Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
The purpose of developing a new information system must be to produce
something that meets the needs of the people who will be using it.
In order to do this, we must have a clear understanding both of the overall
objectives of the business and of what it is that the individual users of the system
are trying to achieve in their jobs. Unless you are in the rare position of developing
a system for a new organization, you will need to understand how the business is
operating at present and how people are working now.
Many aspects of the current system will need to be carried forward into
the new system, so it is important that information about what people are doing is
gathered and documented. These are the requirements that are derived from the
'current system'.
The motivation for the development of a new information system is
usually problems with the current system, so it is also essential to capture what it is
that the users require of the new system that they cannot do with their existing
system. These are the 'new requirements'.
Current system
The existing system may be a manual one, based on paper documents,
forms and files; it may already be computerized; or it may be a combination of
both manual and computerized elements. Whichever it is, it is reasonably certain
that large parts of the existing system meet the needs of the people who use it,
that it has to some extent evolved over time to meet business needs and that
users are familiar and comfortable with it. It is almost equally certain that there
are sections of the system that no longer meet the needs of the business, and that
there are aspects of the business that are not dealt with in the existing system.
1.Some of the functionality of the existing system will be required in the new system.
2.Some of the data in the existing system is of value and must be migrated into the
new system.
4.The existing system may have defects that we should avoid in the new system.
Studying the existing system will help us to understand the organization in general.
Information systems projects are now rarely 'green field' projects in which
manual systems are replaced by new computerized systems; more often there
will be existing systems with which interfaces must be established.
For all these reasons, an understanding of the current system should be part of the
analysis process.
New requirements : Reasons to collect new REQUIREMENTS -
• The relative strength of national economies around the world can change
requirements of an existing system also.
• Mergers and demergers create the need for systems to be replaced. The
process of replacement offers an opportunity to extend the capabilities of
systems to take advantage of new technological developments.
Many organizations are driven by internal factors to grow and change the
ways in which they operate, and this too provides a motivation for the development
of new information systems.
Whether you are investigating the working of the existing system or the
requirements for the new system, the information collected for a developing new
system will fall into one of three categories:
1. ‘Functional requirements',
2. ‘Nonfunctional requirements'
3. ‘Usability requirements'.
7. Descriptions of the processing that the system will be required to carry out.
2. Details of the inputs into the system from paper forms and documents, from
interactions between people, such as telephone calls, and from other systems.
3. Details of the outputs that are expected from the system in the form of printed
documents and reports, screen displays and transfers to other systems.
Non-functional requirements are those that describe aspects of the system that
are concerned with how well it provides the functional requirements. These
include the following.
1.Performance criteria such as desired response times for updating data in the
system or retrieving data from the system.
3.Security considerations.
Usability requirements
Usability requirements are those that will enable us to ensure that there is a
good match between the system that is developed and both the users of that
system and the tasks that they will undertake when using it.
The International Standards Organization (ISO) has defined the usability of a
product as 'the degree to which specific users can achieve specific goals within
a particular environment; effectively, efficiently, comfortably and in an
acceptable manner'.
In order to build usability into the system from the outset, we need to gather the
following types of information.
2.The tasks that the users undertake, including the goals that they are trying to
3.Situational factors that describe the situations that could arise during system use.
4.Acceptance criteria by which the user will judge the delivered system.
Fact finding techniques :
There are five main fact finding techniques that are used by analysts to
investigate requirements.
4. Background Reading.
5. Interviewing.
6. Observation.
7. Document sampling.
8. Questionnaires .
1 Background reading
If an analyst is assigned within the organization that is the subject of the fact
gathering exercise, then he or she will already have a good under standing of
the organization and its business objectives.
If, however, he or she is going in as an outside consultant, then one of the
first tasks is to try to gain an understanding of the organization.
The kind of documents that are suitable sources of information include the
company reports,
organization charts,
policy manuals,
job descriptions,
Reports and
documentation of existing systems.
