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1.For creating database
Syntax:- create database employee;
2.For selecting database
Syntax:- use employee; Mysql 3. For deleting the database Syntax:- drop database employee; 4.For creating table: Syntax:- create table employee_table(id int not null auto_increment,emp_name varchar(25) not null,occupation varchar(200)not null,age int not null,primary key(id)); Mysql 5. For adding new columns Syntax:- alter table employee_table add salary varchar(25) not null; 6.For displaying employee table Syntax:- select * from employee_table; Mysql 7.For adding multiple columns Syntax: alter table employee_table add Email varchar(30) not null,add address varchar(200),add Department varchar(200); 8.For modifying column in the table Syntax:- alter table employee_table modify salary int not null; Mysql 9. DROP column in table Syntax:- alter table employee_table drop column address; 10. RENAME column in table Syntax:- alter table employee_table change column occupation designation varchar(23) not null; Mysql 11. Show/List Tables Syntax:- show tables from employee; 12.For Rename Table Syntax:- rename table employee_table to employee_details; Mysql 13.For inserting the values Syntax:- insert into employee_details values(1,"Divya","Lecturer",32,10000,' m','IMCA'); OR 14) Syntax:- insert into employee_details(emp_name,designation,age,salary,Email,’Dep artment)values('Kuldeep','Manager',21,20000,'kuldeep@gmail.c om‘,’MBA’); Mysql 15.For inserting multiple row Syntax:- insert into employee_details(emp_name,designation,age,salary ,Email) values('Jeet','Manager',25,120000,'' ), ('ramesh','Manager',26,120000,''), ('Rahul','Developer',32,500000,''); Mysql 16. For displaying values particular columns Syntax:- select emp_name,salary,Department from employee_details; 17.For displaying distinct keyword Syntax:- select distinct emp_name,salary,Department from employee_details; Mysql 18. Count functions Syntax:- select count(emp_name) from employee_details; 19.Using as keyword:- Syntax:- SELECT COUNT(emp_name) as Total_employee from employee_details; Mysql 20.Where condition:- Syntax:- select emp_name,salary,Department from employee_details where id=3; 21.Using and condition Syntax:- select * from employee_details where designation='Lecturer' and Department="IMCA"; Mysql 22.For or conditions Syntax:- select * from employee_details where designation='Lecturer' or Department="IMCA"; 23. Ascending order Syntax: select * from employee_details order by salary; Mysql 24.Decending order Syntax:- select * from employee_details order by salary Desc;