Mao Becomes Leaders
Mao Becomes Leaders
Mao Becomes Leaders
2. What were the most important events in Mao’s rise to power? Why?
(try to identify at least 3 events)
3. Why was China such an unstable nation in the early 20th century?
4. Why do you think that the Long March was later afforded such an
important place in Maoist propaganda?
• CCP Founded – In 1921, Mao attended the first meeting of the CCP,
where he was made Party Secretary for Hunan. He spent most of his
time in Changsha, distributing revolutionary literature and recruiting
people to communism.
Review – How did Mao become
leader of the CCP?
• Collaboration with KMT – In 1923, Mao was elected to the
Party Committee of the CCP and also to KMT Central
Committee, working to implement the United Front. He was
appointed to run the KMT’s Peasant Movement Training
Institute, organising Hunanese peasants and preparing them
for military activity in the Northern March.
• Long March – In Jan 1935, the Red Army captured the city of
Zunyi. It was here that Mao outmanoeuvred his rivals and
was elected Chairman of the Politburo – de facto leader of
both Party and Red Army. In Nov 1935, Mao was declared
Chairman of the Military Commission as well.
Review – How did Mao become
leader of the CCP?
• Yanan Years – In 1935-45, Mao consolidated his hold on the
Party further, using ‘Rectification Campaigns’ in 1942 to
purge and torture opponents and ‘Thought Reform
Campaigns’ to indoctrinate new recruits. Membership had
grown to 800,000 by 1940 and Mao was holding down
Japanese troops with his Guerrilla Tactics. With the defeat of
the Japanese in 1945, Mao was elected Party Chairman.