Reading company reports may provide the analyst with information about
the organization's mission, and so possibly some indication of future requirements,
this technique mainly provides information about the current system.
+ It also allows the analyst to prepare for other types of fact finding, for example,
by being aware of the business objectives of the organization.
Written documents often do not match up to reality; they may be out of date or
they may reflect the official policy on matters which deals differently in practice.
Appropriate situations
Guidelines on Interviewing :
Ask the interviewee if he or she minds you taking notes or taperecording the
interview. Even if you tape record an interview, you are advised to take notes.
Take responsibility for the agenda. You should control the direction of the
interview. This should be done in a sensitive way. If the interviewee is getting
away from the subject, bring them back to the point. If what they are telling you is
important, then say that you will come back to it later and make a note to remind
yourself to do so.
Use different kinds of question to get different types of information.
Questions can be open ended
After the interview :
Thank the interviewee for their time. Make an appointment for a further
interview if it is necessary. Offer to provide them with a copy of your notes of the
interview for them to check that you have accurately recorded what they told you.
Transcribe your tape or write up your notes as soon as possible after the interview
while the content is still fresh in your mind.
+ The analyst can investigate in greater depth about the person's work than can
be achieved with other methods.
Interviews are timeconsuming and can be the most costly form of fact
Interview results require the analyst to work on them after the interview: the
transcription of tape recordings or writing up of notes.
Interviews can be subject to bias if the interviewer has a closed mind about
the problem.
If different interviewees provide conflicting information, it can be difficult
to resolve later.
Appropriate situations
Watching people carrying out their work in a natural setting can provide
the analyst with a better understanding of the job than interviews, in which the
interviewee will often concentrate on the normal aspects of the job and forget the
exceptional situations and interruptions which can occur with the system and how
to cope up with those problems.
Observation also allows the analyst to see what information people use to
carry out their job. This can tell you about the documents they refer to, whether
they have to get up from their desks to get information, how well the existing
system handles their needs.
People who are not good at estimating quantitative data, such as how long
they take to deal with certain tasks, and observation with a stopwatch can give the
analyst lots of quantitative data, not just about typical times to perform a task but
also about the statistical distribution of those times.
Observation can be an openended process in which the analyst simply
sets out to observe what happens and to note it down, or it can be a closed process
in which the analyst wishes to observe specific aspects of the job and draws up an
observation schedule or form on which to record data.
This can include the time it takes to carry out a task, the types of task the
person is performing or factors such as the number of errors they make in using
the existing system as a baseline for usability design.
Advantages and disadvantages
+ Observation of people at work provides first hand experience of the way that the
current system operates.
+ Data are collected in real time and can have a high level of validity if care is taken in
how the technique is used.
+ Observation can be used to verify information from other sources or to look for
exceptions to the standard procedure.
+ Baseline data about the performance of the existing system and of users can be
Most people do not like being observed and are likely to behave differently from the
way in which they would normally behave. This can distort findings and affect the
There may be logistical problems for the analyst, for example, if the staff to be
observed work shifts or travel long distances in order to do their job.
There may also be ethical problems if the person being observed deals with sensitive
private or personal data or directly with members of the public.
Appropriate situations
• Observation may be the best way to follow items through some kind of process
from start to finish.
4 Document sampling
Document sampling can be used in two different ways.
First, the analyst will collect copies of blank and completed documents during
the course of interviews and observation sessions. These will be used to
determine the information that is used by people in their work, and the inputs to
and outputs from processes which they carry out, either manually or using an
existing computer system. From an existing system, the analyst may need to
collect screen shots in order to understand the inputs and outputs of the existing
Appropriate situations
YES/NO questions only give the respondent two options. If there are
more options, the multiple choice type of question is often used when the answer
is factual, whereas scaled questions are used if the answer involves an element of
subjectivity. Some questions do not have a fixed number of responses, and must
be left openended for the respondent to enter what they like. Where the
respondent has a limited number of choices, these are usually coded with a
number, which speeds up data entry if the responses are to be analysed by
computer software. If you plan to use questionnaires for requirements gathering,
they need very careful design.
