marxism- a social, political, and economic theory that is based on
the writings of Karl Marx
12.) Materialism- the belief that having money and possessions is the
most important thing in life
13.) Structural- relating to the way in which parts of a system or object
are arranged
14.) Symbolic- representing something else

-is a framework for building theory that sees society as a

complex system whose parts work together to promote
solidarity and stability. Economy, religion, politics,
education, and family are to be considered groups as a
major institution. Individual and group behavior, more
often than not, serves a FUNCTION for the larger
-according to functionalism, society is a system of
interconnected parts that work together in
harmony to maintain a state of balance and social
equilibrium for the whole.

-functionalists use the terms functional and

dysfunctional to describe the effects of
social elements on society.
Robert Merton identified two types
of functions.

1.) Manifest functions- are

consequences that are intended and
commonly recognized

2.) latent functions- are

consequences that unintended and
often hidden.
For example, the manifest function of
education is to transmit knowledge and skills
to society’s youth. But public elementary
schools also serve as babysitters for employed
parents, and colleges offer a place for young
adults to meet potential mates. The babysitting
and mate-selection functions are not intended
or commonly recognized functions of
education, hence they are latent functions.
5 situations an actor face according Merton:

1.) Conformity- occurs when an individual has the means and desire
to achieve the cultural goals socialized to them
2.) Innovation- occurs when an individual strives to attain the
accepted cultural goals but chooses to do so in a novel or accepted
3.) Ritualism- occurs when an individual continues to do things as
prescribed by society but forfeits the achievement of the goals
4.) Retreatism- is the rejection of both the means and the goals of
5.) Rebellion- is a combination of the rejection of societal goals and
means and a substitution of other goals and means

-is method of socioeconomic analysis that

uses a materialist interpretation of historical
development to understand class relations
and social conflict, as well as a dialectical
perspective to view social transformation.
Karl Marx (1818-1883) wrote
the Communist Manifesto
that shows the basic struggle
between classes and
recommends action against
the “specter” of capitalism
Friedrich Engels (1820-
1895) was a German
political theorist. He wrote
Das Kapital.

He wrote the Origin of the Family,

Private Property and the State,
presents the evolution of humankind
from primitive communism, to
slavery, feudalism, capitalism and
finally industrial communism.
-Marx and Engels examined the conflict
generated by the increasing wealth of the
capitalists (Bourgeoisie) at the expense of the
working class (Proletariat) who only sunk
deeper into poverty.
Historical materialism is a methodology used that
focuses on human societies and their development
through history, arguing that history is the result of
material conditions rather than ideals. It is principally
a theory of history that asserts that the material
conditions of a society's mode of production, the
union of a society's productive forces and relations
of production, fundamentally determine society's
organization and development.
-Theories in Social Sciences prioritize explaining how
society progressed.

*From primitive society, slavery, feudal society to capitalist


Production- basis of human society’s existence

Mode of Production (Instruments + natural resources

= means of production)
*labor force
*Society progressed so much alongside with it the modes
of production

Before, hunting and gathering society = everyone is

collectively helping (everyone is involved)

Egalitarian- principle that all people are equal and deserve

equal rights and opportunities
Mode of production shape society morality
and type of leadership they exhibit

Change in mode of production = forces a change in special


As results of these changes, the general tendency to

develop: expend/spend minimum , produce maximum
Mode of production/tools develop

Surplus of production (more output/products

are produced)

Allowed people to specialize thus creating

division of labor
For examples: conflict in material interest between farmers
and landlords

Landlords own most of the equipment and tools used in

farming, while farmers do not and just serve as their
workers. Both of them want to keep produce as much as
possible. This creates a conflict of material interest
between them.
What can we observe in this scenario?

It’s the rising and stagnant classes.

In today’s setting, we still see this disparity/material
conflict of interest in businesses.

Business owners keep their material interest in

lowering the wages of their employees because they
own the means of production, while employees (who
has the labor power in exchange for wage) seek to
have a higher pay).
Dialectical materialism is a philosophy of science
and nature developed in Europe and based on the
writings of Marx and Engels. Marxist dialectics
emphasizes the importance of real-world conditions
in terms of class, labor, and socioeconomic
*Dialogues between two characters (opposing)

*opposing/contradictory views emerge
simultaneously- the existence of one is dependent on
the other

For example: Scammer and its victim

Trafficker and exploited
Do you still remember what Rene Descartes?

“Therefore I think I am”

But Marx and Engels opposed this.

They said,

“I am therefore, I think.”

Engels said that thought is inseparable from matter.

They think that the mind is just the refection of the
world, rather than the world is just a reflection of the
Symbolic interactionism is a sociological theory that
develops from practical considerations and suggests
to people's particular utilization of dialect to make
images and normal implications, for deduction and
correspondence with others. This perspective relies
on the symbolic meaning that people develop and
build upon in the process of social interaction.
Symbolic interaction was conceived by George
Herbert Mead. He is the one who argued that
“people’s selves are social products, but that these
selves are also purposive and creative.

For example, studies find that teenagers are well

informed about the risks of tobacco, but they also
think that smoking is cool, they will be safe from harm,
and smoking projects a positive image to their peers.
So, the symbolic meaning of smoking overrides the
facts regarding smoking and risk.
The Three Basic Premises by Herbert Blumer (1969)
set out three basic premises of the perspective:

1. "Humans act toward things based on the meanings

they ascribe to those things." includes everything that a
human being may note in their world, including physical
objects, actions, and concepts. Essentially, individuals
behave towards objects and others based on the
personal meanings that the individuals have already
given these items.
2. "The meaning of such things is derived from, or
arises out of, the social interaction that one has with
others and the society." arises out of, the social
interaction that one has with other humans.

3. "These meanings are handled in, and modified

through, an interpretative process used by the person
in dealing with the things he/she encounters." We
naturally talk to ourselves to sort out the meaning of a
difficult situation.

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