The document discusses software process workflows and engineering artifacts. It describes the five engineering artifact sets and seven major workflows of a software process. The workflows are management, environment, requirements, design, implementation, assessment, and deployment, which are performed concurrently with varying emphasis through a project's life cycle.
The document discusses software process workflows and engineering artifacts. It describes the five engineering artifact sets and seven major workflows of a software process. The workflows are management, environment, requirements, design, implementation, assessment, and deployment, which are performed concurrently with varying emphasis through a project's life cycle.
The document discusses software process workflows and engineering artifacts. It describes the five engineering artifact sets and seven major workflows of a software process. The workflows are management, environment, requirements, design, implementation, assessment, and deployment, which are performed concurrently with varying emphasis through a project's life cycle.
The document discusses software process workflows and engineering artifacts. It describes the five engineering artifact sets and seven major workflows of a software process. The workflows are management, environment, requirements, design, implementation, assessment, and deployment, which are performed concurrently with varying emphasis through a project's life cycle.
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Artifacts of The Process
Conventional s/w projects focused on the sequential
development of s/w artifacts Build the requirements Construct a design model traceable to the requirement &compile and test the implementation for deployment. This process can work for small-scale ,purely custom developments in which the design representation ,implementation and deployment representation are closely aligned . This approach is doesn’t work for most of today’s s/w system why because of having complexity and are composed of numerous components some are custom ,some are commercial products The Artifacts set • In order to manage the development of a complete software system, we need to gather distinct collections of information and is organized into artifact sets. • Set represents a complete aspect of the system where as artifact represents interrelated information that is developed and reviewed as a single entity. • The artifacts of the process are organized into five sets: • 1) Management 2) Requirements 3) Design • 4) Implementation 5) Deployment THE MANAGEMENT SET • Management artifacts are evaluated, assessed, and measured through a combination of • 1) Relevant stakeholder review. • 2) Analysis of changes between the current version of the artifact and previous versions. • 3) Major milestone demonstrations of the balance among all artifacts. Engineering Sets • The engineering sets consist of • The requirements set
• The design set
• The implementation set and
• The deployment set
Engineering Sets • Requirement Set – • This set is primary engineering context simply used for evaluating other three artifact sets of engineering set and basis of test cases. • Artifacts of this set are evaluated, checked, and measured through combination of following: • Analysis of consistency between the vision and the requirement models. • Mapping against the design, implementation, and deployment sets to evaluate the consistency and completeness and the semantic balance between information in the different sets. Engineering Sets Design Set – UML notation is used to engineer the design models for the solution. Design model information can be clearly and ,in many cases , automatically translated into a subset of the implementation and deployment set artifacts. The design set is evaluated, assessed, and measured through a combination of the following: • Analysis of the internal consistency and quality of the design model. Engineering Sets Translation into implementation and deployment sets and notations (for example,traceability, source code generation, compilation, linking) to evaluate the consistency and completeness and the semantic balance between information in the sets Analysis of changes between the current version of the design model and previous versions (scrap, rework, and defect elimination trends) Engineering Sets Implementation Set – • The implementation set include source code • Implementation set artifacts can also be translated into a subset of the deployment set. • Implementation sets are human-readable formats that are evaluated, assessed, and measured through a combination of the following: • Analysis of consistency with the design models • Translation into deployment set notations (for example, compilation and linking) to evaluate the consistency and completeness among artifact sets Engineering Sets • Deployment Set – • Deployment sets are evaluated, assessed, and measured through a combination of the following: • Testing against the usage scenarios and quality attributes defined in the requirements • Testing against the defined usage scenarios in the user manual such as installation ENGINEERING ARTIFACTS 3.ENGINEERING ARTIFACT Management Artifacts 4.PRAGMATICARTIFACTS 4.PRAGMATICARTIFACTS
• People want to review information but don't
understand the language of the artifact. • Many interested reviewers of a particular artifact will resist having to learn the engineering language in which the artifact is written. • It is not uncommon to find people (such as veteran software managers, veteran quality assurance specialists, or an auditing authority from a regulatory agency) who react as follows: "I'm not going to learnUML, but I want to review the design of this software, so give me a separate description such as someflow charts and text thatI can understand." 4.PRAGMATIC ARTIFACTS
• People want to review the information but don't
have access to the tools. • It is not very common for thedevelopment organization to be fully tooled; it is extremely rare that the/other stakeholders have any capability to review the engineering artifacts online.Consequently,organizations are forced to exchange paper documents. • Standardized formats (such as UML, spreadsheets, Visual Basic, C++, and Ada 95), visualizationtools,andtheWebarerapidlymakingitecono micallyfeasibleforallstakeholderstoexchangeinformatio n electronically. 4.PRAGMATIC ARTIFACTS • Usefuldocumentationisself-defining:It is documentation that gets used. • Paper is tangible; electronic artifacts are too easy to change. • On-line and Web-based artifacts can bechangedeasily and are viewed withmore skepticismbecauseof theirinherent volatility Workflows of the Process Software Process Workflows • In most of the cases a process is a sequence of activities why because of easy to understand, represent, plan and conduct. • But the simplistic activity sequences are not realistic why because it include many teams, making progress on many artifacts that must be synchronized, cross-checked, homogenized, merged and integrated.
• In order to manage complex software’s the workflow of the
software process is to be changed that is distributed.
• Modern software process avoids the life-cycle phases like
inception, elaboration, construction and transition. • It tells only the state of the project rather than a sequence of activities in each phase. Software Process Workflows • The activities of the process are organized in to seven major workflows: • 1) Management 2) Environment 3) Requirements • 4) Design 5) Implementation 6) Assessment • 7) Deployment • These activities are performed concurrently, with varying levels of effort and emphasis as a project progresses through the life cycle.
• The management workflow is concerned with three disciplines:
• 1) Planning 2) Project control 3) Organization • The term workflow means a thread of cohesive and mostly sequential activities. Software Process Workflows • Management workflow: controlling the process and ensuring win conditions for all stakeholders. • Environment workflow: automating the process and evolving the maintenance environment. • Requirements workflow: analyzing the problem space and evolving the requirements artifacts. • Design workflow: modeling the solution and evolving the architecture and design artifacts. • Implementation workflow: programming the components and evolving the implementation and deployment artifacts. • Assessment workflow: assessing the trends in process and product quality. • Deployment workflow: transitioning the end products to the user. Software Process Workflows Software Process Workflows • Key Principles of Modern Software Engineering: 1. Architecture-first approach: • It focuses on implementing and testing the architecture must precede full- scale development and testing of all the components and must precede the downstream focus on completeness and quality of the entire breadth of the product features. • Extensive requirements analysis, design, implementation, and assessment activities are performed before the construction phase if we focus on full scale implementation. Software Process Workflows 2. Iterative life-cycle process: • From the above figure each phase describes at least two iterations of each workflow. • This default is intended to be descriptive, not prescriptive. • Some projects may require only one iteration in a phase; other may require several iterations. • The point here is that the activities and artifacts of any given workflow may require more than one pass to achieve adequate results. Software Process Workflows 3. Round-trip engineering: • Raising the environment activities to a first-class workflow is critical. • The environment is the tangible picture of the project’s process, methods, and notations for producing the artifacts. 4. Demonstration-based approach: • Implementation and assessment activities are initiated early in the life cycle, reflecting the emphasis on constructing executable subsets of the evolving architecture. Software Process Workflows