Advantages and disadvantages
+ If the questionnaire is well designed, then the results can be analyzed easily.
The term stakeholders was introduced to describe all those people who have
an interest in the successful development of the system. Stakeholders include
all people who stand to gain (or lose) from the implementation of the new
system: users, managers and budgetholders. Analysts deal with people at all
levels of the organization. In large projects it is likely that a steering
committee with delegated powers will be set up to manage the project from
the users' side.
Use cases, can be used to model requirements, but because they focus on
the functionality of the system, are not good for documenting nonfunctional
requirements. Jacobson suggest that the use case model should be used to document
functional requirements and a separate list of 'supplementary requirements' (those
not provided by a use case) should be kept. They say that together, the use case
model and the list of supplementary requirements constitute a traditional
requirements specification.
finally we can conclude, use cases can be used to model functional
requirements, but a separate list of requirements should be kept, containing all
requirements functional and nonfunctional for the system.
Where there is a relationship between a particular use case and a
particular requirement, this should be recorded. Moreover, some requirements
describe very highlevel units of behaviour and may need to be broken down into
lowlevel requirements that describe more precisely what is to be done. Any
database of requirements should make it possible to hold this kind of hierarchical
structure of requirements.
Sometimes the process of requirement gathering throws up more
requirements than can be met in a particular project. They may be outside the
scope of the project, too expensive to implement or just not really necessary at
this point in time.
The process of building a requirements model for a system involves
going through all the candidate requirements to produce a list of those that will be
part of the current project. The following Figure shows this as an activity
Project initiation
Requirements List
Use case diagrams show three aspects of the system: actors, use cases and
relationships of the system or subsystem boundary.
Staff Contact
Change a Client contact
Actors represent the roles that people, other systems or devices take on
when communicating with the particular use cases in the system. In the Figure
shows the actor Staff Contact in a diagram for the Agate case study.
Manager Assign Staff to work on
The campaign manager selects a particular campaign. A list of staff not
already working on that campaign is displayed, and he or she selects those to be
assigned to this campaign.
Alternatively, it can provide a stepbystep breakdown of the interaction
between the user and the system for the particular use case. An example of this
extended approach is provided below.
One way of documenting use cases is to use a template .This might include
the following sections:
• name of use case,
• preconditions (things that must be true before the use case can take
• postconditions (things that must be true after the use case has taken
• Purpose (what the use case is intended to achieve) and
• description (in summary or in the format above).
Two further kinds of relationships can be shown on the use case
diagram itself. These are the Extend and Include relationships.
Dependencies - a dependency is a relationship between two modelling
elements where a change to one will probably require a change to the other
because the one is dependent in some way on the other. A dependency is shown
by a dashed line with an open arrowhead pointing at the element on which the
other is dependent. There are many kinds of dependencies in UML, and they are
distinguished from one another using stereotypes.
Stereotypes - a stereotype is a special use of a model element that is
constrained to behave in a particular way. Stereotypes can be shown by using a
keyword, such as 'extend' or 'include' in matched guillemets, like «extend».
Stereotypes can also be represented using special icons. The actor symbol in use
case diagrams is a stereotyped iconan actor is a stereotyped class and could also
be shown as a class rectangle with the stereotype «actor» above the name of the
actor. So by stereotyping classes as «actor» we are indicating that they are a
special kind of class that interacts with the system's use cases. Note, however,
that actors are external to the system, unlike use cases and classes.
1. . «extend» is used when you wish to show that a use case provides additional
functionality that may be required in another use case.
In the following Figure , the use case Print campaign summary extends
Check campaign budget.
C ampaign
Manager check campaign Budget
This means that when an actor uses Assign staff to work on a campaign
the behaviour of Find campaign will also be included in order to select the relevant
The following Figure shows a use case diagram for the Campaign
Management subsystem with both Extend and Include relationships. Note that
you do not have to show all the detail of the extension points on a diagram: the
Extension points compartment in the use case can be suppressed. if you are
using a CASE tool to draw and manage the diagrams, you may be able to
toggle the display of this compartment on and off, and even if the information
is not shown on a particular diagram, it will still be held in the CASE tool's
Record completion of an
staff contact advert
For example, we may find that there are two use cases at Agate Assign
individual staff to work on a campaign, and Assign team of staff to work on a
campaign, which are similar in the functionality they offer. We might abstract out
the commonality into a use case Assign staff to work on a campaign, but this will
be an abstract use case. It helps us to define the functionality of the other two use
cases, but no instance of this use case will ever exist in its own right. This is also
shown in Figure .
Supporting use cases with prototyping
Prototypes can be used to help elicit requirements. Showing users how the
system might provide some of the use cases often produces a stronger reaction than
showing them a series of abstract diagrams. Their reaction may contain useful
information about requirements.
Revised Prototype
Interface for The
The information from this prototyping model forms part of the
requirements for the system. This particular requirement is about usability, but it
can also contribute to meeting other, nonfunctional requirements concerned with
speed and the error rate: it might be quicker to select first the client and then the
campaign from a shortlist than it is to search through hundreds of campaigns; and
it might reduce the number of errors made by users in selecting the right campaign
to carry out some function on.
Use case diagrams are used here to model the requirements for a
system. They can also be used earlier in the life of a project to model an
organization and how it operates. Business modelling is sometimes used when a
new business is being set up, when an existing business is being 'reengineered’.
In the examples that we have shown above, the actors have all been
employees of the company interacting with what will eventually be at least in
part a computerized system. In business modelling, the actors are the people and
organizations outside the company, interacting with functions within the
For example, The following Figure shows the Client as
an actor and use cases that represent the functions of the business
rather than functions of the computer system.
Sign Up client
Run Advertising campaign
for client
Invoice client
Requirements Capture and Modelling :
Requirements List
Project Initiation
document Requirements Capture
and Modelling Interface Prototype
Initial system
In this case we have not broken the activity Requirements capture and
modelling down into more detail, though it could potentially be broken down
into separate activities for the capture of the requirements (interviewing,
observation, etc.) and for the modelling of the requirements (use case modelling,
prototyping, etc.).
Here we used object flows to show the documents and models that are
the inputs to and outputs from activities, and swimlanes to show the role that is
responsible for the activities. In this case, one or more people in the role of
Requirements Team will carry out this activity. In a small project, this may be
one person, who carries out many other analysis and design activities.
Agate ltd Case Study Requirements Model
Requirements List :
The Requirements List includes a column to show which use cases provide the
functionality of each requirement. This Requirements List includes some use cases
in the use case model. Use cases are :
1.Add a new client
2. Add a new Campaign
3.Record completion of campaign
4. Record Client Payment
5.Assign staff to work on campaign
6.Assign a Staff contact.
7.Check campaign Budget
8.Create Concept Note
9. Browse Concept Notes
10. Add a new Advert to a campaign,record completion of campaign
11. Add a new Advert to a campaign
12.Add a new member of staff
13.Add a new staff Grade,change the rate for a staff grade
14. Change the grade for a member of staff
15.Calculate staff bonuses
Add a new staff Grade
Add a new advert to a Manager
Assign a staff contact
Advert Preparation
Browse concept Notes
In the second, it will shift to analysis, but some requirements capture and
modelling activities may still take place – Means Adding Additional Use cases
and Developing Prototypes.
Requirements Team
Requirements List
Project Initiation
document Requirements Capture
and Modelling Interface Prototype
Initial system
Activity diagram to show the activities involved in Capturing
Requirements Analyst
Project Initiation
Prototype Designer
Activity diagram to show the activities in developing an
initial architecture.
Systems Architect
Develop Initial system